Summary :
Interface with SLICOT library for computations in systems and control theory
(Apr 2001). 					

Description :
This contribution is a Scilab interface with Slicot

Slicot ( is a freeware
library which provides implementations of numerical algorithms for
computations in systems and control theory.  Based on numerical linear
algebra routines from BLAS and LAPACK libraries, SLICOT provides
methods for the design and analysis of control systems.

The following chapters are covered by Slicot:

- Analysis Routines (controllability, minimal systems, system
  interconnections, system zeros, model reduction, system norms,
  stability radius, etc.)

- Data Analysis (covariances, spectra, Fourier transforms)

- Filtering (Kalman filters, fast recursive least squares)
- Identification (Subspace identification techniques. System matrix,
  covariances, Kalman gain estimation)

- Mathematical routines (Basic linear algebra, linear equations and
  least squares, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, periodic Schur forms,
  decomposition and transformations, matrix functions)

- Polynomial and rational function manipulations.

- Synthesis Routines (Pole assignment, Riccati solvers, Lyapunov and
  Sylvester equations, H-infinity synthesis, Controller reduction,
  descriptor synthesis) 


Slicot is developped by NICONET is BRITE-EURAM European project

The interface with Scilab has been developped by
  F. Delebecque, S. Steer INRIA

To Install this toolbox: (Scilab-2.6)
First expand the archive

We Suppose here that  stands for  the path of the contribution

     * Administrator
        Has to execute, once and for all, the following instruction 
        within Scilab:
        This operation requires permission to write in  
     * User
        Should execute the following instruction within Scilab:
        before using the toolbox, he  can also put it  in his
        .scilab startup file for automatic loading.


Corresponding Author : Scilab Group
Website :
File Name : slicot-1.0.tar.gz
File Name :

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