+ (part) Update toolbar contents Help pages (TDF#147862) [Olivier Hallot] + untrusted value as argument (cid#1242675) [Caolán McNamara] + UwF: Unwritten field (cid#1327197) [Caolán McNamara] + uncaught exception (cid#1401328) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1456603) [Caolán McNamara] + uncaught exception (cid#1485150) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1500382) [Caolán McNamara] + rearrange to make clearer what actually happens (cid#1500385) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500387) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500394) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1500395) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Use after free (cid#1500398) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1500403) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500408) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500410) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500411) [Caolán McNamara] + resource leak (cid#1500416) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1500417) [Caolán McNamara] + rearrange to silence Use after free (cid#1500419) [Caolán McNamara] + use after free (cid#1500440) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500441) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500451) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1500455) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1500462) [Noel Grandin] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500470) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500473) [Caolán McNamara] + rearrange to avoid Dereference after null check (cid#1500474) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1500480) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1500490) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Untrusted loop bound (cid#1500491) [Caolán McNamara] + resource leak (cid#1500499) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500500) [Caolán McNamara] + resource leak (cid#1500502) [Noel Grandin] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500507) [Caolán McNamara] + using a moved object (cid#1500508) [Noel Grandin] + silence Out-of-bounds access (cid#1500509) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Use after free (cid#1500510) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1500514) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500516) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500517) [Caolán McNamara] + using a moved object (cid#1500519) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500520) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference before null check (cid#1500521) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500523) [Caolán McNamara] + return early to silence Dereference after null check (cid#1500530) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1500532) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500536) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#1500537) [Caolán McNamara] + big parameter passed by value (cid#1500538) [Caolán McNamara] + use check_after_deref instead of reverse_inull (cid#1500540) [Noel Grandin, Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar variable (cid#1500544) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500545) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500569) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#1500578) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500581) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1500585) [Caolán McNamara] + resource leak (cid#1500586) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference before null check (cid#1500587) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500596) [Caolán McNamara] + resource leak (cid#1500603) [Caolán McNamara] + silence bogus Use after free (cid#1500607) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Use after free (cid#1500609) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500610) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1500618) [Noel Grandin] + resource leak (cid#1500623) [Noel Grandin] + silence Dereference before null check (cid#1500642) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500645) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500646) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500647) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500657) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500658) [Caolán McNamara] + resource leak (cid#1500659) [Noel Grandin] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#1500669) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500671) [Caolán McNamara] + return early to silence Dereference after null check (cid#1500675) [Caolán McNamara] + resource leak in object (cid#1500679) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Untrusted loop bound (cid#1500682) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500683) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#1500688) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Use after free (cid#1500692) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500700) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#1500701) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Resource leak (cid#1500704) [Caolán McNamara] + workaround Resource leak in object (cid#1504663) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Unchecked return value (cid#1506303) [Caolán McNamara] + uncaught exception (cid#1506304) [Caolán McNamara] + big parameter passed by value (cid#1506305) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1506306) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Uncaught exception (cid#1506511) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1506514) [Caolán McNamara] + suppress unhelpful (cid#1506515) [Stephan Bergmann] + unchecked return value (cid#1506710) [Caolán McNamara] + uncaught exception (cid#1506711) [Caolán McNamara] + unchecked return value (cid#1507325) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1507355) [Caolán McNamara] + logically dead code (cid#1507356) [Caolán McNamara] + big parameter passed by value (cid#1507357) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1507360) [Caolán McNamara] + unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1507361) [Caolán McNamara] + big parameter passed by value (cid#1507489) [Caolán McNamara] + cut and paste typo triggering 'Constant' variable guards dead code (cid#1507491) [Caolán McNamara] + improper use of negative value (cid#1507492) [Caolán McNamara] + return local (cid#1507745) [Noel Grandin] + unintended comparison to logical negation (cid#1507764) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Invalid type in argument to printf format specifier (cid#1507856) [Caolán McNamara] + big parameter passed by value (cid#1507857) [Caolán McNamara] + unused value (cid#1507887) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1507888) [Caolán McNamara] + big parameter passed by value (cid#1507934) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Out-of-bounds access (cid#1509184) [Caolán McNamara] + logically dead code (cid#1509185) [Caolán McNamara] + using a moved object (cid#1509186) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1509187) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1509194) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509195) [Caolán McNamara] + inefficient vector resizing with reserve. (cid#1509196) [Noel Grandin] + silence Constant expression result (cid#1509199) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1509203) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1509207) [Caolán McNamara] + DCN: Don't Catch NullPointer Exception (cid#1509209) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509211) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#1509213) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509220) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference null return value (cid#1509221) [Caolán McNamara] + inefficient vector resizing with reserve. (cid#1509223) [Noel Grandin] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509228) [Caolán McNamara] + inefficient vector resizing with reserve. (cid#1509230) [Noel Grandin] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509231) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Out-of-bounds access (cid#1509232) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509233) [Caolán McNamara] + DCN: Don't Catch NullPointer Exception (cid#1509234) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference null return value (cid#1509238) [Caolán McNamara] + DCN: Don't Catch NullPointer Exception (cid#1509239) [Caolán McNamara] + silence "Use of 32-bit time_t (Y2K38_SAFETY)" for now (cid#1509240) [Stephan Bergmann] + rearrange to silence Dereference after null check (cid#1509241) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference null return value (cid#1509244) [Caolán McNamara] + inefficient vector resizing with reserve. (cid#1509246) [Noel Grandin] + unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1509249) [Caolán McNamara] + logically dead code (cid#1509250) [Noel Grandin] + uninitialized scalar variable (cid#1509254) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference null return value (cid#1509258) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference null return value (cid#1509260) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1509261) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509262) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-bounds access (cid#1509268) [Caolán McNamara] + unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1509273) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#1509283) [Caolán McNamara] + DMI: Dubious method invocation (cid#1509284) [Caolán McNamara] + use of 32-bit time_t (cid#1509285) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Out-of-bounds access (cid#1509286) [Caolán McNamara] + rearrange to make clearer what actually