To install grocer: 1) unzip the file in scilab directory. This operation: - creates a directory macros/grocer in scilab directory: these are grocer .sci files - creates a directory macros/grocer in scilab directory: these are grocer help files - replaces the in your scialb directory. If you have yourself modified your scilab?.star, the you Will have to enter these modifications again (think to save these modficiations somewhere before installing grocer 2) run scilab. here is what will appear on screen: ___________________________________________ scilab-3.0 Copyright (c) 1989-2004 Consortium Scilab (INRIA, ENPC) ___________________________________________ Startup execution: loading initial environment installing Grocer 1.0 / Copyright Eric Dubois et al. 2004 be patient... --> The operation will take a few seconds (but less than a minute on sufficinetly recent computers) 3) the next time you will run scilab, then the following will appear on screen ; ___________________________________________ scilab-3.0 Copyright (c) 1989-2004 Consortium Scilab (INRIA, ENPC) ___________________________________________ Startup execution: loading initial environment loading Grocer 1.0 / Copyright Eric Dubois et al. 2004 --> 4) at the pompt, write hendryericsson() and enter. Then scilab should open 2 graphic windows and display the following: ols estimation results for dependent variable: delts(lm1-lp) estimation period: 1964q3-1989q2 number of observations: 100 number of variables: 5 Rē = 0.7616185 ajusted Rē =0.7515814 Overall F test: F(4,95) = 75.880204 p-value = 0 standard error of the regression: 0.0131293 sum of squared residuals: 0.0163761 DW(0) =2.1774376 Belsley, Kuh, Welsch Condition index: 114 variable coeff t-statistic p value delts(lp) -0.6870384 -5.4783422 3.509D-07 delts(lagts(1,lm1-lp-ly)) -0.1746071 -3.0101342 0.0033444 rnet -0.6296264 -10.46405 0 lagts(1,lm1-lp-ly) -0.0928556 -10.873398 0 cte 0.0234367 5.818553 7.987D-08 * * * Warning :redefining function: ls Jarque and Bera normality test: chi2(2)=1.6835341 (p -value = 0.4309483) Doornik and Hansen normality test: chi2(2)=1.9768209 (p -value = 0.3721678) warning matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. rcond = 1.0425D-08 White heteroscedasticity test: chi2(14)=15.475464 [More (y or n ) ?]