% lua-widow-control % https://github.com/gucci-on-fleek/lua-widow-control % SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0+ OR CC-BY-SA-4.0+ % SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Max Chernoff % This is the LaTeX source for the following article: % @article{zpravodaj-lwc, % title={Automatically Removing Widows and Orphans with % \textsf{lua-widow-control}}, % author={Chernoff, Max}, % journal={Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu}, % number={1--4}, % pages={49--76}, % year={2022}, % month=nov, % DOI={10.5300/2022-1-4/49}, % } % Please refer to the PDF on cstug.cz for the authoritative version. % Compiling: % context lwc-zpravodaj-figure.ctx % lualatex lwc-zpravodaj.ltx % biber lwc-zpravodaj % lualatex lwc-zpravodaj.ltx % lualatex lwc-zpravodaj.ltx \RequirePackage{luatex85} \PassOptionsToPackage{main=english}{babel} \PassOptionsToPackage{shorthands=off}{babel} \makeatletter \disable@package@load{fontenc} \makeatother \let\oldlooseness=\looseness \documentclass{csbulletin} % Hyperlinks \usepackage[implicit=false, hidelinks]{hyperref} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % Load lwc \usepackage[balanced, draftoffset=\oddsidemargin + 1in + 10pt]{lua-widow-control} % Table Stuff \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{hhline} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{graphicx} \AddToHook{env/tabularx/before}{\nobreak\smallskip\noindent} \AddToHook{env/tabularx/after}{\smallskip\pagebreak[1]} \AddToHook{env/tabular/before}{\nobreak\smallskip\noindent} \AddToHook{env/tabular/after}{\smallskip\pagebreak[1]} \AddToHook{env/longtable/before}{\nobreak\smallskip\noindent} \AddToHook{env/longtable/after}{\smallskip\pagebreak[1]} \setlength{\LTleft}{0pt} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.15} % For the sideways figure \usepackage{rotating} % Rotate the sideways figure in the PDF viewer too \AddToHook{env/sidewaysfigure/end}{% \latelua{pdf.setpageattributes('/Rotate 90')}% \AddToHookNext{shipout/after}{% \AddToHookNext{shipout/after}{% \directlua{pdf.setpageattributes('/Rotate 0')}% }% }% }% % Let the macro names in section headings be in boldface \usepackage{lmodern} \AtBeginDocument{\def\cs#1{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}}} \directlua{ local percent = string.char(37) luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", function(line) return line:gsub(percent .. 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Using the power of Lua\TeX{}, it does so without stretching any vertical glue or shortening any pages or columns. Instead, \textsf{lua-widow-control} automatically lengthens a paragraph on a page or column where a widow or orphan would otherwise occur. To use the \textsf{lua-widow-control} package, all that most \LaTeX{} users need do is place \verb|\usepackage{lua-widow-control}| in their preamble. No further changes are required. \end{abstract} \keywords: Lua\TeX{}, widows, orphans \hypersetup{bookmarksdepth=10} \section{Motivation} {\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{First published in \textsl{TUGboat} \textbf{43}:1 \cite{tb133chernoff-widows}, pp.~28--39. Reprinted, with additions and corrections, with permission.}} \TeX{} provides top-notch typesetting: even 40 years after its first release, no other program produces higher quality mathematical typesetting, and its paragraph\spoj breaking algorithm is still state-of-the-art. However, its page breaking is not quite as sophisticated as its paragraph breaking and thus suffers from some minor issues. \oldlooseness=-1 Unmodified \TeX{} has only two familiar ways of dealing with \waos/: it can either shorten a page by one line, or it can stretch vertical whitespace. \TeX{} was designed for mathematical and scientific typesetting, where a typical page has multiple section headings, tables, figures, and equations. For this style of document, \TeX's default behaviour works quite well, since the slight stretching of whitespace between the various document elements is nearly imperceptible; however, for prose or other documents composed almost entirely of paragraphs, there is little vertical whitespace to stretch. Since no ready-made, fully-automated solution to remove \waos/ from all types of documents was available, I decided to create \lwc/. \oldlooseness=-1 \section{What are \waos/?} \subsection{Widows} A \q{widow} occurs when the majority of a paragraph is on one page or column, but the last line is on the following page or column. It not only looks quite odd for a lone line to be at the start of the page, but it makes a paragraph harder to read since the separation of a paragraph and its last line disconnects the two, causing the reader to lose context for the widowed line. \subsection{Orphans} An \q{orphan} occurs when the first line of a paragraph is at the end of the page or column preceding the remainder of the paragraph. They are not as distracting for the reader, but they are still not ideal. Visually, \waos/ are about equally disruptive; however, orphans tend not to decrease the legibility of a text as much as widows, so many authors choose to ignore them. See Figure~\ref{tab:widow} for a visual reference. \begin{figure} \def\firstpage#1{% \parfillskip=0pt\relax \spaceskip=0.2em plus 1fill\relax \hskip 3em\relax #1% } \def\lastpage#1{% \parfillskip=3em plus 1fill\relax \spaceskip=0.2em plus 1fil\relax #1% } \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \renewcommand{\doublerulesep}{0.5em} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|X|@{\hskip\doublerulesep}|X|} \multicolumn1c{\bfseries Widow} & \multicolumn1c{\bfseries Orphan} \\\hhline{-||-}% \firstpage{A widow is when a paragraph's last line is placed on a different page}% &\vskip4pt\leavevmode\firstpage{An orphan is when the first}% \\ \hhline{-||-} \lastpage{than where it begins.} & \lastpage{line of a paragraph occurs on the page before all the other lines.} \\ \hhline{-||-} \end{tabularx} \caption{The difference between \waos/. If we imagine that each box is a different page, then this roughly simulates how \waos/ appear.\oldlooseness=-1} \label{tab:widow} \end{figure} \subsection{Broken hyphens} \q{Broken} hyphens occur whenever a page break occurs in a hyphenated word. These are not related to \waos/; however, breaking a word across two pages is at least as disruptive for the reader as \waos/. \TeX{} identifies broken hyphens in the same ways as \waos/, so \lwc/ treats broken hyphens in the same way. \section{History and etymology} The concept of \waos/ is nearly as old as printing itself. In \titlecite{old}, a printers manual from 1683, we have: \begin{quote} Nor do good \emph{Compo\longs/iters} account it good Workman\longs/hip to begin a \emph{Page} with a \emph{Break-line}, unle\longs/s it be a very \longs/hort \emph{Break}, and cannot be gotten in the foregoing \emph{Page}\,; but if it be a long \emph{Break}, he will let it be the \emph{Direction-line} of the fore-going \emph{Page}, and \emph{Set} his \emph{Direction} at the end of it. \endofline{(p.