GRASS GIS: Bug report System

This is the bugtracking system in support of the ongoing community development of GRASS GIS. Your bug report will be sent to our GRASS bugtracking system hosted by Intevation GmbH, Germany. Each bug gets a ticket number for further communication. The system allows to track the status of the bug or request.

Report form

Type of report:
Estimated priority:
Short description:
Your Email-address: (only used to keep you informed)

Describe your platform: If other platform, please enter name here:  
GRASS version (try g.version if unsure) (e.g. "6.0.0" or "CVS_releasebranch_11 checked out at 20020325"):  
Where did you get GRASS?      If not in list on left: where did you get GRASS?
Compiled from Sources
Downloaded precompiled Binaries
If you compiled the source code yourself: Make sure that it is clear from the description which source code (date/version) and additions you've used.

Your error report: So, what's wrong? Please describe detailed.

Thank you for your help! The entered bug will be forwarded to the issue tracker and the developers' mailing list. You can track its progress using the web-interface and the ticket number.


Note: It is possible to bypass this form and directly email to enter a bugreport.

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