Summary :
Version:        0.4.2					

Description :
Title:          ANN Toolbox for Scilab
Version:        0.4.2
Description:    Artificial Neural Networks Toolbox
                - Only layered feedforward networks are supported *directly* at

                  the moment (for others use the "hooks" provided)
                - Unlimited number of layers
                - Unlimited number of neurons per each layer separately
                - User defined activation function (defaults to logistic)
                - User defined error function (defaults to SSE)
                - Algorithms implemented (so far):
                   * standard (vanilla) with or without bias, on-line or batch
                   * momentum with or without bias, on-line or batch
                   * SuperSAB with or without bias, on-line or batch
                   * Conjugate gradients
                   * Jacobian computation
                   * Computation of result of multiplication between
		     "vector" and Hessian
Author:         Ryurick M. Hristev 
Maintained-by:  Ryurick M. Hristev 
Platforms:      Scilab 2.6
Copying-Policy: GNU Public License Ver. 2
Keywords:       neural networks, ann, toolbox

Corresponding Author : Ryurick M. Hristev
File Name : ANN_Toolbox_0.4.2.tar.gz

Your comments

Reviewer :
I needed to simulate and make some graphics of a neural network. First, I
thought about using GNU Octave but then I found  SCI Lab and this very useful
toolbox. I just love it! I DOES EVERYTHING I NEED!		

Reviewer :
I needed to simulate and make some graphics of a neural network. First, I
thought about using GNU Octave but then I found  SCI Lab and this very useful
toolbox. I just love it! IT DOES EVERYTHING I NEED!		

Reviewer :
I need it and it does it!		

Reviewer :
Indeed a nice contribution to neural networking. I am only a fresher to using
SciLab for Neural networking, and i view it as a great alternative to MATLAB!		

Reviewer :
A great work you have done.Keep up the good work. the contributions have been

Reviewer :
Could any one please guide me how to install ANN tool box on windows 98
operating system

Reviewer :
Dear Author, 

from this page I could only see the ANN_Toolbox_0.4.2.tar.gz which I guess is
mainly used on Unix/Linux, could you please tell me is there any other links
for windows Scilab user to download for your NN tools?
Best regards

Reviewer :
good luck 		

Reviewer :
is the windows version of ANN Toolbox available on net, plz let me know, i am in
need of it.		

Reviewer :
Thank you for this Toolbox.

Just somme comments for Windows XP installation with Scilab 4.0 :
Add "endfunction" at the end of every ./macro/ann/*.sci
Drag'n drop builder.sce on scilab application.
Add in "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Scilab\scilab-4.0" a file scilab.ini
where you just write the line :
exec 'C:\Program Files\scilab-4.0\ANN_Toolbox_0.4.2\loader.sce'

Enjoy it !!		

Reviewer :
can you please send me the link for downloading ANN toolbox for scilab-4.0 for
windows xp		

Reviewer :
Thanks to for useful feedback on XP install. Toolbox seems to
work in current Scilab version [4.1]. To enable help view for ANN functions I
had to convert the .man files to ascii format using the command ....

formatman('C:\Program Files\scilab-4.1\ANN_Toolbox_0.4.2\man\ann',"ascii") 

The HTML conversion mode didn't work for me.		

Current Rating : Number of Comments :12

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