~226)} \end{quote} However, the terms \q{widow} and \q{orphan} are much newer. \subsection{Widows} The earliest published source that I could find referencing \q{widows} in typography is \textsl{Webster's New International Dictionary} from~1934. However, no one---not even the editors of the dictionary~\cite{widowhistory}---seems to know how it got there. Even then, the definition is somewhat different than it is now: \begin{quote} widow, n.~c.~\emph{Print}\@. A short line or single word carried over from the foot of one column or page to the head of a succeeding column or page. \endofline{\cite{widowhistory}} \end{quote} Contrast this with the modern definition: \begin{quote} The stub-ends left when paragraphs end on the first line of a page are called widows. They have a past but not a future, and they look foreshortened and forlorn. \endofline{\cite{elements}} \end{quote} which includes a single lone line of any length. \subsection{Orphans} The term \q{orphan} is even more confusing. Its initial usage seems to have occurred some time after \q{widow}~\cite{widowhistory}, and it is given many contradictory definitions. Most sources define an orphan as a first line at the bottom of the page and a widow as the last line at the top~\cite{elements, widowhistory, widowhistory2, Isambert:TB31-1-12, texbook, widows-and-orphans, oed-line, oed-widow}; however, some sources define these two terms as \emph{exact opposites} of each other, with a widow as a first line at the bottom of the page and an orphan as the last line!~\cite{backwards1, widowhistory, backwards3, oed-line, backwards2}\tubsentencespace This usage is plain wrong; nevertheless, it is sufficiently common that you need to be careful when you see the terms \q{widow} and \q{orphan}. Similarly to the term \q{widow}, \titlecite{elements} provides a succinct definition of the term \q{club}, along with a helpful mnemonic: \begin{quote} Isolated lines created when paragraphs begin on the last line of a page are known as orphans. They have no past, but they do have a future. \endofline{\cite{elements}} \end{quote} \subsection{Clubs} \textsl{The \TeX{}book} never refers to \q{orphans} as such; rather, it refers to them as \q{clubs}. This term is remarkably rare: I could only find a \emph{single} source published before \textsl{The \TeX{}book}---a compilation article about the definition of \q{widow}---that mentions a \q{club line}: \begin{quotation} \noindent The Dictionary staff informs me that they have no example of the use of the word widow in the typographical sense.~[\dots] Mr.~Watson of the technical staff says that the Edinburgh printing houses referred to it as a \q{clubline}. \endofline{\cite[p.~4]{widowhistory}} \end{quotation}\medskip \begin{quotation} \noindent To my knowledge, a `widow', or `widow-line,' is a short line, forming the end of a paragraph, which is carried over from the foot of a page or column to the top of the succeeding one.~[\dots] To my personal knowledge, in typographical parlance in Edinburgh, Scotland, the `widow' is called a `club-line.' \endofline{\cite[p.~23]{widowhistory}} \end{quotation} Both quotes above are from separate authors, and they each define a \q{club} like we define \q{widow}, not an \q{orphan}. In addition, they both mention that the term is only used in Scotland. Even the extensive \acro{OED}---which lists 17~full definitions and 103~subdefinitions for the noun \q{club}---doesn't recognize the phrase.~\cite{oed-club} I spent a few hours searching through Google Books and my university library catalogue, but I could not find a single additional source. However, Don Knuth---the creator of \TeX{}---read the original article \cite{tb133chernoff-widows} and sent me this reply: \oldlooseness=-1 \begin{quote} I cannot remember where I found the term \q{club line}. Evidently the books that I scoured in 1977 and 1978 had taught me only that an isolated line, caused by breaking between pages in the midst of a paragraph, was called a \q{widow}; hence \TeX78 had only \q{\cs{chpar4}} to change the \q{\texttt{widowpenalty}}. Sometime between then and \TeX82 I must have come across what appeared to be an authoritative source that distinguished between widows at the beginning of a paragraph and orphans or club lines at the end. I may have felt that the term \q{orphan} was somewhat pejorative, who knows?\footnotemark \end{quote} \footnotetext{ Note that this definition is somewhat mistaken. Widows are located either at the \emph{end} of a paragraph, or the beginning of a \emph{page or column}. Likewise, orphans\slash{}clubs appear at the \emph{beginning} of a paragraph or at the end of a \emph{page or column}. } \noindent So this (somewhat) resolves the question of where the term \q{club} came from. \section{Pagination in \TeX} Let's move on to looking at how \TeX{} treats these \waos/. \subsection{Algorithm} It is tricky to understand how \lwc/ works if you aren't familiar with how \TeX{} breaks pages and columns. For a full description, you should consult Chapter~15 of~\titlecite{texbook} (\q{How \TeX{} Makes Lines into Pages}); however, this goes into much more detail than most users require, so here is a \emph{very} simplified summary of \TeX{}'s page breaking algorithm: \TeX{} fills the page with lines and other objects until the next object will no longer fit. Once no more objects will fit, \TeX{} will align the bottom of the last line with the bottom of the page by stretching any available vertical spaces if (in \LaTeX) \cs{flushbottom} is set; otherwise, it will break the page and leave the bottom empty. However, some objects have penalties attached. Penalties encourage or discourage page breaks from occurring at specific places. For example, \LaTeX{} sets a negative penalty before section headings to encourage a page break there; conversely, it sets a positive penalty after section headings to discourage breaking. To reduce \waos/, \TeX{} sets weakly-positive penalties between the first and second lines of a paragraph to prevent orphans, and between the penultimate and final lines to prevent widows. One important note: once \TeX{} begins breaking a page, it never goes back to modify any content on the page. Page breaking is a localized algorithm, without any backtracking. \subsection{Behaviour} Merely describing the algorithm doesn't allow us to intuitively understand how \TeX{} deals with \waos/. Due to the penalties attached to \waos/, \TeX{} tries to avoid them. Widows and orphans with small penalties attached---like \LaTeX's default values of 150---are only lightly coupled to the rest of the paragraph, while \waos/ with large penalties---values of 10\,000 or more---are treated as infinitely bad and are thus unbreakable. Intermediate