s.territory - Calculates territory consumption for animal based on distributed positions.
(GRASS Sites Program)


s.territory help
s.territory rast=value sites=name  [output=name] [claim=name] [thresh=name] [incr=name]


s.territory calculates territory consumption for animal based on distributed positions.



Name of incidence or density file
Name of sites file with threshold locations
Name of new sites file to contain radius
Simultaneous growth map. (ignored if site output given)
Field in sites file containing thresholds. Threshold is target amount of resources that site wants to consume
Field in sites file containing radius increment (meters). incr is radius increment for each iteration
      - default incr is min distance between cells
      - not currently implemented for sequential, only simult.


OUTPUT is a sites file containing:

    easting|northing|#cat %threshold %radius

where radius is the minimum radius of a circle which surrounds enough cells in the incidence map to sum up to threshold.
If neither a sites output file nor a claim map is named, output is simply the radius followed by a newline for each site (for easier use in scripts).


  1. you have sites for lion's lairs with food needs as the "threshold"
  2. you have an incidence map for  frequency of prey or hunting success probability (Kg/week or something)
  3. s.territory creates a circular range for each lair which you might use to create vector or raster files and predict areas of conflict in overlapping "territories"

  1.  you have sites for schools with school capacity as the "threshold"
  2. you have population density maps for school-age children
  3. s.territory creates ranges for each school that encompass an area in which enough children live to fill the school
    radius increment set to lesser of ns_res and ew_res
    ( or incr if given )

    for each site
      for (radius = increment; cells remaining; incr+=incr)
        sum incidence cell centers which fall within radius
        if >= threshold, break

    1. let max increase until entire map is covered,
       using zero for outside incidence
       >>> currently implemented

    2. use a rectangular(square) territory rather than circle?

    3. somehow "weight" expansion toward successful areas

    4. save combined nearest distances map


Think about:

1.  Make already claimed territory uninhabitable - as each site is
    processed, zero out resources within territory.
    >>> This can be done in scripts, using masks. (slower though)

2.  Instead of just going through in order, attack them all at the
    same time, zeroing out resources as it goes and assigning a
    category value to a "claim" map.


Bill Brown, GMSL, 1999

Last changed: $Date: 2002/01/25 05:45:35 $