delimiters (); % This file is specific to the minim metapost processor (minim-mp) and cannot % be used with luamplib or other metapost implementations. See for % general-purpose extensions. message "Setting up the minim MetaPost extensions"; def save_picture text t = save t; picture t; enddef; def save_boolean text t = save t; boolean t; enddef; def save_string text t = save t; string t; enddef; def save_path text t = save t; path t; enddef; % 1 lua scripts, functions and variables def luafunction = gobble inner_luafunction enddef; vardef inner_luafunction @# (text args) = endgroup % we remove the grouping so that the function may return any fragment of % metapost code, in particular lists to-be-parsed as text parameters runscript ("return " & (str @#) & build_lua_arguments(args)) gobble begingroup enddef; vardef build_lua_arguments (text args) = save_boolean first; first = true; "(" for a = args: & if first: hide(first:=false) "" else: "," fi & (quote_for_lua a) endfor & ")" enddef; vardef luavariable @# = runscript ("return quote("&(str @#)&")") enddef; vardef setluavariable @# expr val= runscript ((str @#)&" = ""e_for_lua(val)) enddef; % quoting expressions for lua vardef lua_string(expr s) = runscript ("[[quote_for_lua]]"&s) enddef; vardef hexadecimal tertiary n = % TODO: support other number systems save d, a, m; a = ASCII("a"); m := abs n; save_string res; res = if n < 0: "-0x" else: "0x" fi for i = 1 upto 7: & hide(d := floor m div 256; m := 16(m - 256d);) if d < 10: decimal d else: char(a+d-10) fi if i = 3: & "." fi endfor; res enddef; vardef scaledpoints tertiary n = % use the fact that 800bp = 803pt save a, m; m := abs n; a1 = m div (1025/1024); % 1025/1024 = 800epsilon * 82 m := m mod (1025/1024); a2 = m div 800epsilon; % max 82 m := (m mod 800epsilon) div epsilon; a3 = floor(m*803/800 + 1/2); save_string res; res = if n < 0: "-(" else: "(" fi & decimal(a1) & "*803*82 + " & decimal(a2) & "*803 + " & decimal(a3) & ")"; res enddef; vardef quote_for_lua tertiary a = save_string res; res = if string a: lua_string(a) elseif numeric a: hexadecimal(a) elseif pair a: "{"& (hexadecimal xpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal ypart a) & "}" elseif boolean a: if a: "true" else: "false" fi elseif color a: "{"& (hexadecimal redpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal greenpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal bluepart a) & "}" elseif cmykcolor a: "{"& (hexadecimal cyanpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal magentapart a) & ","& (hexadecimal yellowpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal blackpart a) & "}" elseif pen a: hide(errmessage("I cannot pass a pen value to lua");) "nil" elseif transform a: "{"& (hexadecimal xxpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal xypart a) & ","& (hexadecimal yxpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal yypart a) & ","& (hexadecimal xpart a) & ","& (hexadecimal ypart a) & "}" elseif picture a: hide(errmessage("I cannot pass a picture value to lua");) "nil" else: % probably intentionally vacuous, which is fine "nil" fi; res enddef; % constructing lua tables def make_lua_dict (text t) = begingroup % Note that though the argument may contain = signs and commas, the rest of % the arguments must consist of suffixes. save_boolean first; first := true; "{ " forsuffixes kv = hide(let = _EQ_ undefined) t hide(let = _EQ_ _EQ_) : & if first: hide(first := false;) else: ", "& fi begingroup make_lua_keyval kv endgroup endfor & " }" endgroup enddef; let _EQ_ = =; vardef make_lua_keyval @# expr e = (str @#) & " = " & quote_for_lua e enddef; % tex registers string _SUFFIX_HACK_[]; vardef index_or_suffix (suffix s) = save_string res; res = if string _SUFFIX_HACK_ s: % s is a number "["&decimal(s)&"]" else: % s is a suffix "."