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Scilab benchmarks

Tested on:
Intel Pentium iV 3.00 Ghz Hyperthreading
GenuineIntel x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1
1 Go Ram
Windows XP Professionnel Service Pack 2
including ATLAS Library

This benchmark is available on, a site dedicated to the distribution of various open source (free) scientific software. Please refer to this website to have more details about tests.

The tests were run 50 times and the mean value is recorded. See results to appreciate the improvements of the new Windows version 4.0.

Tests Windows
v 4.0 v 3.0
I. Matrix calculation
Creation, transp., deformation of a 1500x1500 matrix (sec): 0.409375 0.4453125
800x800 normal distributed random matrix ^1000 (sec): 0.15125 0.156875
Sorting of 2,000,000 random values (sec): 1.02625 1.15625
700x700 cross-product matrix (b = a' * a) (sec): 0.23 0.819375
Linear regression over a 600x600 matrix (c = a \ b') (sec): 0.10875 0.1875
Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 0.2423901 0.4089934
II. Matrix functions
FFT over 800,000 random values (sec): 0.58375 0.61
Eigenvalues of a 320x320 random matrix (sec): 0.34375 0.9303125
Determinant of a 650x650 random matrix (sec): 0.1121875 0.2121875
Cholesky decomposition of a 900x900 matrix (sec): 0.15125 0.304375
Inverse of a 400x400 random matrix (sec): 0.0984375 0.1584375
Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 0.1800090 0.3402668
III. Programmation
750,000 Fibonacci numbers calculation (vector calc) (sec): 0.28 0.295625
Creation of a 2250x2250 Hilbert matrix (matrix calc) (sec): 0.2690625 0.25625
Grand common divisors of 70,000 pairs (recursion) (sec): 0.3621875 0.5290625
Creation of a 220x220 Toeplitz matrix (loops) (sec): 0.5053125 0.6675
Escoufier's method on a 37x37 matrix (mixed) (sec): 0.734375 0.671875
Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 0.3714359 0.4708687
Total time for all 15 tests (sec): 5.3659375 7.4009375
Overall mean (sum of I, II and III trimmed means/50)_ (sec): 0.2530643 0.4031610
last update: April 12 2006

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