Man Scilab

Scilab Function

interp3d - 3d spline evaluation function

Calling Sequence




Given a tlist tl defining a 3d spline function (see splin3d ) this function evaluates s (and ds/dx, ds/dy, ds/dz if needed) at (xp(i),yp(i),zp(i)) :

      zp(i) = s(xp(i),yp(i))   
      dzpdx(i) = ds/dx(xp(i),yp(i),zp(i))
      dzpdy(i) = ds/dy(xp(i),yp(i),zp(i))  
      dzpdz(i) = ds/dz(xp(i),yp(i),zp(i))

The out_mode parameter defines the evaluation rule for extrapolation, i.e. for (xp(i),yp(i),zp(i)) not in [xmin,xmax]x[ymin,ymax]x[zmin,zmax]:

  • "by_zero" : an extrapolation by zero is done
  • "by_nan" : extrapolation by Nan
  • "C0" : the extrapolation is defined as follows :
         s(x,y) = s(proj(x,y)) where proj(x,y) is nearest point 
                               of [x(1),x(nx)]x[y(1),y(ny)] from (x,y)
  • "periodic" : s is extended by periodicity.
  • Examples

    // see the examples of the splin3d help page

    See Also

    splin3d ,   bsplin3val ,  


    R.F. Boisvert, C. De Boor (code from the CMLIB fortran lib)
    B. Pincon (scilab interface)