&(str s) fi ; res enddef; vardef tex.count @# = runscript ("return tex.count" & index_or_suffix(@#)) enddef; vardef tex.attribute @# = runscript ("return tex.attribute" & index_or_suffix(@#)) enddef; vardef tex.dimen @# = runscript ("return sp_to_pt(tex.dimen" & index_or_suffix(@#) & ")") enddef; vardef tex.toks @# = runscript ("return quote(tex.toks" & index_or_suffix(@#) & ")") enddef; vardef set tex.count @# expr val = runscript ("tex.count" & index_or_suffix(@#) & " = " & decimal(val)) enddef; vardef set tex.attribute @# expr val = runscript ("tex.attribute" & index_or_suffix(@#) & " = " & decimal(val)) enddef; vardef set tex.dimen @# expr val = runscript ("tex.dimen" & index_or_suffix(@#) & " = " & scaledpoints(val)) enddef; vardef set tex.toks @# expr val = runscript ("tex.toks" & index_or_suffix(@#) & " = " & lua_string(val)) enddef; % 1 typesetting boolean debug_tex_bboxes; debug_tex_bboxes := false; let textext = maketext; let TEX = maketext; def _set_maketext_result_ (expr nr)(text tr) = image ( fill unitsquare withprescript "TEXBOX:"&decimal nr; save_path bb; bb := unitsquare transformed tr; if debug_tex_bboxes: draw bb dashed evenly; fi setbounds currentpicture to bb;) enddef; % baseline pair or numeric -> fill statement vardef baseline expr o = fill if numeric o : (0,o) else: o fi -- cycle withprescript "BASELINE:"; enddef; vardef find_baseline expr p = save_pair bl, ibl; for c within p: if clipped c or bounded c: ibl := find_baseline c; if known ibl: bl := ibl; fi elseif "BASELINE:" = substring (0,9) of prescriptpart c: bl := point 0 of pathpart c; fi endfor bl enddef; % actual typesetting primarydef t infont f = image( luafunction minim_infont (t, f); ) enddef; def glyph expr c of f = luafunction get_glyph (c, f) enddef; def contours expr t of f = luafunction get_contours (t, f) enddef; % labels can optionally be typeset with maketext % and the default font must be set explicitly string defaultfont; boolean maketextlabels; maketextlabels := true; vardef thelabel@#(expr s,z) = % Position s near z save_picture p; p = if picture s : s elseif maketextlabels : maketext s elseif known defaultfont : s infont defaultfont else : s infont luafunction font.current() fi; p shifted (z + labeloffset*laboff@# - (labxf@#*lrcorner p + labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-labxf@#-labyf@#)*llcorner p ) ) enddef; % 1 box resources (xforms) % boxresource number -> fill statement + setbounds vardef boxresource primary nr = image( fill unitsquare withprescript "BOXRESOURCE:" & decimal nr ; save btf; transform btf; btf = luafunction get_boxresource_dimensions (nr); save_path bb; bb = unitsquare transformed btf; if debug_tex_bboxes: draw bb dashed evenly; fi setbounds currentpicture to bb; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted luafunction get_boxresource_center (nr); ) enddef; % id = saveboxresource (attributes) image ( ... ); vardef saveboxresource (text attrs) expr p = save id; id = luafunction reserve_xform_id(); % save the dimensions save t, o; transform t; pair o; (0,0) transformed t = llcorner p; (1,0) transformed t = lrcorner p; (0,1) transformed t = ulcorner p; save bl; bl = -ypart find_baseline p; o = (-xpart llcorner p, if known bl: bl else: 0 fi); luafunction set_boxresource_dimensions (id, t shifted o, -o); % shipout the xform shipout image(draw p; special "XFORMATTRS:" & make_lua_dict (attrs); special "XFORMINDEX:" & decimal id; ); id enddef; % 1 extended graphics state vardef modify_scripts text t = % Note: this is a no-op when the picture is empty save_picture curr; save_string pre, post; % extract script parts curr := image(drawdot origin t;); pre = prescriptpart curr; post = postscriptpart curr; % add the prescript if pre <> "": curr := currentpicture; clearit; draw curr withprescript pre; fi % add the postscript if post <> "": % here we find the reason for this routine: metapost *should* apply the % postscript to the last element of a picture, but chooses the first % instead. curr := currentpicture; clearit; setbounds curr to