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Scilab GuestBook

Scilab Guestbook

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Name Usage, comments and opinion
Paul Earwicker

United Kingdom

Research Center/University

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posted: October 13 2005 01:11 PM

Excellent tool which is gradually gaining users here.
Thank you very much
Vasil Stoyanov


Research Center/University
State University of Sofia

posted: September 14 2005 10:41 PM

I think that Scilab is the best choice for people who works in fractals and multifractals. 3D graphics and animation are very good too. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

John Lauck

United Kingdom

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posted: August 02 2005 12:03 PM

Great Program! I especially like the scilab linux combination. With Matlab being priced out of my range, this program does just about everything I want.

jay joshi


Research Center/University

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posted: August 02 2005 07:56 AM

Your Message
 As a student of computer application i have to study data communication as a part of my syllabus. and scilab has helped me a lot in learning the subject in depth.


posted: July 27 2005 12:24 PM

Bonjour tout le monde,

Je tiens tout d'abord à remercier l'équipe scilab pour leur travail.

J'essaye actuellement d'interfacer un code écrit en C++, cad , des classes C++ mais je n'arrive pas à le faire. Est ce que qlq'un à déja fait ce genre d'interfaçage? je sais qu'on peut intarfacer des librairies de fonctions écrites en C et en Fortran mais pour les Classes C++ je n'ai rien trouver sur la Doc du Scilab. Merci de m'aider SVP.