Man Scilab

Scilab Function

or - (|) logical or

Calling Sequence

or(A), or(A,'*')
or(A,'r'), or(A,1)
or(A,'c'), or(A,2)


or(A) gives the or of the elements of the boolean matrix A . or(A) is true ( %t ) iff at least one entry of A is %t .

y=or(A,'r') (or, equivalently, y=or(A,1) ) is the rowwise or. It returns in each entry of the row vector y the or of the rows of x (The or is performed on the row index : y(j)= or(A(i,j),i=1,m) ).

y=or(A,'c') (or, equivalently, y=or(A,2) ) is the columnwise or. It returns in each entry of the column vector y the or of the columns of x (The or is performed on the column index: y(i)= or(A(i,j),j=1,n) )).

A|B gives the element-wise logical or of the booleans matrices A and B . A and B must be matrices with the same dimensions or one from them must be a single boolean.


or([%t %t %f])
[%t %t %f]|[%f %t %t]
[%t %t %f]|%f

See Also

and ,   not ,   find ,  
