Creating custom kernels with Debian's kernel-packaging system

Jesse Goerz


This document is intended to help Debian newbies use the kernel-packaging system to create custom kernels. Copyright © 2001 Jesse Goerz, NewbieDoc project. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found at the Free Software Foundation.

Thank you Erdmut Pfeifer and Oliver Elphick for your prompt responses to my questions about make xconfig on debian-user! I couldn't have completed this document without your help.

Thanks to Sebastiaan for pointing out that almost everything could be done as a regular user when you're a member of the src group. Thanks to Robert Voigt for actually following the instructions to the letter and relaying his test results by identifying specific weaknesses in this document.

Revision History
Revision v0.323 May 2001Revised by: jwg
Updated section on symlinks, program version checks, how to compile as a regular user rather than root, filled in the checklist, added troubleshooting section(needs work).
Revision v0.222 April 2001Revised by: jwg
Quick fix on grammatical and spelling errors.
Revision v0.121 April 2001Revised by: jwg
Initial release.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. What to install
3. Making sure you have everything you need
3.1. Adding user to group src
3.2. Setting up the source tree
3.3. Setting up the symlink
4. Configuring the kernel
4.1. make xconfig
4.2. make menuconfig
4.3. make config
5. Building the kernel image
5.1. Revisions
5.2. Flavours
5.3. Making the kernel image
6. What now?
6.1. Installing the debianized kernel
6.2. Clean up
7. Checklist
8. Troubleshooting