happens (cid#1509288) [Caolán McNamara] + silence "Use of 32-bit time_t (Y2K38_SAFETY)" for now (cid#1509290) [Stephan Bergmann] + unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1509291) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Use after free (cid#1509296) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1509302) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference null return value (cid#1509305) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Logically dead code (cid#1509308) [Caolán McNamara] + use of 32-bit time_t (cid#1509309) [Caolán McNamara] + unintentional integer overflow (cid#1509312) [Caolán McNamara] + unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1509313) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1509396) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1509397) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Copy-paste error (cid#1510101) [Caolán McNamara] + logically dead code (cid#1510129) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1510131) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1512438) [Caolán McNamara] + logically dead code (cid#1512492) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference null return value (cid#1513468) [Noel Grandin] + silence Dereference null return value (cid#1513469) [Caolán McNamara] + unused value (cid#1513470) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference null return value (cid#1513471) [Noel Grandin] + dereference null return value (cid#1513472) [Noel Grandin] + division or modulo by zero (cid#1513473) [Caolán McNamara] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1513474) [Caolán McNamara, Noel Grandin] + useless call (cid#1513476) [Caolán McNamara] + unintended sign extension (cid#1513506) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1513507) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1513509) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Improper use of negative value (cid#1513720) [Caolán McNamara] + useless call (cid#1513730) [Caolán McNamara] + perturb Logically dead code (cid#1514676) [Caolán McNamara] + unintended sign extension (cid#1515457) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1515518) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized pointer field (cid#1515519) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1515521) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-bounds access (cid#1515531) [Caolán McNamara] + invalidate_iterator (cid#1515534) [Julien Nabet] + explicit null dereferenced (cid#1515535) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference null return value (cid#1515941) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Unchecked return value from library (cid#1515996) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference before null check (cid#1516102) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#1516423) [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (cid#1516651) [Caolán McNamara] + unchecked return value (cid#1516654) [Caolán McNamara] + improper use of negative value (cid#1516751) [Caolán McNamara] + uninitialized pointer field (cid#1516788) [Caolán McNamara] + division or modulo by float zero (cid#1516789) [Caolán McNamara] + more graceful fix for (cid#513473) [Noel Grandin, Khaled Hosny] + uninitialized scalar field (cid#707857) [Caolán McNamara] + silence Dereference after null check (cid#735694) [Caolán McNamara] + DCN: Don't Catch NullPointer Exception (ofz#1509303) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#24932) [Caolán McNamara] + avoid Timeout (ofz#39186) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#45551) [Caolán McNamara] + stack-overflow (ofz#46864) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#47118) [Caolán McNamara] + OOM only first byte of 'font', 'ratio' and 'space' are used (ofz#47463) [Caolán McNamara] + OOM on massive line widths (ofz#47668) [Caolán McNamara] + ludicrous font height (ofz#47699) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#47706) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#48122) [Caolán McNamara] + container-overflow (ofz#48161) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#48264) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#48366) [Caolán McNamara] + OOM (ofz#48407) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#48585) [Caolán McNamara] + indirect-leak (ofz#48643) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#48693) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#48795) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#49017) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#49200) [Caolán McNamara] + height_sp member, etc unused (ofz#49217) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#49750) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#49832) [Caolán McNamara] + segv on unknown address (ofz#49834) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#49949) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#50118) [Caolán McNamara] + direct-leak (ofz#50202) [Caolán McNamara] + just stop fuzzing if there's a lot of graphic inserts (ofz#50242) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory with outsize line thickness (ofz#50271) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#50335) [Caolán McNamara] + scaling "calculation" timeout (ofz#504464) [Caolán McNamara] + due to Timeouts, just abandon fuzzing on any JWRN_NOT_SEQUENTIAL (ofz#50452) [Caolán McNamara] + reduce limit while fuzzing (ofz#50674) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#50729) [Caolán McNamara] + direct-leak (ofz#50756) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#50761) [Caolán McNamara] + docxfuzzer: Indirect-leak in rtl_allocateMemory (ofz#50767) [Noel Grandin] + crash seen in fuzzing libreoffice text rendering (ofz#50805) [Caolán McNamara] + avoid Timeout (ofz#51149) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#51205) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#51431) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#51471) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#51592) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#51830) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#51852) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#51859) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#52191) [Caolán McNamara] + direct-leak (ofz#52337) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory with ultrathick lines (ofz#52353) [Caolán McNamara] + build-Failure (ofz#52422) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#52490) [Caolán McNamara] + OOM (ofz#52514) [Caolán McNamara] + abrt (ofz#52537) [Caolán McNamara] + stop after first failed image in a multi-image tiff (ofz#52600) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#52685) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#52723) [Caolán McNamara] + skip slow path for fuzzing (ofz#52830) [Caolán McNamara] + bad cast to SwXMLImport (ofz#52898) [Noel Grandin] + timeout: drop categorized tokens we don't have handlers for (ofz#53011) [Caolán McNamara] + undefined-shift (ofz#53016) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#53028) [Caolán McNamara] + null-dereference (ofz#53034) [Caolán McNamara] + abrt (ofz#53151) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#53154) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#53182) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#53196) [Caolán McNamara] + abrt (ofz#53338) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#53349) [Caolán McNamara] + timeout (ofz#53401) [Caolán McNamara] + abrt (ofz#53416) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#53434) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow (ofz#53450) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#53452) [Caolán McNamara] + sanity check the form field range (ofz#53457) [Caolán McNamara] + abrt (ofz#53525) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow in poly is a lost cause I feel (ofz#53547) [Caolán McNamara] + out-of-memory (ofz#53586) [Caolán McNamara] + use a progress monitor to avoid Timeout (ofz#53628) [Caolán McNamara] + abrt (ofz#53648) [Caolán McNamara] + integer-overflow LogicWidthToDeviceCoordinate takes Long anyway (ofz#53673) [Caolán McNamara] + [abrt] libreoffice-core: (anonymous namespace)::signalHandlerFunction(): soffice.bin killed by SIGABRT (rhbz#2136050) [Caolán McNamara] + implement ODG export to GZIP compressed .svgz format (tdf#100522) [offtkp] + Deleted files visible as recent documents in menu and start center (tdf#101302) [oguzbalkaya] + Rename gradient 'border' label to something more meaningful (tdf#101731) [Ali_Abdollahian] + Arabic words not formed well in textboxes when sentence begins with English word (tdf#103492) [Xisco Fauli] + FILESAVE: Tab characters lost in cell (tdf#103829) [Justin Luth] + SVG: tspan element gets an additional horizontal spacing before and after (tdf#103888) [Xisco Fauli] + UI: The text in the Type frame in the DocInformation tab in the Fields dialog isn't aligned to the left (tdf#104278) [Caolán McNamara] + Support multi-colored fonts using COLR/CPAL tables (tdf#104403) [Khaled Hosny] + RTL script text runs are reversed on PDF import, PDFIProcessor::mirrorString misbehaving (tdf#104597) [Kevin Suo, Stephan Bergmann] + Show nonprinting characters: show spaces at the end of the line before break line for justified (tdf#104683) [Stephan Bergmann, Attila Szűcs] + Make Arabic text justification more robust (tdf#104921) [Khaled Hosny] + Python script provider does not reload modified embedded scripts (tdf#105609) [Stephan Bergmann] + RTL Arabic text has some gaps between characters (tdf#106653) [Khaled Hosny] + MAILMERGE wrong if document starts with table when output saved as individual documents using MM toolbar (tdf#106959) [Mike Kaganski] + Setting fixed kerning (text spacing) is limited to -2pt (tdf#107405) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + FILESAVE: Master slide background image set as tiled when exporting to PPTX (tdf#108356) [Tibor Nagy] + Instantiate OpenType variable fonts when embedding in PDF (tdf#108497) [Khaled Hosny] + Converting tabbed text to bullets adds extra tabs (tdf#109285) [Justin Luth] + Add the multiline tooltip on the Available Commands also to the Assigned Commands in the Customize dialog (tdf#112237) [Jim Raykowski] + (LWP) [META] Lotus Word Pro (.lwp) import bugs and enhancements (tdf#112626) [Bartosz Kosiorek] + freeze rows/columns functions incorrect or unexpected when frozen rows/columns don't fit in Window (tdf#112641) [Justin Luth] + FILEOPEN ODT: File opening is slower previously (tdf#112865) [Noel Grandin] + FILEOPEN: PPTX: SmartArt: Block cycle's connectors not imported (tdf#113187) [Regina Henschel] + LibreLogo: add fallback localization to fix platform issues (tdf#113592) [László Németh] + Easier use of CSV in Wizards->Address Data Source (tdf#113753) [Radhey Parekh] + Convert use of sal_uLong to better integer types (tdf#114441) [PoonamShokeen, Harshita Nag, Calvince Otieno, Ilmari Lauhakangas] + Confusing dialog about discarding recovery data can lead to data loss (tdf#114508) [Heiko Tietze] + FILEOPEN DOCX: Comment direction lost on saving-then-reloading a .docx (tdf#114734) [Justin Luth] + Add a number formatting option (for using in Format() BASIC function, and in Calc number format) to spell number, like in NUMBERTEXT extension (tdf#115007) [László Németh] + in special characters dialog buttons for recent and favorite characters are not being scaled larger on high resolution screens (tdf#115634) [Caolán McNamara] + Navigator's Page Next randomly stops paging; Navigator's Previous Page always pages correctly. (tdf#116411) [Jim Raykowski] + Respect configured AutoSpellCheck colour in the dialog too (tdf#116566) [Rafael Lima] + Search Dialog does not provide search results to Assistive Technology tools at 5.2 and later, results are recorded to GUI without accessible event as text in SetSearchLabel() (tdf#117173) [Jim Raykowski, Michael Weghorn] + Autofilter settings being reset in some cases (tdf#117276) [Balazs Varga, Eike Rathke] + GTK3 scrollbars don't support long-press for precise / smooth scrolling (tdf#117388) [Caolán McNamara] + Assert after cut and paste operation of a chart stick (tdf#117539) [Noel Grandin] + On Linux LibreOffice doesn't protect users from accidental content overwrite when a file was updated outside of LibreOffice and the warning dialog was cancelled out of once (tdf#117967) [Matt K] + Font size is too large in attached DOC in Word after roundtrip (tdf#117994) [Justin Luth] + FILEOPEN XLSX Basic code with SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1) range method is ignored (tdf#118247) [Andreas Heinisch] + Add support for Windows 10/11 dark mode (tdf#118320) [Caolán McNamara] + Navigator: View move outside the document when selecting a shape in the navigator (tdf#118696) [Jim Raykowski] + Dimensions dialog has wrong values in fields "Line distance", "Left guide" and "Right guide" (tdf#119246) [Xisco Fauli] + Documentation for "Formula is" in Conditional Formatting is wrong (and info missing). (tdf#119421) [Olivier Hallot] + Pasting unformatted text in a fully selected right table cell pastes in both cells. Right one will include hashtags (tdf#119540) [Justin Luth] + a11y: Distinguish between role STATIC and new role NOTIFICATION (tdf#119788) [Jim Raykowski] + FILEOPEN DOCX: Long file open and post-processing time after file open (tdf#119840) [Noel Grandin, Michael Stahl] + Running slideshow must disable screensaver/sleep mode on Windows (tdf#120326) [Mike Kaganski] + EDITING: Clicking at 'Open' in the concordance file button in the ToC dialog vanishes the 'Edit...' command (tdf#120405) [Andreas Heinisch] + Draw - Changes to table size "Optimal" features need documentation (tdf#120550) [Seth Chaiklin] + Cursor doesn't move forward on typing space at the end of .docx file when text is centered (tdf#120715) [Stephan Bergmann, Attila Szűcs] + Support multi-colored fonts using CBDT/SBIX tables (tdf#121327) [Khaled Hosny] + Writer - Changes to table size "Optimal" features need documentation (tdf#121367) [Seth Chaiklin] + Disappear table lines of XLS opened with OS dark theme (XLSX OK) (tdf#122188) [Caolán McNamara] + List boxes set to "input required" shouldn't offer NULL for input (tdf#122319) [Andreas Heinisch] + The slide flashes once when after the fade animation ends (tdf#122737) [Mike Kaganski] + Auto filter result is wrong when cell value contains full-width and half-width characters and case-insensitive filtering is used (tdf#123095) [Andreas Heinisch] + Missing characters while exporting to PDF using certain fonts (tdf#123234) [Khaled Hosny] + Scrolling around in a document with lots of comment shown very slow compared to (tdf#123419) [Noel Grandin] + Assign styles dialog not accessible (tdf#123846) [Caolán McNamara] + Find files to be formatted with clang-format (tdf#123936) [Chris Sherlock] + FILEOPEN XLSX Conditional formatting of "Specific text" type should be case insensitive (tdf#123990) [Justin Luth] + FILEOPEN: Calc sheet showing multiple "adapt Row Height" responses, slow loading (tdf#124098) [Balazs Varga] + Crash after toggling Hidden in character style a couple of times or doing Update all (tdf#124300) [Caolán McNamara] + Fileopen: Wrong ZOrder of OLE object imported from PPTX (tdf#124333) [Tünde Tóth] + Automatic spell check of edited word is made after another word edit starts (tdf#124603) [László Németh] + Replace single toolbar with contextual single (tdf#125040) [Maxim Monastirsky] + FILEOPEN PPTX wrong font in fontwork (WordArt transformation) object (tdf#125085) [Regina Henschel] + UI: LibreOffice Calc's AutoFilter treats combining and modifier letters the same as plain letters in the value list (tdf#125363) [Andreas Heinisch] + EDITING/UI: Slow when replacing string to number (tdf#126109) [Noel Grandin] + DOCX-Table: Incorrect column order for table using word document (rtl) (tdf#126395) [Justin Luth] + FILEOPEN XLSX VBA macro to switch between active documents does not work (tdf#126457) [Andreas Heinisch] + 'Find' doesn't show number of matches (tdf#126535) [Jim Raykowski] + description of macro security level settings is misleading or wrong (tdf#126574) [Bogdan B] + More explanatory title for "Compare documents" file select dialog (tdf#126618) [Heiko Tietze, Isha_Desai] + FONT FEATURES DIALOG: Wrong OpenType tag for fractions in "font features" dialog (tdf#126754) [Julien Nabet] + FILEOPEN: ODT big performance drop for big table from 6.1 to 6.3, 6.4, 7.0 (tdf#126788) [Noel Grandin] + XML Filter Settings is inside Macros submenus (tdf#126917) [Ilmari Lauhakangas, Justin Luth] + Font feature dialog: handle OTF features that are enabled by default (liga, calt, kern) (tdf#127423) [Khaled Hosny] + Pushing More... in language selection in Calc Status bar leads to Language settings instead of cell properties (tdf#127856) [Henry Castro] + FILEOPEN: Shape in master slide is white using useBgFill=1 (tdf#128150) [Michael Stahl, Armin Le Grand (Allotropia), Tibor Nagy, Samuel Mehrbrodt] + CTRL+A & Cut very slow (see comment 38) (tdf#129101) [Noel Grandin] + Allow multiselecting of objects in Navigator (tdf#129610) [Jim Raykowski] + Add "Goto sheet" dialog to Calc (tdf#129674) [Laurent BP] + When validating a cell as cell range I click on the source field, it results in only being capable of select cells and nothing more. (tdf#129679) [Laurent Balland] + FILEOPEN: Spreadsheet takes long to open (tdf#130795) [Xisco Fauli] + Remove option "Use printer metrics for document formatting" (tdf#131136) [Heiko Tietze, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + (DOCX-compatibilityMode-15) [META] MS Word compatibilityMode = 15 (tdf#131304) [Justin Luth] + Formula to Value does not automatically change text in input line (formula bar) (tdf#131326) [Andreas Heinisch] + RemoveDirectCharFormats ++X usage tip (tdf#131688) [Bogdan B] + Hang with Pie chart (tdf#131910) [Noel Grandin] + Run pyflakes on python uitest files to find unused imports (tdf#132293) [Rakielle, Bogdan B, m.hashemian] + UI: List Level in dialog Tools > Chapter Numbering is hard to reach with keyboard: TAB-order forces many extra tabbing in common use case (GTK3) (tdf#132309) [Caolán McNamara] + Adopt new main application icons (tdf#132398) [galjit] + CELL("ADDRESS";...) to other sheet from Workbook imported from Excel may let INDIRECT() fail with #REF! if string reference setting forces different syntax than current formula syntax (comment 9). (tdf#132519) [Xisco Fauli] + Template Dialog Category names are not intuitive (tdf#132576) [Rafael Lima] + Option to set the default anchor mode for images in Calc (tdf#133299) [Xisco Fauli] + Export to EPUB has no progress bar (tdf#133767) [Noel Grandin] + Export to EPUB is slow on Windows and causes massive disk activity (tdf#133768) [Noel Grandin] + Add a keyboard shortcut for pointer as pen (tdf#134281) [Gabor Kelemen] + Zooming in/out with scrollwheel using a certain document slow (tdf#134328) [Noel Grandin] + Calc: PageStyle: Fit print range to width/height is not expanding to the margins (tdf#134882) [Bogdan B] + Clicking a template in Master Slide Sidebar changes color (tdf#135060) [Laurent BP] + EDITING: Different behavior with No-break space and Narrow no-break space (tdf#135451) [Andreas Heinisch] + Accessibility of PDF export: some images are not flagged by Figure tag while exporting docx into pdf (tdf#135638) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia), Michael Stahl] + A comment in textbox is allowed in docx; causing a sax parse exception on save and reload (tdf#135794) [Justin Luth] + Highlighted cross-reference is not displayed in dialog "Name" entry (tdf#135938) [Andreas Heinisch] + FILEOPEN PPTX: vertical text in SmartArt appears center-aligned instead of left-aligned (tdf#135953) [Regina Henschel] + The setting for the use of the English function names under German working environment only works completely after restart. (tdf#135993) [Eike Rathke] + Very large