NAME - Filter to extract lines from a text file based on column contents, especially for Bureau of the Census STF1 files.
(GRASS Support Program)

SYNOPSIS help -f [-n] sc=str [sc=str . . .] < infile > outfile

This program must be run in command mode only.


sc is a starting column number of a desired field in the input file, or is the name of one of the Identification Section field names for the STF1 records (all upper case letters), and str is a string to match against input lines starting at column sc. sc=str may be repeated resulting in a conjunction (anding) of the results of each sc=str expression. A '?' may be used as a single character wild card in str; if sc=str contains '?' or other shell interpreted characters, it should be protected in quotes. Preceeding sc by 'N', or preceeding the = by '!' reverses the sense of the test ("not equals"). 11=050 < infile > outfile SUMLEV=050 < infile > outfile 1=T450 '7=Bu??s' < infile > outfile 51=tract N37=9753 < infile > outfile 51=tract 37!=9753 < infile > outfile
Running the program with the -f flag generates the list of STF1 Identification Section field names to stdout.


This is a text filter program written in C especially to work with the Census STF1 files, but useful for selecting subsets of lines from any text file. It will work with arbitrarily long input lines, up to 10,000 characters. Input lines may be of variable length.

A sc=str condition which refers to columns beyond the end of the input line is assumed to be true.

Multiple tests are 'anded' into a single test; that is, lines which pass all tests are written to the output file.

Null characters are always filtered out; thus, this program can be used as a null filter by specifying a sc=str condition which will always be true (e.g., '1=?'). In the same way, files with lines terminated with <LF><CR> or just <CR> can be "fixed" to have the standard Unix <LF> terminator.

NOTE: One special property of is that it will pad (with 0) its output lines to 4806 characters if the line begins with the characters "STF1" and is greater than 4000 characters long. Experience has shown that some STF1 records are a few characters short (but no data has been omitted), and this corrects them so that other programs will be able to read full lines.


Input lines must be terminated with <LF>, <CR> or <LF><CR>. Output lines will be terminated with <LF> only.

Input characters lexically less than 'space' (32 decimal; the "control" characters) which are not line terminators will be perceived as line terminators and thus cause improper functioning.


For extracting lines from files, Unix programs such as grep, or awk are somewhat more flexible than, but have line length limitations and do not adapt to lines terminated with <LF> and <CR>.

This program was created as a preprocessor for Census STF1 files, to produce input files for the program v.apply.census .


Dr. James Hinthorne, GIS Laboratory, Central Washington University.

Last changed: $Date: 2002/01/25 05:45:33 $