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Consider the following estimation problem

where x is unknown to be estimated, y is known, w is a unit-variance zero-mean Gaussian vector, and

where Co denotes the convex hull and H(i) and V(i), i=1,...,N, are given matrices.

The objective is to find L such that the estimate

is unbiased and the worst case estimation error variance is minimized.

It can be shown that this problem can be formulated as a problem as follows: minimize subject to


To use lmitool for this problem, we invoke it as follows:

--> lmitool()
This results is an interactive session which is partly illustrated in following figures.

Figure 1: This window must be edited to define problem name and the name of variables used.

Figure 2: For the example at hand the result of the editing should look something like this.

Figure 3: This is the skeleton of the solver function and the evaluation function generated by LMITOOL using the names defined previously.

Figure 5: A file is proposed in which the solver and evaluation functions are to be saved. You can modify it if you want.
Figure 4: After editing, we obtain.

Scilab Group