Summary :
Fuzzy logic inference toolbox (Feb 2000). 					

Description :
This is the version 1.0 (May/1997) of fuzzy logic inference tool-box 

Author:  Guillermo Ortega

Before install or use FISLAB, please take some seconds to read the license

The installation of the tool-box is done in several steps: 

1) If you do not have yet SCILAB get the binary of your needs from 
   the web at

2) Obtain a copy of FISLAB (if you are reading this note, probably you have 
   it already). and
   decompress it with gunzip

3) tar xf FISLAB.tar in the subdirectory where you want to install
   the FISLAB main directory (NOT IN MAIN SCILAB DIRCTORY). 
   This will create the FISLAB subdirectory structure (see "Contents" below).

4) edit the FISLAB/Path.incl file to set the correct paths for scilab and

5) execute make all in FISLAB directory.

6) copy the FISLAB/.scilab file in your own directory if you install
   FISLAB for your own or add it's contents at the end of
   SCIDIR/ file for a general use.

7) copy FISLAB/Chapter at the end of your own Chapters file (see help
   on help) if you install FISLAB for your own, or add it's contents at
   the end of SCIDIR/man/Chapters file for a general use (see help on
   help for more details).

8) Modify the path in the "initialize.sci" if you need it, and run it with
   exec("/initialize.sce") if you need it. This will only
   be needed if you run version 2.2

Then each time you launch scilab the FISLAB functions will be
automatically loaded and a FISLAB help chapter appears.

It is possible to run the demo file called "demos/intrdemo.sce". To run
the demo, proceed in the following way:
     9a) Start SCILAB.
     9b) Enter the command:
         From the File, File-Operations pull down menu look for the
         subdirectory    FISLAB/demos, and then for the "intrdemo.sci" file.
         Click on the ``Exec'' command button. 
         Good luck.

README        : this file
Makefile      : installation makefile
Path.incl     : file containing path of scilab and FISLAB directories (to be
license.txt   : licence information
initialize.sce: FISLAB toolbox initialization file for use without Makefiles
     intrdemo.sce  : FISLAB demos scilab exec file
     screen1.gif   : first screen shoot of the demonstration
     screen2.gif   : second screen shoot of the demonstration
     screen2.gif   : third screen shoot of the demonstration
doc/ : postscript FISLAB documentation 
     FISLAB-man.pdf: pdf FISLAB documentation 
macros/fislab    : directory of FISLAB scilab function
     *.sci    : source versions
     *.bin    : precompiled binary versions (generated)
     names    : table of functions (generated)
     lib      : scilab library binary save (generated)
     Makefile : FISLAB library creation makefile
man           : directory for help
     Makefile : help formatting  Makefile
     strip.sed: a tool
man/fislab       : 
     *.man    : nroff help file
     *.cat    : formatted files (generated)
     whatis   : short function description (generated)


Corresponding Author : Guillermo Ortega
File Name : FISLAB.tar.gz

Your comments

Reviewer :
Just downloaded the Toolbox.		

Reviewer :
OOPS! I could not downlaod the toolbox.		

Reviewer :
Bug in fzfirsci does not build

replace if n == 1then, with if n == 1 then, and it works



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