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List of Members

There are 25 members in Scilab Consortium.

AA College: A College: B College: C College:

New memberships:

The Scilab Consortium is very pleased to welcome
ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS as a new member


  • Since 1829, the Ecole Centrale Paris trains very high level engineers in general engineering.

    The School owns a research center of 380 persons, among whom 200 postgraduates and takes part in the poles of competitiveness of Paris and its surrounding area.

    With 1400 student-engineers, among whom 30 % of foreigners and 40% of double graduates, 180 permanent teachers, 1300 company lecturers and 80 associated companies, the Ecole Centrale Paris is a worldwide reference institution.

This new membership confirms both the policy of excellence and the European involvement of the Scilab Consortium.

last update: January 19 2007

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All the messages of the newsgroup are archived here.

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