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Vandenberghe, L., and S. Boyd, ``Semidefinite Programming,'' Internal Report, Stanford University, 1994 (submitted to SIAM Review).

Boyd, S., L. El Ghaoui, E. Feron, and V. Balakrishnan, Linear Matrix Inequalities in Systems and Control Theory, SIAM books, 1994.

Khargonekar, P. P., and M. A. Rotea, ``Mixed Control: a Convex Optimization Approach,'' IEEE Trans Aut. Contr., 39 (1991), pp. 824-837.

Nikoukhah, R., Willsky, A. S., and B. C. Levy, ``Kalman Filtering and Riccati Equations for Descriptor Systems,'' IEEE Trans Aut. Contr., 37 (1992), pp. 1325-1342.

Scilab Group