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State-feedback with control saturation constraint

  Consider the linear system

where A is an and B, an matrix. There exists a stabilizing state feedback K such that for every initial condition x(0) with , the resulting control satisfies for all , if and only if there exist an matrix Q and an matrix Y satisfying the equality constraint

and the inequality constraints

in which case one such K can be constructed as .

To solve this problem using lmisolver, we first need to construct the evaluation function.

function [LME,LMI,OBJ]=sf_sat_eval(XLIST)
Note that OBJ=[] indicates that the problem considered is a feasibility problem, i.e., we are only interested in finding a set of X's that satisfy LME and LMI functions.

Assuming A, B and umax already exist in the environment, we can call lmisolver, and reconstruct the solution in Scilab, as follows:

--> Q_init=zeros(A);
--> Y_init=zeros(B');
--> XLIST0=list(Q_init,Y_init);
--> XLIST=lmisolver(XLIST0,sf_sat_eval);
--> [Q,Y]=XLIST(:)
These Scilab commands can of course be encapsulated in a Scilab function, say sf_sat. Then, To solve this problem, all we need to do is type:
--> [Q,Y]=sf_sat(A,B,umax)
We call sf_sat the solver function for this problem.

Scilab Group