--[[ MIT License Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Tobias Enderle Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]] require("lualibs") local socket = require("socket") pyluatex = pyluatex or { ignore_errors = false, verbose = false, session = "default" } -- status.filename: path to pyluatex.sty local folder = file.pathpart(file.collapsepath(status.filename, true)) local tcp = nil local env_end = nil local env_lines = nil local parent_env = nil local last_code = nil local last_output = nil local function get_tex_file_folder() for _, v in ipairs(arg) do if v:sub(1, 1) ~= "-" then local path = file.collapsepath(v, true) if lfs.isfile(path) then return file.pathpart(path) else path = file.addsuffix(path, "tex") if lfs.isfile(path) then return file.pathpart(path) end end end end return nil end local function show_err(message) tex.sprint("\\PackageError{PyLuaTeX}{" .. message .. "}{}") end local function not_empty(str) return str ~= nil and str ~= "" end local function split_lines(str) local lines = str:splitlines() if lines[#lines] == "" then table.remove(lines, #lines) end return lines end function pyluatex.start(executable, local_imports) local script = file.join(folder, "pyluatex-interpreter.py") local cmd = "" if local_imports then local tex_file_folder = get_tex_file_folder() if tex_file_folder ~= nil then cmd = ' "' .. tex_file_folder .. '"' end end cmd = executable .. ' "' .. script .. '"' .. cmd if os.type == "windows" then cmd = "start /B " .. cmd else cmd = cmd .. " &" end local f = io.popen(cmd, "r") local port = f:read("*l") f:close() local function err(message) show_err("Python backend could not be started (" .. message .. ")") end if port == nil then err("executable: " .. executable) return end port = port:fullstrip() if port:match("^%d+$") == nil then err("invalid TCP port: " .. port) return end tcp = socket.tcp() if tcp:connect("", port) == nil then err("TCP connection failed") end end function pyluatex.shutdown() tcp:send("shutdown\n") end local function request(data) tcp:send(utilities.json.tostring(data) .. "\n") local output = tcp:receive("*l") return utilities.json.tolua(output) end function pyluatex.execute(code, auto_print, write, repl_mode, store) local full_code if auto_print then full_code = "print(str(" .. code .. "), end='')" else full_code = code end local resp = request({ session = pyluatex.session, code = full_code, repl_mode = repl_mode, ignore_errors = pyluatex.ignore_errors }) local code_lines = split_lines(code) local output_lines = split_lines(resp.output) if store then last_code = code_lines last_output = output_lines end if pyluatex.verbose or not resp.success then texio.write_nl('PyLuaTeX input for session "' .. pyluatex.session .. '": ' .. full_code) texio.write_nl("PyLuaTeX output: " .. resp.output) end if resp.success or pyluatex.ignore_errors then if write then tex.print(output_lines) end else show_err("Python error (see above)") end if not_empty(resp.log_msg) then texio.write(resp.log_msg) end end function pyluatex.execute_env(write, repl_mode) local code = table.concat(env_lines, "\n") pyluatex.execute(code, false, write, repl_mode, true) end local function record_line(line) local s = line:find(env_end) if s ~= nil then luatexbase.remove_from_callback("process_input_buffer", "pyluatex_record_line") local code = line:sub(1, s - 1) if code:strip():len() > 0 then -- only include this line if it contains non-whitespace characters table.insert(env_lines, code) end return line:sub(s) else table.insert(env_lines, line) return "" end end function pyluatex.record_env(name) if parent_env ~= nil then name = parent_env parent_env = nil end env_end = "\\end%s*{" .. name:escapedpattern() .. "}" env_lines = {} luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", record_line, "pyluatex_record_line") end function pyluatex.set_parent_env(name) if parent_env == nil then parent_env = name end end function pyluatex.run_file(path, write, repl_mode) local f = io.open(path, "r") if f then local code = f:read("*a") f:close() -- ignore trailing new line if present if code:sub(-2) == "\r\n" then code = code:sub(1, -3) elseif code:sub(-1) == "\n" then code = code:sub(1, -2) end pyluatex.execute(code, false, write, repl_mode, true) else show_err("File not found: " .. path) end end function pyluatex.get_last_code() return last_code end function pyluatex.get_last_output() return last_output end local function parse_bool(name, value) value = value:fullstrip() if value == "true" then return true elseif value == "false" then return false else show_err('Invalid value "' .. value .. '" for option "' .. name .. '"') end end function pyluatex.set_option(name, value) name = name:fullstrip() if name == "ignoreerrors" then pyluatex.ignore_errors = parse_bool(name, value) elseif name == "verbose" then pyluatex.verbose = parse_bool(name, value) else show_err('Unknown option "' .. name .. '"') end end return pyluatex