values behave just as you would expect, discouraging page breaks proportional to their value. When \TeX{} goes to break a page, it tries to avoid breaking at a location with a high penalty. How it does so depends on a few settings: \subsubsection{\cs{flushbottom} and \cs{normalbottom}} With the settings \cs{normalbottom} (Plain \TeX{}) or \cs{flushbottom} (\LaTeX{}), \TeX{} is willing to stretch any glue on the page by an amount roughly commensurate to the magnitude of the penalty: for small \cs{clubpenalty} and \cs{widowpenalty} values, \TeX{} will only slightly stretch the glue on the page before creating a \woo/; for very large penalties, \TeX{} will stretch the glue by a near-infinite amount. \oldlooseness=-1 This corresponds to the \q{Stretch} column in Figure~\ref{fig:demo}. It is the default behaviour of Plain~\TeX{}, and of the standard \LaTeX{} classes when the \verb|twocolumn| option is given. \subsubsection{\cs{raggedbottom}} When \cs{raggedbottom} is set, \TeX{} won't stretch any glue. Instead, for sufficiently high \cs{clubpenalty} and \cs{widowpenalty} values, \TeX{} will shorten the page or column by one~line in order to prevent the \woo/ from being created. This corresponds to the \q{Shorten} column in Figure~\ref{fig:demo} and is the default behaviour of the \LaTeX{} classes when the \verb|twocolumn| option is not given. \section{\lsness/}\label{sec:looseness} Before we can continue further, we need to discuss one more \TeX{} command: \lsness/. The following is excerpted from Chapter~14 of~\titlecite{texbook} (\q{How \TeX{} Breaks Paragraphs into Lines}): \begin{quotation} \noindent If you set \lsness/\verb|=1|, \TeX{} will try to make the current paragraph one line longer than its optimum length, provided that there is a way to choose such breakpoints without exceeding the tolerance you have specified for the badnesses of individual lines. Similarly, if you set \lsness/\verb|=2|, \TeX{} will try to make the paragraph two lines longer; and \lsness/\verb|=-1| causes an attempt to make it shorter.~[\dots] For example, you can set \lsness/\verb|=1| if you want to avoid a lonely \q{club line} or \q{widow line} on some page that does not have sufficiently flexible glue, or if you want the total number of lines in some two-column document to come out to be an even number. It's usually best to choose a paragraph that is already pretty \q{full}, i.e., one whose last line doesn't have much white space, since such paragraphs can generally be loosened without much harm. You might also want to insert a tie between the last two words of that paragraph, so that the loosened version will not end with only one \q{widow word} on the orphans line; this tie will cover your tracks, so that people will find it hard to detect the fact that you have tampered with the spacing. On the other hand, \TeX{} can take almost any sufficiently long paragraph and stretch it a bit, without substantial~harm. \oldlooseness=1 \end{quotation} The \wao/ removal strategy suggested in the second paragraph works quite well; however, it requires manual editing each and every time a page or paragraph is rewritten or repositioned. \begin{sidewaysfigure}[p!] \includegraphics{lwc-zpravodaj-figure} \caption{A visual comparison of various automated widow-handling techniques. }\label{fig:demo} \end{sidewaysfigure} \section{Alternate removal strategies} There have been a few previous attempts to improve upon \TeX's previously discussed \wao/-handling abilities; however, none of these have been able to automatically remove \waos/ without stretching any vertical glue or shortening any pages. The articles \titlecite{Isambert:TB31-1-12} and \titlecite{mittelbach} both begin with comprehensive discussions of the methods of preventing \waos/. They agree that \waos/ are bad and ought to be avoided; however, they differ in their solutions. \textsl{Strategies}~proposes an output routine that reduces the length of facing pages by one line when necessary to remove \waos/, while \textsl{Managing}~proposes that the author manually rewrites or adjusts \lsness/ when needed. The post \titlecite{widow-assist} contains a file \verb|widow-assist.lua| that automatically detects which paragraphs can be safely shortened or lengthened by one line. The \textsf{widows-and-orphans} package~\cite{widows-and-orphans} alerts the author to the pages that contain widows or orphans. Combined, these packages make it simple for the author to quickly remove \waos/ by adjusting the values of \lsness/; however, it still requires the author to make manual source changes after each revision. Another article suggests a fully-automated solution to remove \waos/~\cite{global}. This would seem to offer a complete solution; however, it requires multiple passes, an external tool, and has not yet been publicly released. \Lwc/ is essentially a combination of \verb|widow-assist.lua|~\cite{widow-assist} and \textsf{widows-and-orphans}~\cite{widows-and-orphans}, although its implementation is independent of both: when the \openalty/ value indicates that a \woo/ has occurred, Lua is used to find a stretchable paragraph. What \lwc/ mainly adds on top of these packages is automation: it eliminates the requirement for any manual adjustments or changes to your document's source. \section{Visual comparison} Although \TeX{}'s page breaking algorithm is reasonably straightforward, it can lead to complex behaviour when \waos/ are involved. The usual choices, when rewriting is not possible, are to ignore them, stretch some glue, or shorten the page. Figure~\ref{fig:demo} has a visual comparison of these options, which we'll discuss in the following: \subsection{Ignore} As you can see, the last line of the page is on a separate page from the rest of its paragraph, creating a widow. This is usually highly distracting for the reader, so it is best avoided for the reasons previously discussed. \subsection{Shorten} This page did not leave any widows, but it did shorten the previous page by one line. Sometimes this is acceptable, but usually it looks bad because pages will then have different text-block heights. This can make the pages look quite uneven, especially when typesetting with columns or in a book with~facing~pages. \oldlooseness=1 \subsection{Stretch} This page also has no widows and it has a flush bottom margin. However, the space between each pair of paragraphs had to be stretched. If this page had many equations, headings, and other elements with natural space between them, the stretched out space would be much less noticeable. \TeX{} was designed for mathematical typesetting, so it makes sense that this is its default behaviour. However, in a page with mostly text, these paragraph gaps look unsightly. Also, this method is incompatible with grid typesetting, where all vertical glue stretching must be quantised to the height of a line. \subsection{\lwc/} \Lwc/ has none of these issues: it eliminates the widows in a document while keeping a flush bottom margin and constant paragraph spacing. To do so, \lwc/ lengthened the second paragraph in Figure~\ref{fig:demo} by one line. If you look closely, you can see that this stretched the interword spaces. This stretching is noticeable when typesetting in a narrow text block, but is mostly imperceptible with larger widths. \Lwc/ automatically finds the \q{best} paragraph to stretch, so the increase in interword spaces should almost always be minimal. \section{Installation and standard usage} The \lwc/ package was first released in October~2021. It is available in the default installations of both MiK\TeX{} and \TeX{}~Live, although you will need recent versions of either. You may also download \lwc/ manually from either \inlineurl[ctan.org/pkg/lua-widow-control]{\acro{CTAN},} the \inlineurl% [modules.contextgarden.net/cgi-bin/module.cgi/action=view/id=127]% {\ConTeXt{} Garden,} or \inlineurl% [github.com/gucci-on-fleek/lua-widow-control/releases/latest/]% {GitHub,} although it is best if you can install it through your \TeX~distribution. As its name may suggest, \lwc/ \textit{requires} Lua\TeX{} or \LuaMeta\TeX{} regardless of the format used. With that in mind, using \lwc/ is quite simple: \begin{tabular}{rl} Plain \TeX{} & \cs{input lua-widow-control}\phantom{\tt]} \\ \OpTeX {} & \cs{load[lua-widow-control]} \\ \LaTeX{} & \latexuse/ \\ \ConTeXt{} & \cs{usemodule[lua-widow-control]} \\ \end{tabular} And that's usually enough. Most users won't need to do anything else since \lwc/ comes preconfigured and ready-to-go. \section{Options} Nevertheless, \lwc/ does have a few options. \Lwc/ tries very hard to have a \q{natural} user interface with each format, so how you set an option heavily depends on how you are running \lwc/. Also note that not every option is available in every format. Some general guidelines: \begin{tabularx}\linewidth{rX} \plainop/ & Specially-named \cs{lwc}\meta{option} commands and registers are provided for all options. \\[4pt] \LaTeX{} & Options can be set either as package options or at any point in the document with \cs{lwcsetup}. \\[4pt] \ConTeXt{} & Always use \cs{setuplwc}. \end{tabularx} \subsection{Disabling} You may want to disable \lwc/ for certain portions of your document. You can do so with the following commands: \begin{tabular}{rl} \plainop/ & \cs{lwcdisable} \\ \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{disable\}} \\ \ConTeXt{} & \cs{setuplwc[state=stop]}\hphantom{\texttt{a}} \\ \end{tabular} This prevents \lwc/ from stretching any paragraphs that follow. If a page has earlier paragraphs where \lwc/ was still enabled and a \woo/ is detected, \lwc/ will still attempt to remove the \woo/. \subsection{Enabling} \Lwc/ is enabled as soon as the package is loaded. If you have previously disabled it, you will need to re-enable it to save new paragraphs. \begin{tabular}{rl} \plainop/ & \cs{lwcenable} \\ \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{enable\}} \\ \ConTeXt{} & \cs{setuplwc[state=start]} \\ \end{tabular} \subsection{Automatically disabling} You may want to disable \lwc/ for certain commands where stretching is undesirable such as section headings. Of course, manually disabling and then enabling \lwc/ multiple times throughout a document would quickly become tedious, so \lwc/ provides some options to do this automatically for you. \Lwc/ automatically patches the default \LaTeX{}, \ConTeXt{}, Plain \TeX{}, \OpTeX{}, \textsf{\mbox{memoir}}, \textsf{KOMA-Script}, and \textsf{titlesec} section commands, so you don't need to patch these. Any others, though, you'll need to patch yourself. \begin{tabular}{rl} \plainop/ & \cs{lwcdisablecmd\{\meta{\texttt{\char`\\}macro}\}} \\[4pt] \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{disablecmds=\{\texttt{\meta{csnameone},% \meta{csnametwo}\}\}}} \\[4pt] \ConTeXt{} & \cs{prependtoks\textbackslash{}lwc@patch@pre}\cs{to\textbackslash{}everybefore\meta{hook}} \\ & \cs{prependtoks\textbackslash{}lwc@patch@post}\cs{to\textbackslash{}everyafter\meta{hook}} \\ \end{tabular} \subsection{\estretch/} \Lwc/ defaults to an \estretch/ value of 3~em for stretched paragraphs, but you can configure this. \Lwc/ will only use the \estretch/ when it cannot extend a paragraph in any other way, so it is fairly safe to set this to a large value. \TeX{} accumulates badness when \estretch/ is used~\cite{Knuth:TB10-3-325}, so it's pretty rare that a paragraph that requires any \estretch/ will actually be used on the page. \begin{tabular}{rr@=l} \plainop/ & \cs{lwcemergencystretch} & \meta{dimension} \\ \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{emergencystretch} & \meta{dimension}\texttt{\}} \\ \ConTeXt{} & \cs{setuplwc[emergencystretch} & \meta{dimension}\texttt{]} \\ \end{tabular} \subsection{Penalties} You can also manually adjust the penalties that \TeX{} assigns to \waos/. Usually, the defaults are fine, but there are a few circumstances where you may want to change them. \begin{longtable}{rr@{\texttt{=\meta{integer}}}l} \plainop/ & \cs{widowpenalty} \\* & \cs{clubpenalty} \\* & \cs{brokenpenalty} \\[4pt] \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{ widowpenalty} & \texttt{\}} \\* & \cs{lwcsetup\{orphanpenalty} & \texttt{\}} \\* & \cs{lwcsetup\{brokenpenalty} & \texttt{\}} \\[4pt] \leavevmode\hbox{\ConTeXt{}} & \cs{setuplwc[ widowpenalty} & \texttt{]} \\* & \cs{setuplwc[orphanpenalty} & \texttt{]} \\* & \cs{setuplwc[brokenpenalty} & \texttt{]} \\ \end{longtable} The value of these penalties determines how much \TeX{} should attempt to stretch glue before passing the \woo/ to \lwc/. If you set the values to~1 (default), \TeX{} will stretch nothing and immediately trigger \lwc/; if you set the values to 10\,000, \TeX{} will stretch infinitely and \lwc/ will never be triggered. If you set the value to some intermediate number, \TeX{} will first attempt to stretch some glue to remove the \woo/; only if it fails will \lwc/ come in and lengthen a paragraph. As a special case, if you set the values to~0, both \TeX{} and \lwc/ will completely ignore the \woo/. \Lwc/ will pick up on the values of \cs{widowpenalty}, \cs{clubpenalty}, and \cs{brokenpenalty} regardless of how you set them, so the use of these dedicated keys is entirely optional. \subsection{\cs{nobreak} behaviour} When \lwc/ encounters an orphan, it removes it by moving the orphaned line to the next page. The majority of the time, this is an appropriate solution. However, if the orphan is immediately preceded by a section heading (or \cs{nobreak}\slash\cs{penalty 10000}), \lwc/ would na\"ively separate a section heading from the paragraph that follows. This is almost always undesirable, so \lwc/ provides some options to configure this. \begin{tabular}{rl} \plainop/ & \cs{lwcnobreak\{\meta{value}\}} \\ \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{nobreak=\meta{value}\}\hphantom{"}} \\ \ConTeXt{} & \cs{setuplwc[nobreak=\meta{value}]\hphantom{"}} \\ \end{tabular} The default value, \texttt{keep}, \emph{keep}s the section heading with the orphan by moving both to the next page. The advantage to this option is that it removes the orphan and retains any \cs{nobreak}s; the disadvantage is that moving the section heading can create a large blank space at the end of the page. The value \texttt{split} \emph{split}s up the section heading and the orphan by moving the orphan to the next page while leaving the heading behind. This is usually a bad idea, but exists for the sake of flexibility. The value \texttt{warn} causes \lwc/ to give up on the page and do nothing, leaving an orphaned line. \Lwc/ \emph{warn}s the user so that they can manually remove the orphan. See Figure~\ref{tab:nobreak} for a visual reference. \begin{figure} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \renewcommand{\doublerulesep}{0.5em} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{% |X|@{\hskip\doublerulesep}|X|@{\hskip\doublerulesep}|X|% } \multicolumn1c{\ttfamily keep} & \multicolumn1c{\ttfamily split} & \multicolumn1c{\ttfamily warn} \\ \hhline{-||-||-} & & \textbf{Heading} \\ & \textbf{Heading} & The\hfill very\hfill first\hfill line \\ \hhline{-||-||-} \textbf{Heading} & The\hfill very\hfill first\hfill line & text\hfill text\hfill text\hfill text \\ The\hfill very\hfill first\hfill line & text\hfill text\hfill text\hfill text & last line. \\ text\hfill text\hfill text\hfill text & last line. & % Nothing \\ \hhline{-||-||-} \end{tabularx} \caption{A visual comparison of the \texttt{nobreak} option values.} \label{tab:nobreak} \end{figure} \subsection{Maximum cost} \Lwc/ ranks each paragraph on the page by how much it would \q{cost} to lengthen that paragraph. By default, \lwc/ selects the paragraph on the page with the lowest cost; however, you can configure it to only select paragraphs below a selected cost. If there aren't any paragraphs below the set threshold, then \lwc/ won't remove the \woo/ and will instead issue a warning. \begin{tabular}{rr@{\texttt{=\meta{integer}}}l} \plainop/ & \cs{lwcmaxcost} \\ \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{max-cost} & \texttt{\}} \\ \leavevmode\hbox{\ConTeXt{}} & \cs{setuplwc[maxcost} & \texttt{]} \\ \end{tabular} Based on my testing, \texttt{max-cost} values less than 1\,000 cause completely imperceptible changes in interword spacing; values less than 5\,000 are only noticeable if you are specifically trying to pick out the expanded paragraph on the page; values less than 15\,000 are typically acceptable; and larger values may become distracting. \Lwc/ defaults to an infinite \texttt{max-cost}, although the \q{strict} and \q{balanced} modes sets the values to~5\,000 and 10\,000, respectively. \subsection{Draft mode} \Lwc/ has a \q{draft mode} which shows how \lwc/ processes pages. \begin{tabular}{rl} Plain \TeX{}\slash\OpTeX{} & \cs{lwcdraft 1} \\ \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{draft\}} \\ \ConTeXt{} & \cs{setuplwc[draft=start]} \\ \end{tabular} The draft mode has two main features: First, it colours lines in the document according to their status. Any remaining widows and orphans will be coloured red, any expanded paragraphs will be coloured green, and any lines moved to the next page will be coloured blue. Second, this draft mode shows the paragraph costs at the end of each paragraph, in the margin. This draft mode leads to a neat trick: if you don't quite trust \lwc/, or you're writing a document whose final version will need to be compilable by both pdf\LaTeX{} and Lua\LaTeX, you can load the package with: \smallskip \cs{usepackage[draft, disable]\{lua-widow-control\}} \smallskip \noindent This way, all the widows and orphans will be coloured red and listed in your log file. When you go through the document to try and manually remove the widows and orphans---whether through the \cs{looseness} trick or by rewriting certain lines---you can easily find the best paragraphs to modify by looking at the paragraph costs in the margins. If you're less cautious, you can compile your document with \textsf{lua-widow-control} enabled as normal and inspect all the green paragraphs to see if they look acceptable to you. You can also toggle the paragraph colouring and the cost displays individually: \begin{tabular}{rl} \plainop/ & \cs{lwcshowcosts 1} \\ & \cs{lwcshowcolours 0} \\[4pt] \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{showcosts=true\}} \\ & \cs{lwcsetup\{showcolours=false\}} \\[4pt] \ConTeXt{} & \cs{setuplwc[showcosts=start]} \\ & \cs{setuplwc[showcolours=stop]} \\ \end{tabular} \section{Presets} As you can see, \lwc/ provides quite a few options. Luckily, there are a few presets that you can use to set multiple options at once. These presets are a good starting point for most documents, and you can always manually override individual options. These presets are only available for \LaTeX{} and \ConTeXt{}. \begin{tabular}{@{}rl@{}} \LaTeX{} & \cs{lwcsetup\{\meta{preset}\}} \\ \ConTeXt{} & \cs{setuplwc[\meta{preset}]} \\ \end{tabular} \subsection{\texttt{default}} If you use \lwc/ without any options, it defaults to this preset. In default mode, \lwc/ takes all possible measures to remove \waos/ and will not attempt to stretch any vertical glue. This usually removes~$\mathord{>}\,95\%$ of all possible \waos/. The catch here is that this mode is quite aggressive, so it often leaves behind some fairly \q{spacey} paragraphs. This mode is good if you want to remove (nearly) all \waos/ from your document, without fine-tuning the results. \subsection{\texttt{strict}} \Lwc/ also offers a strict mode. This greatly restricts \lwc/'s tolerance and makes it so that it will only lengthen paragraphs where the change will be imperceptible. The caveat with strict mode is that---depending on the document---\lwc/ will be able to remove less than a third of the \waos/. For the \waos/ that can't be automatically removed, a warning will be printed to your terminal and log file so that a human can manually fix the situation. This mode is good if you want the best possible typesetting and are willing to do some manual editing. \subsection{\texttt{balanced}} Balanced mode sits somewhere between default mode and strict mode. This mode first lets \TeX{} stretch a little glue to remove the \woo/; only if that fails will it then trigger \lwc/. Even then, the maximum paragraph cost is capped. Here, \lwc/ can usually remove 90\% of a document's potential \waos/, and it does so while making a minimal visual impact. \oldlooseness=-1 This mode is recommended for most users who care about their document's typography. This mode is not the default since it doesn't remove all \waos/: it still requires a little manual intervention. \begin{table} \caption{\Lwc/ options set by each mode.