Shape with pattern/hatch makes scrolling slow (tdf#136370) [Noel Grandin] + Re-consider date/time parts calculation for functions and formatting (tdf#136615) [Eike Rathke] + Use Unicode symbols instead of ASCII in translatable strings (tdf#137145) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + Arabic Letters are sometimes disjoined and the vowel marks are misplaced in justified paragraph in Text Box (tdf#137528) [Khaled Hosny] + Opening complex electric PDF drawing is very slow with high CPU in Linux (tdf#137544) [Noel Grandin, Julien Nabet] + The symbols for kibibyte and kilobyte (KiB, kB) have the wrong capitalization (tdf#137569) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + UI: resolve ambiguity for 'named ranges' with identical name and different scope (tdf#137577) [Eike Rathke] + IMPORT OOXML: Table row height is wrong. (tdf#137949) [Sarper Akdemir] + FAILESAVE: Style “A0" in Draw is not retained (changed to "A4") after save and reopen (tdf#138111) [Kevin Suo] + Some OTF font names are exported in PDF as "DummyName" (tdf#138325) [Khaled Hosny] + UI: object selected on canvas is not indicated in Navigator (tdf#138868) [Jim Raykowski] + Make Field > Date (variable) the default and rename (tdf#139141) [Heiko Tietze] + [HELP] Missing font dialog screenshots (tdf#139270) [Olivier Hallot] + [LOCALHELP] fontwork help page needs review (tdf#139469) [Olivier Hallot] + Enabling/disabling change tracking in Calc doesn't set modified status (tdf#139480) [Justin Luth] + Impress: Shrinking table by dragging bottom border up or top down not working anymore (tdf#139511) [Sarper Akdemir] + Justified paragraph rendering defect when inserting Arabic diacritics (tdf#139627) [Hossein, Khaled Hosny] + Direct editing of tree nodes in the Navigator to rename objects (tdf#139633) [Jim Raykowski] + Highlighting inside comments not shown for DOC/DOCX (tdf#139759) [Justin Luth] + [rfe]: Tools > AutoCorrect > Apply and Edit Changes - drop first dialog go directly to Edit (tdf#139953) [Aman Jha] + Creating a new .odt file from Win Explorer does not use default template (tdf#139962) [Laurent Balland] + FIXED Function Wizard needs an update (tdf#140554) [Eike Rathke] + If a headline is centered, its distance from its "outline view" icon may make the icon awkward to access (tdf#140892) [Jim Raykowski] + Frame border is missing after DOCX export (tdf#140967) [Justin Luth] + FILEOPEN XLSX Autofilter does not take number formatting in account (tdf#140968) [Eike Rathke] + FILEOPEN XLSX Autofiltered time entries are not selected (tdf#140978) [Eike Rathke] + Lock files and privacy (leaking user and computer name) (tdf#141026) [Siddhant Chaudhary] + Modify "No List" icon to show that it applies to more than just bulleted lists (tdf#141110) [Rizal Muttaqin] + UI: Option diacritic-sensitive search behaves different between Writer and Calc (tdf#141339) [Emmanuel Peter] + remove obsolete comment ... (tdf#141438) [Bogdan B] + CONFIGURATION = EOMONTH function corruption (tdf#141495) [Xisco Fauli] + Groupedbar Compact changes when cursor is in table (tdf#141684) [Henner Drewes] + CppUnittests: replace usage of sal_Int32 with colors (tdf#141908) [Nalini Prasad Dash, cutamar] + Redraw fails in Windows LO Draw moving shapes with multiple formatting (tdf#141981) [Luboš Luňák] + Formula bar suggestion tooltips don't like accents (tdf#142031) [Andreas Heinisch] + LO colors theme: dark mode: use darker document background color (tdf#142172) [Rafael Lima] + FILESAVE PPTX Table border styles lost upon save (tdf#142291) [Tibor Nagy] + Spreadsheet functions implemented as AddIn may get saved with their programmatic name to OOXML Excel .xlsx instead of the function name (cause in comment 21) (tdf#142293) [Xisco Fauli, Eike Rathke] + Impress Inspiration Template has Different Image Element Style from Previous Version (tdf#142306) [Laurent BP] + In folding outlines, enable specifying, document-wide, the level to which text should be collapsed. (tdf#142446) [Jim Raykowski] + [EMF+] Missed CustomEndCap for Pen Object support (tdf#142770) [Bartosz Kosiorek] + UI - View menu - the same hotkeys for two items ("Toolbars" and "Show Tracked Changes") (tdf#142888) [Bogdan B] + [EMF+] Brush Object with Type PathGradient is not supported (tdf#143031) [Bartosz Kosiorek] + Port Java SDK examples to Python (tdf#143123) [Chenxiong Qi] + Use pragma once instead of include guards (Episode 2: Endgame) (tdf#143148) [Chris Sherlock, OmkarAcharekar, Calvince Otieno, Parsa, Mahdyar M. M. Sadeghi, Rakielle, sahilbutoal08, Harshita Nag, Mohsen Rahimi, U-LAPTOP-06BFT6KB\Client, Mahdi Tizabi, am.faraji, ehsan, Diane Leigh, Hemant Kumar Singh, Emmanuel Peter, zonnebloempje, PoonamShokeen, Arman Rezaei, Amir H, Nalini Prasad Dash, nazanin yadi, Siddharth, Mahkame Arabgari, Bogdan B] + Alphabetical index field: allow "Edit Index Entry" to open on double-click (tdf#143158) [Andreas Heinisch] + Edge Scrolling no longer works properly on my touchpad beginning with version 6.2 and newer. (tdf#143209) [Jonas Eyov] + Property marked as translatable but should maybe not (tdf#143279) [Julien Nabet] + FORMATTING and PRINTING: Setting Border with rotated text changes row background color (not with gen VCL backend) (tdf#143377) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + UNO Object Inspector: No suitable title for the window (tdf#143641) [Amarjargal Gundjalam] + --convert-to epub triggers sw/source/core/undo/unattr.cxx:105: SwUndoFormatAttr::SwUndoFormatAttr(const SfxItemSet &, SwFormat &, bool): Assertion `m_sFormatName.getLength()' failed (tdf#143703) [Vasily Melenchuk] + Writer Templates are in Format Size A4 instead of Letter for Default - English (USA) (tdf#143956) [Laurent BP] + FILEOPEN PPTX: Empty table rows appear with lower height (tdf#144092) [Sarper Akdemir] + Remove bundled emoji font (tdf#144348) [Khaled Hosny] + Impress: FILESAVE to ODP as read-only with additional password protection for editing not working (tdf#144399) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + Blurry icon on HiDPI (tdf#144583) [Caolán McNamara] + Tree item is inconsistent with dark theme (tdf#144587) [Rafael Lima] + FILEOPEN XLSX Copying a sheet with autofilter by color leaves unusable autofilter on the copy sheet (tdf#145054) [Eike Rathke] + Apply numbering in a selected table cell leaks to another table cell (when selecting "backwards") (tdf#145151) [Justin Luth] + Text unreadable in Calc's dark theme in page style header text editor (tdf#145159) [Heiko Tietze] + MSWord 2019 doesn't open odt files with tables created by LibreOffice (tdf#145226) [Xisco Fauli, Michael Stahl] + Can't save drawing if I'm adding a short freeform line with no fill. (tdf#145240) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + Enter group: functionality to add an existing shape to a group is missing (tdf#145359) [Jim Raykowski] + Object animation - Emphasis - Spin: When rotated to 90°, bitmap object disappears (FreeBSD & Linux) (tdf#145416) [Miklos Vajna] + Highlighting of current slide in slide sorter vanishes after undoing the deletion of an element (tdf#145491) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN PPTX: text is vertically off, too low/too high ("cloverleaf" SmartArt) (tdf#145528) [Regina Henschel] + Use range based for loops (tdf#145538) [PoonamShokeen, Hossein, Stanislav Lopatin, Andrea Rosetti, jsala, OmkarAcharekar] + Convert #define to enum or constexpr (tdf#145614) [ehsan, Liu Hao] + Different kerning when comparing Text and Comments (tdf#145648) [Caolán McNamara] + Use symbolic constants instead of magic numerical constants (tdf#145759) [OmkarAcharekar] + Table row heights increased in legacy odt (tdf#145871) [Xisco Fauli] + Macro Selector should remember last run module/macro (tdf#145978) [Rafael Lima] + Page styles in docx-file revert to previous settings after reopening the document (tdf#145998) [Justin Luth] + bitmap fill is not shown for extruded shape if set in style (tdf#146360) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + Use basegfx fTools for converting the angle unit (tdf#146479) [Leonid Ryzhov] + Writer crash when entering a paragraph break or carriage return (tdf#146500) [Michael Stahl] + Function wizard - allow search description of functions. (tdf#146781) [Andreas Heinisch] + clarify difference between "screen" and "on-screen show" in slide's paper format (tdf#146950) [Olivier Hallot] + Use std::size() instead of SAL_N_ELEMENTS() macro (tdf#147021) [Tomoyuki Kubota, OmkarAcharekar, jsala, ehsan, Michael Weghorn, insanetree, Radhey Parekh, Leonid Ryzhov] + Flatten Basic function implementations (tdf#147132) [Roman Kuznetsov] + CRASH: pasting twice and undoing (tdf#147199) [Xisco Fauli] + Progress in Wayland scaling on KF5 but still not there (tdf#147201) [insanetree] + Calc - Text Import from csv - 'Fields' preview is invisible (tdf#147386) [Rafael Lima] + Crash swlo!SwRedlineExtraData_FormatColl::Reject+0x1b6 (STR: comment 7) (tdf#147507) [László Németh] + Fileopen DOCX: Values are skipped in a numbered list within a table when cells are split/merged (tdf#147646) [Satya] + The content of DOCX content control is no longer updated when opened (unless resaved in MSO) (tdf#147724) [Vasily Melenchuk] + Clicking on header or footer area in long writer document takes a long time and slows down text selection and closing document (tdf#147802) [Caolán McNamara] + Calc (USA English) interprets numeric input of "12.08" as the eighth of December if the user added a date acceptance pattern of M.D (tdf#147817) [Eike Rathke] + Changing text to bold continuously slower so seems to Hang now (tdf#147842) [Noel Grandin] + UI: Edit track changes dialog missing buttons (reject/accept) (tdf#147844) [Caolán McNamara] + HELP: Improve Toolbar Overview (tdf#147862) [Olivier Hallot] + Use std::hypot for Pythagorean addition (tdf#147906) [OmkarAcharekar, Aleksa Savic, Bogdan B] + harmonize .ui file widget construction for sidebar (tdf#148017) [andreas kainz] + Sheet-local named expression destroyed with Cut-Paste-Undo (tdf#148072) [Xisco