llcorner curr -- lrcorner curr -- urcorner curr -- ulcorner curr -- cycle; % these bounds force an extra nesting level of the next function draw with_postscript_to_last(curr, post); fi enddef; vardef with_postscript_to_last (expr p, script) = image( save i; i := 0; for c within p: if incr i < length(p): draw c; elseif clipped c: save_picture q; q:= with_postscript_to_last(c, script); clip q to pathpart c; addto currentpicture also q; elseif bounded c: save_picture q; q:= with_postscript_to_last(c, script); setbounds q to pathpart c; addto currentpicture also q; else: draw c withpostscript script; fi endfor) enddef; def append_postscript expr s = if length(currentpicture) = 0: special s; else: modify_scripts withpostscript s; fi enddef; def savegstate = append_postscript "gstate:save"; enddef; def restoregstate = append_postscript "gstate:restore"; enddef; def setgstate = append_postscript "extgstate:" & make_lua_dict enddef; def withgstate (text t) = withprescript "extgstate:" & make_lua_dict (t) withprescript "gstate:save" withpostscript "gstate:restore" enddef; % 1 transparency newinternal string blend_mode; newinternal string transparency_group_attrs; % setalpha (α) vardef setalpha expr alpha = save a; a = alpha; save_string bm; bm = "/" & blend_mode; setgstate(CA=a, ca=a if bm <> "/":, BM=bm fi) enddef; % withalpha (α) def withalpha = gobble _withalpha_ enddef; string _blend_mode_; vardef _withalpha_ (expr alpha) = _with_alpha_ := alpha; _blend_mode_ := "/" & blend_mode; endgroup withgstate(CA=_with_alpha_,ca=_with_alpha_ if _blend_mode_ <> "/":, BM=_blend_mode_ fi) gobble begingroup enddef; % transparent (α) image (...) vardef transparent (expr alpha) expr p = save_string attrs; attrs = "<< /S/Transparency "&transparency_group_attrs&">>"; save g; g = saveboxresource (Group=attrs) p; savegstate; setalpha (alpha); draw boxresource g; restoregstate; enddef; % 1 even-odd rule and multidraw def nofill expr c = fill c withprescript "OTYPE:nofill" enddef; def eofill expr c = fill c withprescript "OTYPE:eofill" enddef; def eofilldraw expr c = filldraw c withprescript "OTYPE:eofilldraw" enddef; def multidraw (text paths) text opts = draw image( for p = paths: ; nofill p opts endfor withprescript "OTYPE:outline";) enddef; def multifill (text paths) text opts = draw image( for p = paths: ; nofill p opts endfor withprescript "OTYPE:fill";) enddef; def multifilldraw (text paths) text opts = draw image( for p = paths: ; nofill p opts endfor withprescript "OTYPE:filldraw";) enddef; def multieofill (text paths) text opts = draw image( for p = paths: ; nofill p opts endfor withprescript "OTYPE:eofill";) enddef; def multieofilldraw (text paths) text opts = draw image( for p = paths: ; nofill p opts endfor withprescript "OTYPE:eofilldraw";) enddef; % 1 patterns def withpattern(suffix s) = withprescript ("fillpattern: " & decimal(_patterns_.s)) enddef; def beginpattern(suffix s) = begingroup clearxy; clearit; interim defaultcolormodel:=1; charcode:=incr _patterns_._last_; _patterns_.s:=charcode; drawoptions(); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; save painttype; painttype:=2; save _withcolor; let _withcolor = withcolor; save withcolor; def withcolor = hide(painttype:=1) _withcolor enddef; save matrix; transform matrix; enddef; def endpattern (expr xstep, ystep) = modify_scripts withprescript "pdf:/Artifact BMC" withpostscript "pdf:EMC"; if unknown matrix : matrix:=identity; fi special "definepattern:" for e = charcode, tilingtype, painttype, xstep, ystep, xxpart matrix, xypart matrix, yxpart matrix, yypart matrix: & " " & decimal(e) endfor; shipit; endgroup enddef; newinternal tilingtype; tilingtype:=1; _patterns_._last_ := 0; % 1 miscellaneous def debug_pdf = luafunction enable_debugging(); enddef; vardef texmessage text msg = luafunction texmessage (msg) enddef; vardef rgb_to_gray expr c = luafunction rgb_to_gray (redpart c, greenpart c, bluepart c) enddef; %