+ core + "Always autocorrect to" deletes the word (tdf#157258) [Caolán McNamara] + - Fixes resize issue in Index Entry dialog (tdf#154209) [Heiko Tietze] + add notify for script use [Caolán McNamara] + allow build with python 3.12.0: initialize new tp_watched [Justin Luth] + android-viewer translated using Weblate [Weblate] + branch libreoffice-7-6-7 [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + correct {bg-BG} formats with group separator [Eike Rathke] + crash on deref null parent on attempting to find label [Caolán McNamara] + eliminate deadlock on main thread (tdf#159790) [Patrick Luby] + enable CVE tests on Windows by default [Mike Kaganski] + expat: upgrade to release 2.6.2 [Taichi Haradaguchi] + fix crash by changing the macOS fork() and exec() process (tdf#152524) [Patrick Luby] + fix hyperlink update in Draw (tdf#160162) [Hossein] + fix liborcus missing filesystem::file_size linker error [Thorsten Behrens] + framework: MenuBarManager: fix WNT crash if queryDispatch() throws [Michael Stahl] + hide axis title not taken into account when... (tdf#92768, tdf#160225) [Julien Nabet] + IconView scoll range not updated (tdf#157587) [Caolán McNamara] + ignore oversized colspans (ofz#67708) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#67906) [Caolán McNamara] + items in Template Manager dropdown should be left-aligned (tdf#159498) [Caolán McNamara] + iterate over all parents to check whether it's a clipPath content (tdf#160373) [Xisco Fauli] + make sure that SvNumberFormatter agrees with ROUND output (tdf#160306) [Mike Kaganski] + negative offset (ofz#67540) [Caolán McNamara] + no effect when clicking some dropdown buttons (tdf#154072) [Caolán McNamara] + null deref of mpSidebarController [Caolán McNamara] + ofz: negative column offset [Caolán McNamara] + partially revert 576611895e5 (tdf#142133) [Xisco Fauli] + postgresql: upgrade to release 13.14 [Xisco Fauli] + preview's measurement are black on dark bg in dark mode (tdf#160392) [Caolán McNamara] + restore cursor bounds properly (tdf#160278) [Mike Kaganski] + save solver settings for DEPS and SCO as well (tdf#158735) [Rafael Lima] + sc: fix failure when exporting media files to PDF (tdf#159094) [Tibor Nagy] + ScriptForge (session).RunApplication() crash fix (tdf#160222) [Jean-Pierre Ledure] + sd headerfooterdlg: detect existing date/time language (tdf#159927) [Justin Luth] + skip empty cell: treat last column (tdf#129701) [Laurent Balland] + sw: assert when importing ToX in table in rhbz589883-2.docx (tdf#157241) [Michael Stahl] + sw: don't always draw text boundary on frames (tdf#129905, tdf#160365) [Justin Luth] + sw: fix crash on RTF paste or insert of nested tables (tdf#157241) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix fieldmark crash in MSWordExportBase::OutputTextNode() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: GetSelectableFromAny() broken for SwXTextRange [Michael Stahl] + sw: layout: inconsistent conditions in lcl_RecalcSplitLine() (tdf#157241) [Michael Stahl] + sw: layout: remove superfluous pages again in InternalAction() [Michael Stahl] + temporarily release mutex for child packages (tdf#159790) [Patrick Luby] + the field name can be shorter than two symbols (tdf#160351) [Julien Nabet, Mike Kaganski] + ucb: webdav-curl: always set CURLOPT_NOBODY for HEAD [Michael Stahl] + ucb: webdav-curl: don't set CURLOPT_NOBODY for OPTIONS [Michael Stahl] + ucb: webdav-curl: only set CURLOPT_NOBODY for HEAD [Michael Stahl] + unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1594402) [Caolán McNamara] + update credits [Christian Lohmaier] + update git submodules [Christian Lohmaier, Juan José González] + update translation files for android-viewer [Weblate] + use SSL_CERT_FILE on macOS too (tdf#157480) [Caolán McNamara] + vcl,openssl: set SSL_CERT_FILE for bundled OpenSSL (tdf#157480) [Michael Stahl] + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + dictionaries + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + help + move z-index rule to CSS stylesheet we control [Juan José González] + remove z-index in prism code block (tdf#160467) [Juan José González] + translations + update translations for 7.6.7 rc1 [Christian Lohmaier]