WarpLink Source and Binary Code Release Hey! The old software is good, the new might be better. Check out our new product grimp. As of November 4, 1999, Michael Devore surrendered all his copyrights for WarpLink and released it to the public domain. A few optional-use components of the WarpLink development files retain their separate third party copyrights and are not part of the release of the WarpLink software to public domain. The WarpLink binary files, source files, and Microsoft Word format manual are available for downloading in separate files. Download WL27.ZIP: the public domain release version of the WarpLink binary files. Direct FTP'ers may get the file from: ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads/wl27.zip. Download WL27SRC.ZIP: the public domain release version of the WarpLink source files. Direct FTP'ers may get the file from: ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads/wl27src.zip. Download WLDOC.ZIP: the public domain release version of the WarpLink documentation in Microsoft Word format. Direct FTP'ers may get the file from: ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads/wldoc.zip. Please note the following important items concerning WarpLink files: 1. There is no support or warranty whatsoever for the released files. Under no conditions will Michael Devore be held liable for damages arising out of use of, or inability to use, the WarpLink files. Questions, comments, and discussion may be posted to the CauseWay/WarpLink forum. Note that there is no guarantee of an accurate or inaccurate response or...well any guarantees or other promises at all really...on the board. 2. This is a true public domain release. It is not Yet Another Open Source licensing arrangement. You may use the binary and source files in whatever manner you desire, INCLUDING for commercial purposes, without explicit credit or compensation to Michael Devore. [Original rant removed due to expiration of interest.] 3. Most of the WarpLink code was written over the time period of 1989 through 1993. The operating system and programming landscape was much different then, so this code probably needs updates and modifications to work with later date software versions. Given the age, the programming team's learning curves, the then cutting-edge technology, and fairly substantial codebase involved, there doubtless exist operational errors and examples of what is now considered poor code. Please keep the historic perspective in mind if you choose to use or study the software and source code. We also have a FAQ on the software source and binary code release available which answers questions interested persons may have about the project.