}\label{tab:modes} \ttfamily\setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt} \begin{tabular}{l*3r}\toprule \textrm{Option} & default & balanced & strict \\ \midrule max-cost & $\infty$ & 10000 & 5000 \\ \rlap{emergencystretch} & 3em & 1em & 0pt \\ nobreak & keep & keep & warn \\ widowpenalty & 1 & 500 & 1 \\ orphanpenalty & 1 & 500 & 1 \\ brokenpenalty & 1 & 500 & 1 \\ \bottomrule\end{tabular} \end{table} \section{Compatibility} The \lwc/ implementation is almost entirely in Lua, with only a minimal \TeX{} footprint. It doesn't modify the output routine or \cs{everypar} and it doesn't insert any whatsits. This means that it should be compatible with nearly any \TeX{} package, class, and format. Most changes that \lwc/ makes are not observable on the \TeX{} side. However, on the Lua side, \lwc/ modifies much of a page's internal structure. This should not affect any \TeX{} code; however, it may surprise Lua code that modifies or depends on the page's low-level structure. This does not affect Plain~\TeX{} or \LaTeX{} where even most Lua-based packages don't depend on the node list structure. \ConTeXt{} \emph{does} depend on this internal node structure; however, I have carefully tested the package to ensure that this causes no issues. Finally, keep in mind that adding \lwc/ to a document will almost certainly change its page break locations. \subsection{Formats} \Lwc/ runs on all known Lua\TeX{}-based formats: Plain~Lua\TeX{}, Lua\LaTeX{}, \ConTeXt{} Mk\acro{IV}, and~\OpTeX{}. Unless otherwise documented, all features should work equally well in all formats. \Lwc/ is also fully-compatible with the \LuaMeta\TeX{}-based formats: \ConTeXt{} Mk\acro{XL}\slash\acro{LMTX}, \LuaMeta\LaTeX{}, and \LuaMeta{}Plain~\cite{luametalatex}. \ConTeXt{} Mk\acro{XL} works equally well as \ConTeXt{} Mk\acro{IV} and Lua\LaTeX{}; however, \LuaMeta\LaTeX{} and \LuaMeta{}Plain support is still quite early. All features should work, although there are still a few minor bugs. All told, \lwc/ supports 7 different format\slash{}engine combinations. \subsection{Columns} Since \TeX{} and the formats implement column breaking and page breaking through the same internal mechanisms, \lwc/ removes \waos/ between columns just as it does with \waos/ between pages. \Lwc/ is known to work with the \LaTeX{} class option \verb|twocolumn| and the two-column output routine from Chapter~23 of \titlecite{texbook}. \oldlooseness=-1 \subsection{Performance} \Lwc/ runs entirely in a single pass, without depending on any \verb|.aux| files or the like. Thus, it shouldn't meaningfully increase compile times. Although \lwc/ internally breaks each paragraph twice, modern computers break paragraphs near-instantaneously, so you are not likely to notice any slowdown. \Lwc/ has been carefully tested to ensure that there are no memory leaks, so \lwc/ can now easily compile documents $>10\,000$ pages long. \vspace*{-1pt} \subsection{\eTeX{} penalties} Knuth's original \TeX{} has three basic line penalties: \cs{interlinepenalty}, which is inserted between all lines; \cs{club\-penalty}, which is inserted after the first line; and \cs{widow\-penalty}, which is inserted before the last line. The \eTeX{} extensions~\cite{etex} generalize these commands with a syntax similar to \cs{parshape}: with \cs{widow\-penalties} you can set the penalty between the last, second last, and $n$th last lines of a paragraph; \cs{inter\-line\-penalties} and \cs{club\-penalties} behave similarly. The \lwc/ package makes no explicit attempts to support these new -\texttt{penalties} commands. Specifically, if you give a line a penalty that matches either \cs{widowpenalty} or \cs{clubpenalty}, \lwc/ will treat the lines exactly as it would a \woo/. So while these commands won't break \lwc/, they are likely to lead to some unexpected behaviour. \vspace*{-3pt} \section{Short last lines} \vspace*{-1pt} When lengthening a paragraph with \lsness/, it is common advice to insert ties (\verb|~|) between the last few words of the paragraph to avoid overly-short last lines \cite{texbook}. \Lwc/ does this automatically, but instead of using ties or \cs{hbox}es, it uses the \cs{par\allowbreak fill\allowbreak skip} parameter~\cite{texbook, Wermuth:2018:ECP, naruby}. When lengthening a paragraph (and only when lengthening a paragraph---remember, \lwc/ doesn't interfere with \TeX{}'s output unless it detects a \woo/), \lwc/ sets \cs{parfillskip} to \verb|0.75\hsize plus 0.05\hsize minus 0.75\hsize|. This normally makes the last line of a paragraph be at least 20\% of the overall paragraph's width, thus preventing ultra-short~lines. \vspace*{-3pt} \section{How it works} \vspace*{-1pt} \Lwc/ uses a fairly simple algorithm to eliminate \waos/, but there are a few subtleties. \vspace*{-1pt} \subsection{Setup} \Lwc/ sets the \cs{club\-penalty}, \cs{widow\-penalty}, and \cs{broken\-penalty} parameters to sentinel values of~1. This will signal to \lwc/ when a \woo/ occurs, yet it is small enough that it won't stretch any glue. \Lwc/ also enables Lua\TeX{}'s micro\-typographic extensions~\cite{thanh}. This isn't strictly necessary; however, it significantly increases the number of paragraphs that can be acceptably \q{loosened}. That is all that happens on the \TeX{} end. The rest of \lwc/ is pure Lua. \subsection{Paragraph breaking} First, \lwc/ hooks into the paragraph breaking process, before any output routines or page breaking. Before a paragraph is broken by \TeX{}, \lwc/ grabs the unbroken paragraph. Then \lwc/ breaks the paragraph one line longer than its natural length and stores it for later. It does this in the background, \emph{without} interfering with how \TeX{} breaks paragraphs into their natural length. After \TeX{} has broken its paragraph into its natural length, \lwc/ appears again. Before the broken paragraph is added to the main vertical list, \lwc/ \q{tags} the first and last nodes of the paragraph using a Lua\TeX{} attribute. These attributes associate the previously-saved lengthened paragraph with the naturally-typeset paragraph on the page. \subsection{Page breaking} \Lwc/ intercepts \cs{box255} (the \cs{vbox} output by \TeX) immediately before the output routine runs, after all the paragraphs have been typeset. First, \lwc/ looks at the \openalty/ of the page or column. If the page was broken at a \woo/, the \openalty/ will be equal to either the \cs{widowpenalty} or the \cs{clubpenalty}. If the \openalty/ does not indicate a \woo/, \lwc/ will stop and return \cs{box255} unmodified to the output~routine, and \TeX{} continues as normal. Otherwise, we assume that we have a \woo/ on the page, meaning that we should lengthen the page by 1~line. We iterate through the list of saved paragraphs to find the lengthened paragraph with the least cost. After we've selected a good paragraph, we traverse through