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Scilab GuestBook

Scilab Guestbook

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Name Usage, comments and opinion
Adile Altintas


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posted: April 05 2002 04:20 PM

Hi,I have many problem by scilab.I try animation mobilerobot, but I can not programming for it.I dont know what I use.Can you me help?
Will Worms

United States

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posted: March 29 2002 05:05 AM

Good things just keep getting better. Such a great application, and free too! Magna cum laude!
Paul Magwene

United States

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posted: March 16 2002 08:35 AM

All I can say is "Wow!". What a wonderful environment for scientific computing. Cheers, Paul
Lokesh Thyagatur Siddaram


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posted: February 27 2002 02:25 PM

This is a wonderful tool, I Thanks all the contributors for their effort in building this tool.
Adam Bujonwski


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posted: February 14 2002 07:11 PM

I was looking for something matlab-like to set up students lab. I found it, I decided - i will use it. Mose comments and suggestions will come later. Looks very interesting, good job ! Nice visualisation !