Begin4 Title: Matrix ANN Version: 1.26a Entered-date: 20 Sep 2002 Description: Book and source code describing algorithms and efficient implementation of Artificial Neural Networks Keywords: neural networks ANN Backpropagation feedforward Kohonen SOM BAM Hopfield Counterpropagation ART Adaptive Resonance Theory Author: Ryurick M. Hristev Maintained-by: Ryurick M. Hristev Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: independent/Scilab Copying-policy: GPL End Matrix_ANN_1.26a-dist.tar.gz source distribution, includes LaTeX and XFig files, Scilab source for the examples used, a makefile to generate the postscript or pdf (note that most likely one would need a Unix system to run the make, Linux tested and preferred) the postscript file as generated trough the makefile for those who can't generate it themselves, note that the Scilab source code is in the source packages. This book have been also issued as a Master's thesis (Maths) in 2000 at University of Canterbury. Minor corrections have been added to this version (mainly typos, nothing substantial). The files are released under the Gnu Public License ver. 2 (because at the time there was no similar license for documentation and anyway Scilab code is code after all and basically the same could be said about LaTeX).