the page to find the original version of this paragraph---the one that unmodified \TeX{} originally typeset. Having found the original paragraph, we splice in the lengthened paragraph in place of the original. \oldlooseness=-1 Since the page is now 1~line longer than it was before, we pull the last line off the page to bring it back to its original length, and place that line onto the top of \TeX's \q{recent contributions} list. When the next page begins, this line will be inserted before all other paragraphs, right at the top. Now, we can return the new, widow-free page (updated \cs{box255}) to the output routine, which proceeds as normal. \subsection{Footnotes} Earlier versions of \textsf{lua-widow-control} completely ignored inserts. This meant that if a moved line had associated footnotes, \textsf{lua-widow-control} would move the \q{footnote mark} but not the associated \q{footnote text}. \textsf{lua-widow-control} now handles footnotes correctly through the mechanism detailed in the next section. \subsubsection{Inserts} Before we go into the details of how \textsf{lua-widow-control} handles footnotes, we need to look at what footnotes actually are to \TeX{}. Every \cs{footnote} command ultimately expands to something like \cs{insert\meta{class}}\allowbreak\verb|{|\meta{content}\verb|}|, where \meta{class} is an insertion class number, defined as \cs{footins} in this case (in Plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX). Inserts can be found in horizontal mode (footnotes) or in vertical mode (\cs{topins} in Plain \TeX{} and floats in \LaTeX{}), but they cannot be inside boxes. Each of these insert types is assigned a different class number, but the mechanism is otherwise identical. \textsf{lua-widow-control} treats all inserts identically, although it safely ignores vertical mode inserts since they are only ever found between paragraphs. But what does \cs{insert} do exactly? When \TeX{} sees an \cs{insert} primitive in horizontal mode (when typesetting a paragraph), it does two things: first, it processes the insert's content and saves it invisibly just below the current line. Second, it effectively adds the insert content's height to the height of the material on the current page. Also, for the first insert on a page, the glue in \cs{skip}\meta{class} is added to the current height. All this is done to ensure that there is sufficient room for the insert on the page whenever the line is output onto the page. If there is absolutely no way to make the insert fit on the page---say, if you placed an entire paragraph in a footnote on the last line of a page---then \TeX{} will begrudgingly \q{split} the insert, placing the first part on the current page and \q{holding over} the second part until the next page. There are some other \TeX{}nicalities involving \cs{count}\meta{class} and \cs{dimen}\meta{class}, but they mostly don't affect \textsf{lua-widow-control}. See Chapter~15 in \textsl{The \TeX{}book} or another reference for all the details. After \TeX{} has chosen the breakpoints for a paragraph, it adds the chosen lines one by one to the current page. Whenever the accumulated page height is \q{close enough} to the target page height (normally \cs{vsize}) the \cs{output} token list (often called the ``output routine'') is expanded. But before \cs{output} is called, \TeX{} goes through the page contents and moves the contents of any saved inserts into \cs{vbox}es corresponding to the inserts' classes, namely \cs{box}\meta{class}, so \cs{output} can work with them. And that's pretty much it on the engine side. Actually placing the inserts on the page is reserved for the output routine, which is defined by the format. This too is a complicated process, although thankfully not one that \textsf{lua-widow-control} needs to worry about. \subsubsection{\LuaMeta\TeX{}} The \LuaMeta\TeX{} engine treats inserts slightly differently than traditional \TeX{} engines. The first major difference is that insertions have dedicated registers; so instead of \cs{box}\meta{class}, \LuaMeta\TeX{} has \cs{insertbox}\meta{class}; instead of \cs{count}\meta{class}, \LuaMeta\TeX{} has \cs{insertmultiplier}\meta{class}; etc. The second major difference is that \LuaMeta\TeX{} will pick up inserts that are inside of boxes, meaning that placing footnotes in things like tables or frames should mostly just work as expected. There are also a few new parameters and other minor changes, but the overall mechanism is still quite similar to traditional \TeX{}. \subsubsection{Paragraph breaking} As stated in the original article~\cite{tb133chernoff-widows}, \textsf{lua-widow-control} intercepts \TeX{}'s output immediately before the output routine. However, this is \emph{after} all the inserts on the page have been processed and boxed. This is a bit of a problem because if we move a line to the next page, we need to move the associated insert; however, the insert is already gone. To solve this problem, immediately after \TeX{} has naturally broken a paragraph, \textsf{lua-widow-control} copies and stores all its inserts. Then, \textsf{lua-widow-control} tags the first element of each line (usually a glyph) with a Lua\TeX{} attribute that contains the indices for the first and last associated insert. \textsf{lua-widow-control} also tags each line inside the insert's content with its corresponding index so that it can be found later. \subsubsection{Page breaking} Here, we follow the same algorithm as in the original article~\cite{tb133chernoff-widows}. However, when we move the last line of the page to the next page, we first need to inspect the line to see if any of its contents have been marked with an insert index. If so, we need to move the corresponding insert to the next page. To do so, we unpack the attributes value to get all the inserts associated with this line. Using the stored insert indices and class, we can iterate through \cs{box}\meta{class} and delete any lines that match one of the current line's indices. We also need to iterate through the internal \TeX{} box \verb|hold_head|---the box that holds any inserts split onto the next page---and delete any matching lines. We can safely delete any of these lines since they are still stored in the original \cs{insert} nodes that we copied earlier. Now, we can retrieve all of our previously-stored inserts and add them to the next page, immediately after the moved line. Then, when \TeX{} builds that page, it will find these inserts and move their contents to the appropriate boxes \section{Choosing the \q{best} paragraph} As we discussed previously, \lwc/ lengthens the paragraph with the lowest cost. However, assigning a cost to each paragraph is not quite as simple as it sounds. Before we look at how \lwc/ assigns costs, let's look at how \TeX{} scores paragraphs when breaking them naturally. \subsection{How \TeX{} scores paragraphs} All