Summary :
Scilab graphics to display and create metanet graphs for Scilab-2.6 (From J.P.
Chancelier Scilab Group). (Mar 2002). 					

Description :
Scigraph is a modified version of xmetanet which was developped to
directly use Scilab graphics to display and create graphs.  It is
provided here as an external contribution and it should work under
Unix and Windows.  Copyright Inria/Enpc

Jean-Philippe Chancelier
7Fev 2001
send bug reports to

scigraph-1.3.1.tgz          Source distribution of the Toolbox  Binary version of the Toolbox for Windows systems

Corresponding Author : Jean-Philippe Chancelier
File Name :

Your comments

Reviewer :
I receive the following error 

-->exec "loader.sce"

link failed for dll
link: the shared archive was not loaded
at line      15 of exec file called by :
line    14 of exec file called by :
exec "loader.sce"  		

Reviewer :
tengo este error al querer instalarlo

esto evitara que use alguna de sus funciones???

como puedo instalar de forma correcta el paquete??

   generate a gateway file
   generate a loader file
   generate a Makefile: Makelib
   running the makefile
   compilation of intMeta
   "nmake" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
   programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.
 !--error 9999
unix_s: error during ``nmake /nologo /f Makelib.mak intMeta.obj'' execution
at line      50 of function unix_s called by :
line    25 of function ilib_compile called by :
line    20 of function ilib_build called by :
line    32 of exec file called by :
  exec builder.sce
line    23 of exec file called by :
exec('C:\Archivos de
programa\scilab-4.0\contrib\scigraph-1.3.1\builder.sce');disp('exec done'); 

Reviewer :
mi correo esta equivocado, sorry

si pueden responder a la brevedad posible
se los agradeceria


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