Man Scilab

Scilab Function

%helps - Variable defining the path of help directories


The global variable %helps is an N x 2 matrix of strings. The kth row of %helps , %helps(k,:) represents the kth chapter of the manual and is made of two strings:

%helps(k,1) is the absolute pathname for a help directory.

%helps(k,2) is a title for this help directory. For instance, for k=2, we have the graphics chapter %helps(2,:) .

The variable %helps is defined in the Scilab startup file SCI+"/" .

To add a new help directory, the user should add a row to the variable %helps . (One row for each directory).

For instance, %helps=[%helps; "Path-Of-My-Help-Dir","My-Title"]; enables the Scilab help browser to look for help manual items in the directory with pathname "Path-Of-My-Help-Dir".

"My-Title" is then the title of a new help chapter.

A valid help directory must contain:

1- A set of .html files (e.g. item1.html, item2.html etc). The .html files are usually built from XML files.

2- A whatis.html file, which must have a special format. Each row of the whatis must be as follows:

<BR><A HREF="item.html">item</A> - quick description

item is the item of the help, i.e. the command help item displays the contents of the file item.html .

The command apropos keyword returns the row(s) of all the whatis.html file(s) in which the keyword appears.

On Linux platforms Scilab provides a Makefile for transforming .xml pages into .html pages (see SCIDIR/examples/man-examples).

See Also

apropos ,   help ,   man ,  