Fauli] + Automatic font color is not considering brightness of background in edit mode (tdf#148140) [Caolán McNamara] + Make Outline-Folding non-experimental (tdf#148240) [Jim Raykowski] + Autofilter menu item label "Text Color" is better to be "Font Color" (tdf#148248) [Gabor Kelemen] + Use std::swap instead of using temporary values (tdf#148251) [Liu Hao, Radhey Parekh] + Use std functions instead of our own implementation (tdf#148430) [Liu Hao] + LibreOffice on macOS hangs on using window snapping / window manager (BetterTouchTool, Rectangle, Raycast, Amethyst, ...) or any other redraw, context switch, etc, from idle thread (tdf#148435) [Noel Grandin] + FILEOPEN RTF Dropdown field does not read all items (tdf#148518) [Michael Stahl] + Help Page "Connection Pooling" not found (tdf#148611) [Alain Romedenne] + Crash in Draw and Impress when using Format > Lists > Move Down (tdf#148620) [Xisco Fauli] + Assertion `pFieldMark' failed. (tdf#148671) [Xisco Fauli] + Transliteration of text in parentheses (tdf#148672) [László Németh] + Moving an caption frame multiple times & undoing the movement is shrinking caption frame (tdf#148719) [Noel Grandin] + Help text is incomplete for cell range examples, e.g. for SUM, PRODUCT etc. (tdf#148727) [Bogdan B] + The tip of the day 106/223 (tdf#148777) [Bogdan B] + FILEOPEN DOCX Table formula with comma number delimiter does not update (tdf#148799) [László Németh] + FILEOPEN: Event-Driven Macros don't enable in DOCM, or after round-tripping in DOC (tdf#148806) [Justin Luth] + EDITING: Undo doesn't restore the bullet ( PPTX/PPT ) (tdf#148810) [Justin Luth] + Cursor jumps outside the table after deleting a row (track changes involved) (tdf#148849) [László Németh] + Quirk when changing the first character after a picture in a table (tdf#148868) [Xisco Fauli] + LibreOffice Draw dark color scheme background color leaks to the exported PDF (tdf#148884) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN PPTX: Incorrect position of line connectors (tdf#148926) [Tibor Nagy] + TOC hyperlinks not compliant with PDF/UA, no contents (tdf#148934) [Michael Stahl] + Hints while moving sheets are not visible in dark mode (tdf#148938) [Rafael Lima] + Make label of the field for an image's text alternative consistent (tdf#148941) [Seth Chaiklin] + PDF Accessibility: Checker dialog should be non modal (tdf#148971) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + PDF Accessibility: Checker dialog should have a re-scan button (tdf#148999) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + icons for "Description" and "Insert Caption" are identical, but they should be different -- their functions are different (tdf#149008) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Add help/info to Master Password refresh infobar (tdf#149127) [Caolán McNamara] + Table header cells have scope set to None instead of Column after exporting Writer table to PDF/UA (tdf#149140) [Michael Stahl] + Update chart with method update() does not work in Writer (tdf#149189) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + FILEOPEN: Incorrect string in chart (tdf#149204) [Xisco Fauli] + [LOCALHELP] Bad Help page for database connection wizard (tdf#149221) [Rafael Lima] + better vertical alignment in the Navigator (tdf#149279) [Jim Raykowski] + FILEOPEN DOCX First page style not applied to table-in-table (tdf#149292) [Justin Luth] + Increase/Decrease indent buttons should be part of the Text Formatting toolbar (tdf#149305) [Bogdan B] + (F1) Help for Format > Table (in Draw) has no help page linked to it, as well as "Minimal Row Height" and "Minimal Column Width" in its submenu (tdf#149318) [Olivier Hallot] + Text is being overly distorted when using Page Down (tdf#149322) [Caolán McNamara] + VBA reference to a sheet by name, not index, crashes Calc (tdf#149325) [Xisco Fauli] + SLIDESHOW: Feature request to add well known keyboard shortcut from Powerpoint CTRL+A (tdf#149351) [Gabor Kelemen] + F1 (Help) Edit > Selection Mode > Standard in Writer gives 404 error (tdf#149352) [Olivier Hallot] + deleting 'the' tracks the change as 'moved (deletion)' (tdf#149388) [László Németh] + CUPS printing custom usercode with lpoptions isn't shown in Libreoffice (tdf#149439) [Caolán McNamara] + Some Calc functions called via a FunctionAccess service are accepting type Byte, but treat it as if it is ShortInt (-128..127). (tdf#149447) [Mike Kaganski] + CRASH: pasting and undoing (tdf#149507) [Xisco Fauli] + Add sparklines extended tips (tdf#149525) [Olivier Hallot] + Calc Insert Sheet + save Freeze (tdf#149529) [Xisco Fauli] + Excel Visual Basic compatibility issue in LibreOffice Calc: .Delete (tdf#149531) [Xisco Fauli] + OOXML DOCX bad import, export and rendering for property "upright" (tdf#149538) [Regina Henschel] + Writer creates a new character style named "__XXX___invalid" when used style deleted (tdf#149547) [Justin Luth] + CRASH: copying and pasting tracked content (tdf#149548) [Michael Stahl] + OOXML bad import of attribute 'rot' of element (tdf#149551) [Regina Henschel] + CRASH: using empty transpose (tdf#149554) [Xisco Fauli] + Setting image in XTabPageModel is not reflected in UI (tdf#149575) [Ilhan Yesil] + VBA Range.Sort should expand a single cell range to Range.CurrentRegion (tdf#149579) [Xisco Fauli] + The return value of createUnoService callback is not initialized (tdf#149622) [Mike Kaganski] + Icons Needed for More Button in New Contextual Single UI (tdf#149646) [Rizal Muttaqin] + CRASH: in SwNodeIndex::SwNodeIndex (tdf#149649) [Xisco Fauli] + FILEOPEN PPTX Crash after opening file (tdf#149650) [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] + FILEOPEN PPTX Use bg fill shape has black fill in master slide view (tdf#149651) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + Crash: "Helplines while moving" crashes debug-build (tdf#149655) [Noel Grandin] + Cannot enter a single quotation mark followed by on or more digits into a cell via keyboard (tdf#149665) [Eike Rathke, Xisco Fauli] + CRASH: importing document in ScQueryEvaluator::compareByString<0> (tdf#149679) [Xisco Fauli] + Minor inconsistencies in sparkline related UI strings (tdf#149738) [Julien Nabet] + Confusing icon for adding column in libreoffice writer (tdf#149741) [Maxim Monastirsky, Seth Chaiklin] + CRASH: importing spreadsheet (tdf#149752) [Xisco Fauli] + "Create" and "Start from First Slide" Icons in Breeze theme look the same (tdf#149753) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Gradient visualization no longer capable to display areas outside DefinitionRange (tdf#149754) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + CSV filter token 5 (Cell Format Codes for Each Column) needs an explicit "CSV Import" clarification (tdf#149759) [Olivier Hallot] + New Find objects created for each call to Selection.Find (tdf#149775) [Hannah Meeks] + Read Error importing document (tdf#149785) [Noel Grandin, Xisco Fauli] + CRASH: closing area dialog after closing Add color palette via extension dialog (tdf#149787) [Caolán McNamara, Xisco Fauli] + It is not possible to change highlight color in listbox (tdf#149797) [Ilhan Yesil] + Unwanted white border in exported SVG (tdf#149800) [László Németh] + FILESAVE PPTX Use background fill property not saved for all shapes (tdf#149803) [Tibor Nagy] + gtk/qt/win: Combo/list boxes no longer use style colors after 3c6a53b9ce64180b2a03e097c1844f7496f26815 (tdf#149804) [Michael Weghorn] + qt5/qt6/kf5 report incorrect positions for a11y (Accerciser doesn't highlight area covered by the UI element) (tdf#149816) [Michael Weghorn] + Double-clicking not working (kf5) (tdf#149818) [Michael Weghorn] + Scrolling on properties pane causes to change value unintentionally (tdf#149823) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN DOCX SmartArt background shape has wrong size (tdf#149840) [Regina Henschel] + Update Help for CSV import (tdf#149846) [Olivier Hallot] + SVG: add support for Orient auto-start-reverse in markers (tdf#149913) [Xisco Fauli] + Seeing _RefHeading_ in cross-ref field listing in Navigator (tdf#149916) [Xisco Fauli] + When using ibus input methods, the underlining style set by the input method is ignored in the gtk3 backend. (tdf#149932) [Caolán McNamara] + Base: Dialog for User Administration couldn't be resized - too small when translated to German to show all buttons (tdf#149944) [Heiko Tietze] + Select Address List file dialog has erratic filter list (tdf#149947) [Mike Kaganski] + Long date (d mmm yyyy) in en-ZA locale not recognized. (tdf#149950) [Xisco Fauli] + view jumps around when (linux) system zoom enabled (tdf#149952) [Michael Weghorn] + Activating RTL Content Does Not Trigger Icon Flipping in Formatting Toolbar (tdf#149956) [Maxim Monastirsky] + FILEOPEN PPTX: indentation of list items far too far to the left (overruns bullet items) (tdf#149961) [Sarper Akdemir] + XFind not a property/attribute of XRange (tdf#149963) [Hannah Meeks] + FILEOPEN PPTX: video is "blown" up, distorting proportions (tdf#149971) [Miklos Vajna] + FILEOPEN PPTX: Impress crashes opening a one-slide presentation (with a chart) (tdf#149985) [Xisco Fauli, Noel Grandin] + Will `LibreOffice Start Center` also be known as `LibreOffice Start Centre`? (tdf#149990) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, Ilmari Lauhakangas] + Replace "Page" with "Page Style" in "Printing Sheets in Landscape Format" (tdf#149991) [Bogdan B] + Use the GTK3 / GTK4 "suggested-action" CSS class for the "Find Next" button in the "Find and Replace" dialog to visually indicate it is receiving the default action (tdf#150007) [Caolán McNamara] + Add Croatian Kuna to Euroconvert function (tdf#150011) [Eike Rathke] + Impossible to add characters to Bookmark Text left or right from existing Bookmark Text. (tdf#150017) [Michael Stahl] + LibreOffice Calc hangs on opening the particular file with pathological chart (tdf#150034) [Noel Grandin] + Several dialogs have secondary/explicative labels that need to be smaller (tdf#150045) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + Accessible tree order is unstable (tdf#150064) [Colomban Wendling, Michael Weghorn] + LibreOffice Impress has white line on bottom and right edge of projection monitor (tdf#150102) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + Printer settings not loaded from doc for long printer/driver name (tdf#150104) [Michael Weghorn] + No name in the "Property or method not found: $(ARG1)" error message (tdf#150139) [Andreas Heinisch] + pasting text from writer misses a lot of characters When pasted into impress! (tdf#150151) [Xisco Fauli, Luboš Luňák] + FILEOPEN PPTX: extraneous borders around chart objects (tdf#150176) [Balazs Varga] + Rename doesn't work in form navigator (GEN) (tdf#150181) [Michael Stahl] + Impossible to assign percent format for incomplete data series in diagram (tdf#150196) [Caolán McNamara] + number lost (after assigning numbering to style) when exporting to DOCX (tdf#150197) [Justin Luth] + Drop caps bad behaviour with hyphens (tdf#150200) [László Németh] + Opening wmf file containing placeable header fails (tdf#150201) [offtkp] + Impossible to call RANDBETWEEN using FunctionAccess when UI language is not English (tdf#150203) [Jean-Pierre Ledure, Eike Rathke] + EDITING: Crash when cutting trace dependent with precedent on different sheet (tdf#150219) [Xisco Fauli] + REPORTBUILDER - Starting to set font for a text box crashes whole LO (tdf#150222) [Xisco Fauli] + Calc information shown in Help->About is incomplete (tdf#150246) [Roman Kuznetsov] + Commandline: >soffice --help gives wrong Information (tdf#150251) [Mike Kaganski, Olivier Hallot] + XCell::setFormula() for AddIn functions works only with programmatic name (tdf#150253) [Eike Rathke] + Crash exporting a document with zoom to DOCX (tdf#150265) [Mike Kaganski] + FILEOPEN DOCX RTF Unused document variable not imported (tdf#150267) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + [UI][RFE] clearly visible hint or tooltip when entering a non-number Conditional Formatting condition (see comment 13) (tdf#150271) [Eike Rathke] + Solid Line Style preview in Borders dialog is not seen using dark mode in Ubuntu 22.04 and OpenSuse (tdf#150273) [Caolán McNamara] + Form control Property Browser dialog doesn't remember last used tab (differently wrong in gtk3 and gen) (tdf#150278) [Justin Luth] + Aug. 1st becomes Jan. 8th when using DD/MM/YYYY date format (tdf#150288) [Xisco Fauli] + Macro-collection-management crashes when no macro-container is selected (gtk3 specific) (tdf#150291) [Caolán McNamara] + Section column separator - more (line width) (tdf#150293) [Mike Kaganski] + Calc Name Box field not updated immediately after deleting a sheet-local named range with deleting a sheet (tdf#150307) [Eike Rathke, Xisco Fauli] + Named ranges disappear in Calc (tdf#150312) [Eike Rathke] + SVG: marker-mid and marker-end not supported properly (tdf#150323) [Xisco Fauli] + Newly created animated gif is not saved (tdf#150325) [Noel Grandin] + EDITING: AutoCorrect without "Show as tip" always fills in rest of word regardless of next key stroke (tdf#150331) [Xisco Fauli] + The explanation of the help page about the BASIC IsMissing Function is incorrect. (tdf#150369) [Bogdan B] + Accept art-x-... and art-Latn-x-... artificial language private-use tags in character attribution's Font Language edit field (tdf#150370) [Eike Rathke] + autocorr/acor_*.dat files with a valid language tag should add that tag to the language list if not already present (tdf#150371) [Eike Rathke] + Style inspector: CJK & CTL properties should never be hidden (tdf#150409) [Liu Hao] + unopkg.bin: segfault from `make` in sdk example complextoolbarclient (tdf#150427) [Stephan Bergmann] + LibreOffice displays the full text of the legend, so the legend overflows the chart area. (tdf#150434) [Tünde Tóth] + DOCX import: drop cap quotation marks are too big (tdf#150438) [László Németh] + Gear menu mentioned in Help instead of hamburger menu (tdf#150445) [Olivier Hallot] + Crash in: libc.so.6 (tdf#150452) [Xisco Fauli] + Crash on hovering footnote references after removing footnote (tdf#150457) [Hossein] + visually poor spacing between characters in impress (tdf#150462) [Caolán McNamara] + RANDBETWEEN() description in Function wizard should include whether the upper and lower bounds are included (tdf#150465) [Rafael Lima] + Function description in "Functions" sidebar should have minimum height (tdf#150473) [Rafael Lima] + Drop separate docking Elements window, and use Sidebar instead (tdf#150489) [Mike Kaganski] + missing default value for LanguageTool "Base URL" (tdf#150494) [Rafael Lima] + gtk3: Orca no longer announces Writer text (tdf#150496) [Caolán McNamara] + CRASH: deleting sheet (tdf#150499) [Xisco Fauli] + Field is duplicated after pasting it. then it hangs if undone (tdf#150500) [Michael Stahl] + CRASH: after clicking between the horizontal and vertical rulers (tdf#150502) [Julien Nabet] + VIEWING: Text in Writer 7.4.0 appears smeared (tdf#150507) [Caolán McNamara] + Exporting shape with gradient fill as PDF results in wrong output (tdf#150551) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + Crash after resizing Writer's main window (tdf#150555) [Julien Nabet, Xisco Fauli] + Date shown incorrectly in a form with default values (tdf#150569) [Juan C. Sanz, jucasaca] + When I delete a row above a previously deleted row and the "Track changes" turned on, the cursor jump to the beginning of the document. (tdf#150576) [László Németh] + Deleting a drawing object kicks you back to the last position of the text cursor instead of the anchor. Ctrl-X does not. (tdf#150589) [Jim Raykowski] + FILEOPEN .dif files in LibreOffice Calc (tdf#150599) [Xisco Fauli] + Shortcut - delete key - doesn't delete the selected Index Entry in navigator (tdf#150604) [Jim Raykowski] + "Measure unit" should be "Unit of measurement" (tdf#150605) [Bogdan B] + The string "Enable rounding" is potentially wrong (tdf#150607) [Bogdan B] + DOC: Format of chapter number changed by format of the last character on the line (tdf#150613) [Justin Luth] + High Contrast theme is broken with GTK3. (tdf#150622) [Caolán McNamara] + Autofilter result is wrong when filtering (empty) records (tdf#150647) [Luboš Luňák] + Spacing issue with Malayalam Sign Virama (U+0D4D) in Writer (tdf#150665) [Khaled Hosny] + Insert a row in the table after delete it but won't be deleted. (If Track changes is active.) (tdf#150666) [László Németh] + Inserting and deleting a simple table in Writer (warnings in console with debug LO) (tdf#150676) [Michael Weghorn] + bad shortcut in french langage (tdf#150682) [Aron Budea, Noel Grandin] + Calc: With >16k column support, screen readers don't announce all cells (tdf#150683) [Michael Weghorn] + "Image preferred DPI" is not good English (tdf#150697) [Heiko Tietze] + "Axis" versus "axes" in extended tips (tdf#150703) [Bogdan B] + Export as PDF warnings in console with debug LO (tdf#150706) [Caolán McNamara] + Wrong Kashida in Arabic text when enabling "Toggle formatting marks" (tdf#150710) [Khaled Hosny] + Format->Conditional->Condition 100% CPU (tdf#150712) [Julien Nabet, Noel Grandin] + DATALOSS: saving a recovered CSV converts all non-Western characters to question marks (tdf#150714) [Mike Kaganski] + Add custom color bookmark boundary marks + handle their overlapping/neighboring (tdf#150717) [László Németh] + The hyperlink lose it format when I create a hyperlink more words with separately. (tdf#150719) [Tibor Nagy] + assertion failed after adding .jar to Classpath (gtk only?) (tdf#150723) [Caolán McNamara] + Wrong rendering of characters for colored Arabic text when enabling "Toggle formatting marks" (tdf#150726) [Khaled Hosny] + ReportBuilder: Moving fields from one section to another destroys connection of field to datasource (tdf#150732) [Noel Grandin] + Find and replace - replace all - 100% CPU (tdf#150749) [Noel Grandin] + With non-default .ott document template, e.g. "Simple" cannot edit texbox once placed (tdf#150753) [Mike Kaganski] + Assertion when opening report for editing from tdf#150732 (tdf#150756) [Noel Grandin] + Incomplete recalculate (tdf#150766) [Xisco Fauli] + FILEOPEN: PPtX: Read error - Error reading file (tdf#150770) [Xisco Fauli] + Do not bring document to front after user had switched from it to other tasks on loading (tdf#150773) [Mike Kaganski] + Exporting form controls to PDF gives different results depending on system dark mode (tdf#150786) [Mike Kaganski, Caolán McNamara] + Show adjacent bookmark ranges (tdf#150790) [László Németh] + Show point bookmark as I-beam shape (⌶) instead of vertical line (tdf#150791) [László Németh] + Can't scroll with mouse in Print Preview from 7.5+ (tdf#150797) [Caolán McNamara] + General error importing svgz file (tdf#150808) [Julien Nabet, Xisco Fauli] + Skia: Assertion fails in debug build with presentation with console on two screens (tdf#150817) [Luboš Luňák] + Failed assert running a slideshow with Skia (debug build) (tdf#150821) [Luboš Luňák] + Calc Name Box field not updated immediately after undoing duplication of sheet (tdf#150829) [Xisco Fauli] + FILEOPEN: charts cannot be seen (only white boxes) (tdf#150832) [Xisco Fauli] + CRASH: inserting a form (tdf#150845) [Noel Grandin, Xisco Fauli] + Converting txt files to pdf fails with a ERRCODE_IO_CANTWRITE error code (tdf#150846) [Xisco Fauli] + Table formula is not explained in Help (tdf#150857) [Rafael Lima] + When "Track Changes" is on, the second inserted row in the table won't perceive after created it (tdf#150876) [László Németh] + [FILEOPEN] DBF Mazovia Encoding (0x69) (tdf#150877) [Julien Nabet] + Toolbar icons are half-seen in Macro dialog in 7.5 with KF5 (tdf#150882) [Michael Weghorn] + Blurry icon in OLE link (tdf#150888) [Paris Oplopoios] + Regression: HTML entities badly rendered (tdf#150909) [Olivier Hallot] + Calc drop shadows do not display properly (tdf#150931) [Xisco Fauli] + Conflicting information in UI strings "First name" and "Last name" (tdf#150939) [Rafael Lima] + a11y: Add accessibility to the visible