# NAME Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::JMASLAK - JMASLAK's Plugin Bundle # VERSION version 1.210880 # DESCRIPTION This is Joelle Maslak's plugin bundle, used for her modules. If you're not her, you probably want to create your own plugin module because I may modify this module based on her needs, breaking third party modules that use this. All of the following are in this module as of v1.181840. It is somewhat equivilent to: [AutoVersion] [NextRelease] [AutoPrereqs] [ConfirmRelease] [ContributorCovenant] [CopyFilesFromBuild] copy = 'README.pod' [ExecDir] [ExtraTests] [GatherDir] [GitHub::Meta] [License] [Manifest] [ManifestSkip] [Makemaker] [MetaJSON] [MetaProvides::Package] [MetaYAML] [PkgVersion] [PodSyntaxTests] [PodWeaver] [PruneCruft] [ShareDir] [ReadmeAnyFromPod] type = markdown filename = README.md [Test::ChangesHasContent] [Test::EOL] [Test::Kwalitee] [Test::NoTabs] [Test::ReportPrereqs] [Test::TrailingSpace] filename_regex = '\.($?:ini|pl|pm|t|txt)\z' [Test::UnusedVars] [Test::UseAllModules] [Test::Version] [TestRelease] [UploadToCPAN] [Git::Check] allow_dirty = dist.ini allow_dirty = Changes allow_dirty = README.pod [Git::Commit] allow_dirty = dist.ini allow_dirty = Changes allow_dirty = README.pod [Git::Push] [Git::Tag] This automatically numbers releases. This creates a `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md` from the awesome Contributor Covenant project, a `Changes` file, a `CONTRIBUTING` file, a `TODO` file, a `MANIFEST_SKIP` file, an `AUTHOR_PLEDGE` file that indicates CPAN admins can take ownership should the project become abandoned, and a `.travis.yml` file that will probably need to be edited. If these files exist already, they will not get overwritten. It also generates a `.mailmap` base file suitable for Joelle, if one does not already exists. # USAGE In your `dist.ini` - [@Filter] -bundle = @Author::JMASLAK -version = 0.003 The `-version` option should specify the latest version required and tested with a given package. # SEE ALSO Core Dist::Zilla plugins: Dist::Zilla roles: [PluginBundle](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist%3A%3AZilla%3A%3ARole%3A%3APluginBundle), [PluginBundle::Easy](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist%3A%3AZilla%3A%3ARole%3A%3APluginBundle%3A%3AEasy). # AUTHOR Joelle Maslak <jmaslak@antelope.net> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018,2020-2021 by Joelle Maslak. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.