NAME - Display manager. GUI tool for easy display/zoom/query of map sets. (GRASS Display Program)


DESCRIPTION may be started by typing " &" in GRASS shell. MOUSE-OVER HELP IS AVAILABLE FOR MOST OF THE WINDOW PARTS! Window of is devided into more frames:
Sets frame: in upper left corner, contains list of map sets
Maps frame in upper right corner, contains list of maps in selected set
Set/map buttons on the left side below Sets/Maps frames, used for manipulating with sets and maps
Save/Close buttons on the right side below Sets/Maps frames
Monitors below Set/Map, Save/Close buttons
Display/query buttons on the bottom of the window

Manipulating Sets

After first start of in GRASS mapset, empty Set named 'Set0' is inserted into Sets frame. User can rename set by double click on set name and retyping text. New set may be added by pressing the button Add set. Existin Set may be selected by single click on set name. Selected Set may be removed by pressing Del set button.

Manipulating Maps

List of maps in selected Set is displayed in Maps frame. New map may be added by pressing the button Add map, and selecting map type from displayed list of types. Map row appeares in Map frame. Each map row starts by map type button. The map may be selected by pressing the map type button. Next item is text field map name which is name of map as is used in GRASS, for example roads@PERMANENT or rivers. Map name may be selected from list of available maps opend by right mouse button click on the map name field. Following items in the map row depend on the map type. Selected map may be removed by pressing Del map button. Selected maps may be moved up and down by pressing buttons with up and down arrow symbols.

Selecting monitors

Monitor is selected in Monitors frame by radio button. Monitor does not need to be opend and will be opened automaticaly.

Display, Zoom

Display button is used to display all maps in selected map Set. All button resets region to full default region. Zoom and Pan buttons are used for zooming in monitor.


Query button is used to query selected map.


PNG button creates a file named 'map.png' containing the selected maps in the current directory. If such a file already exists it will be overwritten ! Does not handle legend files. Issues such as true color support and background color have to be set with environmental variables (see PNG-driver for details).

Save, Close session may be saved by Save button. The session is saved in $LOCATION/$MAPSET/.d.dmrc file. This file is read in on next session. is quit by Close button (without saving).


No options.


Error codes returned by GRASS commads are not handled.




Radim Blazek

Last changed: $Date: 2002/07/02 17:04:01 $