CELL driver - driver to redirect graphical output into a raster map


The CELL driver can be used to redirect the output of the GRASS monitor into a raster map. Features are: The user will find a D_cell raster file in GRASS database after starting the driver and using d.rast, d.vect etc. and finally stopping the driver again. The D_cell raster file is written during closing procedure (this may require some time according to the selected resolution).
Then the user can export this file through r.out.tiff etc. for use in external mapping software.

Be aware that D_cell map is in a xy-projection which may differ to the current location's projection. So the D_cell map cannot be directly displayed on a GRASS monitor.

Usage in details


Note that the D_cell raster map is in xy-projection with simple xy-coordinates.

The resolution of the D_cell raster map is defined by the map extents. Use g.region -p to get the number of rows and cols and use the environment variables to set the D_cell size.

Note that the CELL driver is limited to 8bit colors.


d.mon, g.region, htmlmapdriver, pngdriver, XDRIVER, tcltkgrass cell-tiff script



Last changed: $Date: 2002/01/25 05:45:32 $