Man Scilab

Scilab Function

mode - select a mode in exec file

Calling Sequence



Used exclusively inside an exec-file or a scilab function mode(k) allows to change the information displayed during the execution, depending on the value of k :

k=0 : The new variable values are displayed if required (see help on semi or comma).
k=-1 : the exec file or scilab function executes silently. (this is the default value for scilab functions)
k=1 or k=3 : each line of instructions is echoed preceded of the prompt. The new variable values are displayed if required. This is the default for exec files.
k=7 : The new variable values are displayed if required, each line of instructions is echoed (if possible) and a prompt (>>) is issued after each line waiting for a carriage return.

line display is disable for compiled scilab function (see getf or comp)

See Also

exec ,   getf ,   semi ,   comma ,  