bookmarks (tdf#150947) [László Németh] + In Writer the hidden bookmarks appear as if they aren't hidden. MSO shows these hidden status. (tdf#150955) [László Németh] + The hidden bookmarks appear in Writer's document body. (tdf#150956) [László Németh] + The menu path "View - Find on this page" is wrong (tdf#150958) [Rafael Lima] + FILESAVE Editing this MSO file in LO Writer causes the header and footer contents to be corrupted (tdf#150966) [Regina Henschel] + Track Changes: Delete row does only delete a row or column of embedded table; deletion of full row expected (tdf#150976) [László Németh] + "Math baseline alignment" is not documented in Help (tdf#150989) [Rafael Lima] + FILEOPEN PPTX text in shape has wrong anchor if text direction is tb-rl (eaVert) (tdf#151008) [Regina Henschel] + Start Center: Thumbnail filter: description text "Filter:" font color does not adapt dark mode, unreadable (tdf#151017) [Caolán McNamara] + INDIRECT() with a loaded range name argument matching a (now 16k column) cell address uses cell reference instead. (tdf#151046) [Xisco Fauli] + Find Bar's "Find All" button text invisible in dark mode, Windows (tdf#151052) [Caolán McNamara] + Body text not visible in Notes view of Content with dark background (tdf#151053) [Caolán McNamara] + HANG: launching start center (GEN) (tdf#151056) [Mike Kaganski] + PDF Printing showing random black lines on my document. (tdf#151060) [Miklos Vajna] + Conflicting information in "privateuserpage" strings (tdf#151061) [Rafael Lima] + Consistency between dependent objects (tdf#151070) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + Revise Sifr to Follow Upstream (Adwaita) (tdf#151071) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Python script InsertText.py fails with error message (tdf#151076) [Rafael Lima] + Rotated metafile looses rotation of gradient in presentation mode and in export (tdf#151081) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + Expand "+" / fold "-" buttons poorly visible in dark mode, too small to be clear (tdf#151087) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Rename "Invoice Paper" to "Kraft Paper" (tdf#151088) [Rafael Lima] + FILESAVE: Writer crashes on save after deleting a paragraph style (tdf#151094) [Miklos Vajna] + Table in a shape in a header is lost on ODT export (tdf#151100) [Mike Kaganski] + Shadow and image fill does not work together in presentation mode (tdf#151104) [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)] + Print Preview in Print dialog: page orientation depends on moving forward or backwards through print previews (tdf#151107) [Caolán McNamara] + Calc: Navigator does not retain focus after user presses F5 (tdf#151112) [Caolán McNamara] + UI: Wrong font used for rendering in Style Preview (tdf#151114) [Khaled Hosny] + SVG: incorrect spacing with xml:space="preserve" (tdf#151118) [Xisco Fauli] + Outline folding state change does not set dirty file flag (tdf#151124) [Jim Raykowski] + Template Manager opens in a small window (tdf#151143) [Rafael Lima] + [EDITING] [DOCUMENTATION] ISODD and ISEVEN behavior (tdf#151165) [Eike Rathke] + [LOCALHELP] Add Chart table new feature Help page (tdf#151169) [Rafael Lima] + LibODev crashed if Grammalect extension activated (tdf#151172) [Maxim Monastirsky] + sidebar transparency slider isn't hidden when it does not apply (tdf#151174) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + Crash when exporting ODS file with Persian text to PDF (tdf#151187) [Caolán McNamara] + content control: picking date doesn't replace previous date (tdf#151190) [Miklos Vajna] + Remove EmojiControl (tdf#151197) [Julien Nabet, Khaled Hosny] + Crash in: SfxItemPool::SetDefaults(std::vector > *) (tdf#151260) [Xisco Fauli] + Assertion failure on justified Arabic/Persian text in Impress exported to PDF (tdf#151262) [Caolán McNamara] + LO Calc hangs when try to open XLS file (tdf#151283) [Noel Grandin] + Bounding boxes are now visible in Impress tables (bug or feature?) (tdf#151311) [Caolán McNamara] + "ShowOutlineContentVisibilityButton" disrupts assigning character style to portion of text (tdf#151315) [Jim Raykowski] + Incorrect referral as "Slide Sorter" for the sd LEFT PANE "Slide pane" (Impress) "Page pane" (Draw) (tdf#151347) [Olivier Hallot] + Spacing issue with Malayalam Sign Virama (U+0D4D) in Writer (part 2) (tdf#151350) [Khaled Hosny] + Start Center: Text in buttons is not readable (gen) (tdf#151351) [Caolán McNamara] + Crash when running insertDocumentFromURL with certain document (tdf#151375) [Xisco Fauli] + [LOCALHELP] Add description for "Image preferred resolution" in File-Properties-General (tdf#151386) [Olivier Hallot] + Styles tree in the Navigator does not expand to and highlight the style being used by the current paragraph anymore (tdf#151387) [Jim Raykowski] + Auto_Open should not run from ThisWorkbook (tdf#151393) [Justin Luth] + Editing with Draw, activating Form controls, selecting one, LO crash without code number. (tdf#151417) [Noel Grandin, Xisco Fauli] + Spider web chart drawing error since LO Calc version (tdf#151424) [Xisco Fauli] + Calc: time data loose a second when dragged down (tdf#151460) [Xisco Fauli, Eike Rathke] + sub-indexes do not update (tdf#151462) [Andreas Heinisch] + Inserting TIFF-images will ignore dpi-information, always set to 96 dpi (tdf#151468) [Caolán McNamara] + Writer table rows (or columns) cannot be selected with Table->Select->Row (Column) if the last cell contains a nested table. (tdf#151478) [László Németh] + PowerPoint fails to open PPTX saved from certain ODP in Impress (tdf#151492) [Tibor Nagy] + Sifr: No Wrap Image in Image Properties (tdf#151502) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Sidebar content disappearing with gtk3 backend (tdf#151509) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN DOCX Text is wrongly placed in some SmartArt types (tdf#151518) [Regina Henschel] + LibreOffice Writer Ruler (set to inches) won't display sub-inch tick-marks. (tdf#151519) [Rafael Lima] + Applying paragraph styles with sub outline-level does not become folded content (tdf#151521) [Jim Raykowski] + Tools -> Options -> Accessibility 'Automatically detect high contrast mode' maybe needs a rework (tdf#151522) [Caolán McNamara] + Tip of the Day: Drawing on a Curved Line. (tdf#151526) [Rafael Lima] + No icons for Fontwork dialog in dark mode (tdf#151527) [Rizal Muttaqin] + “Lines per page" in Grid Mode is not accurately applied (always 1 line less than set in page style dalog) (tdf#151544) [Kevin Suo] + PDF poppler based filter import to Writer canvas reverses RTL script (tdf#151546) [Stephan Bergmann] + No access to FormField controls in StarBASIC/VBA (tdf#151548) [Justin Luth] + Allow excluding hidden sections from Text/HTML export (tdf#151605) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + No Icons For Various Calc's Cell Text Extension (tdf#151606) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Impress crashes after Impress Remote App Closed (tdf#151608) [dldld] + Exporting charts (to PDF, but also to a unit test dump) gives different results depending on system dark mode (tdf#151610) [Caolán McNamara] + Sifr: Missing Icons in 3D Effects Dialog (tdf#151613) [Rizal Muttaqin] + It's "Tools - ImageMap" also in Writer and Calc (tdf#151617) [Rafael Lima] + File save PPTX: Embedded object save as icon is incorrect after its opening. (tdf#151622) [László Németh, Xisco Fauli, Tünde Tóth] + Sifr: Missing Icons in 3D Settings Toolbar (tdf#151631) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Sifr: Missing Table/Cell Border Icons (tdf#151647) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Track change: if the show of changes is switched off, delete selected row of embadded table doesn't work. (tdf#151657) [László Németh] + Track change: accept of deletion of a table row with nested table deletes only the text content, but not the table row (tdf#151658) [László Németh] + There are no "Deletions in margin" and "Insertions in margin" items in some Edit-Track changes submenu (tdf#151665) [Olivier Hallot] + svg import of subscript distorted (tdf#151674) [Caolán McNamara] + The appearance of the connector ends with arrow element will change after we open it in Impress. (tdf#151678) [Tibor Nagy] + Sifr: The Mime Types for MS Office Files Are Missing or Too Generic (tdf#151694) [Rizal Muttaqin] + XmlFilterAdaptor: the status indicator string "Loading :" and "Saving :" are hardcoded and not localizable (tdf#151697) [Kevin Suo] + Sifr: The Borders Overview in Calc's Sidebar Has Overlapping Appearance (tdf#151742) [Rizal Muttaqin] + The table border isn't displayed if the file imported from Powerpoint (tdf#151767) [Tibor Nagy] + Validity drop-down shows empty value when 'Allow empty cells' is disabled (tdf#151794) [Justin Luth] + Autocorrection for closing single Quote doesn't work for other than default character for German (tdf#151801) [Fred Kruse] + FILEOPEN Font color is white instead of colored in XLSX SmartArt (tdf#151818) [Regina Henschel] + Calc AutoFilter arrows not visible in dark mode (tdf#151820) [Rafael Lima] + Clarify that ODBC Connection Wizard connects to a data source (tdf#151827) [Rafael Lima] + Table name should be retained, if table is cutted & pasted (tdf#151828) [Jim Raykowski] + Sifr: Missing Icons in The Right Area of New XML Form Document (tdf#151837) [Rizal Muttaqin] + EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN does not factor in window origin coordinates (tdf#151844) [Paris Oplopoios] + LibreOffice 7.4 missing several imports in com.sun.star.chart2 namespace (tdf#151846) [Noel Grandin] + Array SUM along sheets with INDIRECT reference list result and comparison operator returns #VALUE, while it works fine with 5.4.7 (tdf#151863) [Eike Rathke] + Connectors created in PPTX they are appear incorrectly when opened in Impress. (tdf#151891) [Tibor Nagy] + Sidebar Icons and "Font Color" Icon Appear Blurry When On HiDPI (tdf#151898) [Caolán McNamara] + Create color configuration entry for Grammar mistakes (tdf#151904) [Rafael