Man Scilab

Scilab Function

gsort - decreasing order sorting

Calling Sequence

[s, [k]]=gsort(v )
[s, [k]]=gsort(v,flag1)
[s, [k]]=gsort(v,flag1,flag2)



gsort is similar to sort with additional properties. The third argument can be used to chose between increasing or decreasing order. The second argument can be used for lexical orders.

[s,k]=gsort(a,'g') and [s,k]=gsort(a,'g','d') are the same as [s,k]=gsort(a) . They perform a sort of the entries of matrix a , a being seen as the stacked vector a(:) (columnwise). [s,k]=gsort(a,'g','i') performs the same operation but in increasing order.

[s,k]=gsort(a,'lr') sort the rows of the matrix int(a) ( if a is a real matrix) or a (if a is a character string matrix) in lexical decreasing order. s is obtained by a permutation of the rows of matrix int(a) (or a ) given by the column vector k ) in such a way that the rows of s verify s(i,:) > s(j,:) if i<j . [s,k]=gsort(a,'lr','i') performs the same operation for increasing lexical order

[s,k]=gsort(a,'lc') sort the columns of the matrix int(a) ( if a is a real matrix) or a (if a is a character string matrix) in lexical decreasing order. s is obtained by a permutation of the columns of matrix int(a) (or a ) given by the row vector k ) in such a way that the columns of s verify s(:,i) > s(:,j) if i<j . [s,k]=gsort(a,'lc','i') performs the same operation for increasing lexical order



See Also

find ,  
