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Mixed Control

Consider the linear system

The mixed control problem consists in finding a stabilizing feedback which yields and minimizes where and denote respectively the closed-loop transfer functions from w to and . In [3], it is shown that the solution to this problem can be expressed as where X and L are obtained from the problem of minimizing Trace(Y) subject to:


To solve this problem with lmisolver, we define the evaluation function:

 function [LME,LMI,OBJ]=h2hinf_eval(XLIST)
and use it as follows:
--> X_init=zeros(A); Y_init=zeros(C2*C2'); L_init=zeros(B2')
--> XLIST0=list(X_init,Y_init,L_init);
--> XLISTF=lmisolver(XLIST0,h2hinf_eval);
--> [X,Y,L]=XLISTF(:)

Scilab Group