Lima] + An error has crept into the documentation of SUMIF(). (tdf#151908) [Julien Nabet] + crash of LibreOffice Writer with files .docx (tdf#151912) [Vasily Melenchuk] + LibreOffice Crashes if Video Card Changed (Win nVidia GTX 670) (tdf#151929) [Julien Nabet] + IMPRESS: error colour export in bmp (tdf#151944) [Julien Nabet] + LibreOffice Writer deletes paragraph breaks while moving text in ”track changes” mode (tdf#151954) [László Németh] + Math Shortcut to open documents in Spanish version (tdf#151962) [Julien Nabet] + Crash when changing Text Grid type after I switch from Calc to Writer window (tdf#151979) [Kevin Suo] + Down arrow for dropdown content control for RTL fields should fall on the left (tdf#151980) [Miklos Vajna] + Text Grid dialog: select "Grid (lines and characters)" after you have selected "Grid (lines only)", the control "Characters per line" and "Character width" are grayed out (tdf#151988) [Kevin Suo] + The decimal comma in table formulas always changes from comma to point, resulting broken formula in documents where document locale (language) has default decimal comma (tdf#151993) [László Németh] + Improve Help Online (main0000.xhp and main0100.xhp) (tdf#152011) [Bogdan B] + Assertion failure on opening date picker (debug build) (tdf#152012) [Hossein] + Improve Help Online (main0101.xhp) (tdf#152013) [Bogdan B] + Wrong result with match function when multiple spreadsheets are opened (tdf#152014) [Xisco Fauli] + Improve Help Online (main0102.xhp) (tdf#152022) [Bogdan B] + Database Properties dialog UI (connectionpage.ui) is too narrow when Creating New (tdf#152043) [Caolán McNamara] + Saving a DOCX document with a content control in Writer produces a document unreadable in Word (tdf#152045) [Miklos Vajna] + Calc opens CSV with narrow column so cannot read the date (tdf#152053) [Xisco Fauli, Eike Rathke] + Improve Help Online (source/text/shared/01/01010000.xhp) (tdf#152057) [Bogdan B] + FILEOPEN: DOCX Bitmap image scale is calculated incorrectly (tdf#152061) [Hossein] + Export failure: The background parameters changed after export (tdf#152069) [Tibor Nagy] + Calc freeze when you draw a line inside the chart (tdf#152077) [Noel Grandin] + Cell comment box visible after hiding the row it belongs (tdf#152081) [Balazs Varga] + Ligatures are incorrectly reversed opening RTL PDF files (tdf#152083) [Kevin Suo] + chart element selection dropdown text is misaligned (GTK3) (tdf#152087) [Caolán McNamara] + The whole sentence is moving once after file opening when applying formatting and wiggling characters (tdf#152094) [Caolán McNamara] + can not open particular DOCX file (tdf#152106) [László Németh] + Improve Help Online (source/text/shared/01/01010201.xhp) (tdf#152112) [Bogdan B] + Dates imported erroneously from Calc to Writer database fields (tdf#152114) [Eike Rathke] + Improve Help Online (/text/shared/01/01010203.xhp) (tdf#152121) [Bogdan B] + Improve Help Online (/text/shared/01/01010303.xhp) (tdf#152127) [Bogdan B] + gtk3: Non-modal dialog on top of modal dialog unusable (tdf#152150) [Caolán McNamara] + Embedded images problem in Writer. (tdf#152153) [Tünde Tóth] + Crash in libmergedlo.so when Object Catalog undocked and BASIC IDE closed (tdf#152154) [Julien Nabet] + gtk3: Dropdown in Extension sidebar misplaced (tdf#152155) [Caolán McNamara] + Update Available icon (on menu bar) messes up ability to work with multiple Calc windows (tdf#152157) [Caolán McNamara] + With folding outlines, message about "read-only content" is too vague (tdf#152165) [Jim Raykowski] + macOS: under macOS Ventura 13.x with Safari as default browser and Settings > Advanced > Show Develop menu disabled, online help is not loaded but local help, which is unexpected (tdf#152172) [Christian Lohmaier] + macOS: Dark Mode: change in System Settings > Appearance Light | Dark should automatically switch icon theme (tdf#152183) [Caolán McNamara] + CRASH when opening Properties tab of Text Portion in UNO Inspector (tdf#152187) [Julien Nabet] + Image garbled after roundtrip (tdf#152199) [Jan Holesovsky] + An input box followed by a to-character anchor of a textbox results in corrupt DOCX (tdf#152200) [Mike Kaganski] + Cursor jumps around when moving through some ligatures (tdf#30731) [Khaled Hosny] + Allow minimizing or resizing the presenter screen while presentation is active (UI) (tdf#33495) [Daniel Lohmann] + Customize Keyboard Reset button doesn't work (tdf#35030) [Caolán McNamara] + EDITING auto row height or change row height removes AutoFilter result (tdf#36383) [Andreas Heinisch] + correctly drop NotDef glyphs in mixed direction fallback runs (tdf#373494) [Khaled Hosny] + copy/paste code detector / fixing (tdf#39593) [Liu Hao] + improve UNO API error reporting (tdf#42982) [PoonamShokeen, Mahdi Tizabi, Calvince Otieno] + EDITING: It is better for spaces at the end of line to cause a new line (tdf#43100) [Attila Szűcs, Stephan Bergmann] + Regular expression "\n" in replace field inputs "\n" instead of line(paragraph?) break (tdf#43107) [Eike Rathke] + Calc doesn't filter any comments (tdf#46444) [Balazs Varga] + Deleting columns in a table can delete several columns if any cells in that column are merged with other cells (tdf#46733) [Justin Luth] + Copy + Paste changes "OpenSymbol" font to "StarSymbol" (tdf#47679) [Caolán McNamara] + Writer TABLES: impossible to select table (tdf#47979) [László Németh] + Excel Visual Basic compatibility issue in LibreOffice Calc: NumberFormat to date/time (tdf#52602) [Xisco Fauli] + Change write error message on PDF export, show 1 error dialog instead of 3 (tdf#53530) [Matt K] + PDF export: enhance watermarking feature with color, transparency, size and location (tdf#54053) [Miklos Vajna] + FILEOPEN: Font color is wrong (white instead of black on white background) in DOCX SmartArt Horizontal Hierarchy (that cannot be edited in LO) (tdf#54095) [Regina Henschel] + FILEOPEN: slow opening, 2Mb .PPT file opens several minutes (tdf#54857) [Noel Grandin] + Remove Libre-Office's "file"->"recently used docs" from the Dock menu in OSX>=10.8 (tdf#55922) [Khaled Hosny] + Writer FILESAVE: bullets list saved as numbered list (in specific ODT) (tdf#57317) [Justin Luth] + PDF: "Description" and "Title/Text Alternative" is only PDF-exported for Images, but not for Shapes, Formula, Frames, and OLE Objects (tdf#57423) [Michael Stahl] + FILEOPEN XLSX: Diacritic characters in form button labels are completely lost (tdf#60673) [Xisco Fauli] + Freeze and unfreeze don't modify document (tdf#61060) [Justin Luth] + TABLE: correct UX handling of "Distribute" and "Equally Space" table Columns and Rows (tdf#64242) [Justin Luth] + FORMATTING: paragraph alignment options position is unintuitive (tdf#65473) [Heiko Tietze] + Setting additional spacing between characters does not prevent automatic ligature substitution. (tdf#66819) [Khaled Hosny] + Make narrow non-breaking spaces visible (tdf#67669) [Andreas Heinisch] + Feature request: Preserve last used Paste special options selection for next session (after restarting LibreOffice) (tdf#69750) [Xisco Fauli, Siddhant Chaudhary] + FILESAVE XLSX Grouping of shapes is lost on export (tdf#70293) [Tibor Nagy] + draw tables ignore cell attributes specified in style:table-cell-properties (tdf#72238) [Maxim Monastirsky] + Font Embedding does not work on MacOS (tdf#72456) [Khaled Hosny] + Convert inappropriate use of sal_uIntPtr to better integer types (tdf#75280) [OmkarAcharekar] + FORMATTING: Number Styles, character style of "None" is ignored (tdf#75297) [Justin Luth] + FILEOPEN: line-break ignored (The cell should display one line above the other - comment 18) (tdf#75702) [Justin Luth] + START CENTER: A GUI means to filter the thumbnail view list of MRU recent documents by module (tdf#80934) [Heiko Tietze] + caret does not enter ligature; easy to insert at wrong place (tdf#83581) [Khaled Hosny] + Fileopen XLSX: SmartArt is not displayed (tdf#83671) [Regina Henschel] + EDITING: Report-Builder crashes LO, when editing report and start Format → Page (tdf#84930) [Xisco Fauli] + Font and highlight colour toolbar buttons dont work in comments (tdf#85592) [Justin Luth] + FEATURE REQUEST: Implement different default templates per locale (tdf#86483) [Kevin Suo] + Styles-dropdown preview always uses “Western” font (tdf#87535) [Khaled Hosny] + update technical dictionary (tdf#87605) [nazanin yadi] + array references for a text argument in calc functions are not explained in Libreoffice help (tdf#89358) [Olivier Hallot] + FILEOPEN: image color in PPTX file is black instead of white (tdf#89928) [Sarper Akdemir] + Page numbering in the status bar should change sooner with a certain proportion of the next page (tdf#90150) [Jim Raykowski] + External links don't saved as relative in xls (tdf#90299) [Łukasz Leszko] + Sort button does not sort first cell if it has text format (tdf#91305) [Mike Kaganski] + Inserting table has incorrect row heights (tdf#91762) [Sarper Akdemir] + FILESAVE: Shapes with Default Line Width Changed on Roundtrip (MSO 2010+ theme defaults not preserved) (tdf#92222) [Tibor Nagy] + alt command for Same Content on First Page should be unique (tdf#92610) [Gabor Kelemen] + Apply style in a selected table cell leaks to another table cell (when selecting "backwards") (tdf#93747) [Justin Luth] + Automatic colors (white on dark background) (or colors predefined ?) not exported to PPTX correctly (tdf#94122) [Sarper Akdemir] + Selection box for text box not shown (tdf#94223) [Caolán McNamara] + Make unittests more pythonic (tdf#97361) [Chenxiong Qi] + INSERT: SVG clippath not fully supported (tdf#97539) [Xisco Fauli] + Menu bar and right tool bar are invisible, but functional in high-contrast-mode/theme (tdf#98067) [Caolán McNamara] + TIFF EXPORT saves weird image: in different x-y resolution and dimensions (tdf#98743) [Julien Nabet] + FILESAVE as doc: bullet point character format wrongly taken from following paragraph (tdf#99474) [Justin Luth] + FILEOPEN .xlsm error 37 times: BASIC runtime error. '423' Value2 (tdf#99514) [Hannah Meeks]