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Scilab Guestbook

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Name Usage, comments and opinion
Juan Ortiz


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posted: September 22 1999 01:05 AM

Hola por recomendacion de un profesor de la universidad estamos conociendolos, espero que en el momento que tengamos un mayor conocimiento de ustedes los comentarios sean mas orientados hacia la ayuda que este nos proporcione. Gracias. Bye.
Roland Koberle


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posted: September 06 1999 10:41 PM

I hugely enjoy Scilab, although the whole window may diseppear, if you click on the Help button. I use it for data analysis and modelling in neuroscience.
Akio Yamaguchi


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posted: August 20 1999 10:23 AM

Scilab is not 100% compatible with MATLAB but it is very fine and FREE! I use Scilab as teaching material of the techinical training course of digital signal processing.
Scilab Team Comment:

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Dieter Kraft


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posted: August 18 1999 02:00 PM

Engineering and Scientific Computing with SCILAB is a cornerstone in the description of a very useful open computing environment. Where open has a twofold meaning: 1) the source is open, 2) the language is easily extensible Thanks -dk
Staffan Ringbom

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posted: August 18 1999 02:00 PM

My first feelings about Scilab in a Linux environment is positive. In my view it has a better user interface than Matlab or Octave. Tried to run some Matlab *.m files. Work fine immediately as the end-of-row-comments were edited to the appropriate "//" However, I had some installation problems on a WinNT 4.0. Also saw that you have the possibility to call external Maple with Scilab. Would it be hard to fix the same possibility to i.e. MuPAD? If yes, you would have an even better product, that could attract a nice critical user mass.