The open source platform for numerical computation
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Scilab GuestBook

Scilab Guestbook

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Name Usage, comments and opinion
Ron Bert

United States

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posted: March 10 2001 04:38 PM

Straight forward to learn and use. Has helped me numerous times to validate my requriments analysis for analytic implementations...Would like to see a more windowed mouse driven app...Exelent work...Thanks for letting me use it...
Lorenzo Moretti


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posted: February 27 2001 03:45 PM

Scilab is great! It's a complete free and open replacement for Matlab, and it works under linux too!!! I'm trying to introduce it to my university professors! Really a good job, thank you.
Gilberto E. Urroz

United States

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posted: February 27 2001 05:00 AM

I just finished writing a 1016-page book on SCILAB: "Numerical and statistical methods with SCILAB for Science and Engineering" Here is the outline: Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Methods with SCILAB (February 2001)
1. Introduction to SCILAB
2. SCILAB Programming, IO, and Strings
3. SCILAB Graphics
4. Vectors
5. Matrices and Linear Algebra
6. Solution of Nonlinear Equations
7. Numerical Integration
8. Data Fitting and Interpolation
9. Ordinary Differential Equations
10. Orthogonal Functions, Gaussian Quadrature, and Fourier Analysis
11. Partial Differential Equations
12. Optimization using SCILAB
13. Statistics / Probability
14. Random Variables
15. Probability Distributions
16. Statistical Inference
17. Regression Analysis
18. Time Series and Spatial Data Analysis
19. SCILAB/Matlab comparison
SCILAB is the best numerical environment I've come across. I'm trying to introduce it as our numerical environment in my department. Greetings,...
joshua okunor

United Kingdom

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posted: February 26 2001 09:23 AM

i would like to know more about scilab
Robert Perdew

United States

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posted: February 26 2001 01:34 AM

Turbo Wind Systems: Will be using Scilab in research and development of hybrid power systems.