Term/ANSIMenu version 0.01

I wrote this mainly to make live easy on those staff members to whom I delegate
tasks. Most of them prefer to use a menu instead of having to type complicated 
commands. To them it's a faster and safer way of working (we all know about 
typos don't we...).

By using this module you can create menus with only a few lines of code and 
still have a shipload of features. Need context-sensitive help or a statusbar?
Like to use hotkeys? Want flashy colors and styles? It's all there. Just fill 
in the attributes and you're good to go.

A menu can be made up of a title, a number of selectable items, a status line
and a prompt. Each of those elements can be given a fore- and background color
and a style to give it the appearance wanted. The same goes for the optional 
frames around these elements. It is also possible to align each element 
independently (but the all items together are considered as one element).

Every item in the menu can be selected using definable hotkeys or navigation
keys. To assist users of the menu hints that will be diplayed in the status
line can be associated with itemsi. For situations where a simple hint isn't 
good enough context-sensitive help is available through definable keys (like 
the well-known <F1> and '?').

Finally to get out of the menu without having to explicitly create an entry for
that one or more keys can be assigned that will cause an immediate return from
the menu to the calling program. The exit status reflects the conditions under
which that happened.

Any suggestions to improve this module are very much welcome!


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module depends on the standard Carp module to blame your script if 
something goes wrong `;-)

It also depends on Term::ReadKey to read input from the keyboard. 

A terminal capable of interpreting ANSI sequences might help too...


Copyright (c) 2003, Jadev.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified 
under the same terms as Perl itself.