glue in \TeX{} has a certain natural size: the size that it would be in an ideal scenario. However, most glue also has stretch and shrink components so that the glue can change in size to adapt to its surroundings. For each line, \TeX{} individually sums the total stretch/shrink for the line and the stretch/shrink that was actually used. We define the stretch/shrink ratio~$r$ as the quotient of the stretch/shrink used and the stretch/shrink available. Then the badness~$b$ of a line is approximately defined as \begin{equation*} b = 100r^3. \end{equation*} This is the badness referenced in the commonly-seen \texttt{Underfull \cs{hbox} (badness 1234)} warnings that \TeX{} produces. \TeX{} calculates the badness for each line individually; however, we also need to assess the paragraph as a whole. To do so, \TeX{} defines the demerits for a whole paragraph~$d$ as approximately\footnotemark{} the sum of the squared badnesses for each line. The natural paragraph that \TeX{} breaks is the one that minimizes~$d$. \footnotetext{We ignore any additional demerits or penalties that \TeX{} may add.} One important thing to realize is that demerits grow incredibly fast: demerits are proportional to the \emph{sixth} power of glue stretch. This means that you can expect to see extremely large demerit values, even for a relatively \q{good} paragraph. \subsection{Possible cost functions} Now, let's return to how \lwc/ assigns costs to each paragraph. This is surprisingly more complicated than it sounds, so we'll go through a few possible cost functions first. Here, we use $c$~for the cost of a paragraph, $d$~for the total demerits, and $l$~for the number of lines (\cs{prevgraf}). \subsubsection{The original implementation} The original implementation of \lwc/ used the simple cost function \begin{equation*} c = d. \end{equation*} This cost function works reasonably well, but has one major issue: it doesn't take into account the number of lines in the paragraph. The demerits for a paragraph is the sum of the demerits for each line. This means this cost function will prefer using shorter paragraphs since they tend to have fewer demerits. However, long paragraphs tend to have much more available glue stretch, so this strategy can lead to suboptimal solutions. \subsubsection{Scaling by the number of lines} Once I realized this issue, I tried correcting it by dividing by the number of lines in the paragraph to get the average demerits instead of the total demerits: \begin{equation*} c = \frac{d}{l} \end{equation*} This works better than the previous function, but still has an issue. If we have a fairly bad ten-line paragraph with total demerits $10d$ and an almost-equally bad two-line paragraph with total demerits $2d + 1$, then by this cost function, the ten-line paragraph will have a lower cost and will be chosen. This means that our page now has ten bad lines instead of two bad lines, which is not ideal. \subsubsection{Current implementation} Our first cost function, $c=dl^0$, doesn't consider the number of lines at all, while our second cost function, $c=dl^{-1}$, considers the number of lines too much. Splitting the difference between the two functions, we get the current implementation: \begin{equation*} c = \frac{d}{\sqrt{l}} \end{equation*} This solves the issue with the previous function, but it adds a new issue: given a short paragraph with a large number of demerits per line and a long paragraph with fairly few average demerits per line, this function will often choose the shorter line. Although this sounds bad, in practice it gives much better results since very bad short paragraphs are \emph{much} less noticeable than slightly bad long paragraphs. Of course, this new function may still not be quite perfect. \Lwc/ uses the \texttt{lwc.paragraph\_cost(demerits, lines)} Lua function to calculate a paragraph's cost; if you want, you can redefine this function to anything that you want. \oldlooseness=-1 % I didn't arrive at this function through any sort of scientific testing; % rather, I picked the simplest function that I could think of that satisfies % the following two properties: % \begin{itemize} % \item Given a long paragraph and a short paragraph with different % average badnesses per line, prefer the one with the least average % badness. % \item Given two paragraphs with equal average badnesses per line, % prefer the shorter one. % \end{itemize} \vspace*{-3pt} \section{Quantitative analysis} \vspace*{-1pt} \begin{figure} \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[ ybar interval, xticklabels={1, ..., 15, {$\,\ge\! 16$}}, x tick label style={font=\small}, y tick label style={font=\small}, enlarge y limits=upper, enlarge x limits={abs=1}, grid=none, scaled y ticks=base 10:-3, ytick scale label code/.code={}, xlabel={Paragraph length (lines)}, ylabel={Count (thousands)} ] \addplot+ [ draw=black, fill=black!10, semithick, ] table { Length Count 1 4429 2 3704 3 2045 4 1320 5 894 6 717 7 498 8 406 9 379 10 251 11 175 12 152 13 111 14 95 15 79 16 437 18 0 }; \filldraw [fill=black!25, draw=black] (16, 0) rectangle (18, 437); \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture} \caption{Histogram of natural paragraph lengths in the sample text.} \label{fig:hist} \end{figure} Let's look at some statistics for \lwc/. For testing, I downloaded the top~ten books on \textsl{Project Gutenberg},\footnotemark{} converted them to \LaTeX{} using \textsf{pandoc}, concatenated them into a single \textsf{article} file, and compiled twice. This gives us a \acro{PDF} with 1\,381~pages, 15\,692~paragraphs, 61\,865~lines, and 399~\waos/ (if they aren't removed). \footnotetext{\textsl{Frankenstein}, \textsl{Pride and Prejudice}, \textsl{Alice's Adventures in Wonderland}, \textsl{The Great Gatsby}, \textsl{The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes}, \textsl{Simple Sabotage Field Manual}, \textsl{A Tale of Two Cities}, \textsl{The Picture of Dorian Gray}, \textsl{Moby Dick}, and \textsl{A Doll's House}. } This is a fairly challenging test: almost every third page has a \woo/, over half of the paragraphs have two lines or fewer, and the text block is set to the fairly wide \textsf{article} defaults. An average document is much less challenging for \lwc/, so we can consider this to be a worst-case scenario. \vspace*{-1pt} \subsection{Widows and orphans removed} \begin{figure} \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[ ybar=0pt, bar width=0.8, xtick=data, ylabel={Widows and orphans removed}, xticklabels={ \shortstack[c]{\hfill Maximum\\\hfill possible}, \textsf{lwc} \texttt{default}, \texttt{balanced}, \LaTeX{}, \texttt{strict}, }, x tick label style={ font=\small, rotate=45, anchor=east, }, enlarge x limits=0.2, ] \addplot+ [ draw=black, fill=black!10, semithick, ] table [x expr=\coordindex, y index=0] { 399 392 348 179 52 }; \filldraw [fill=black!25, draw=black] (-0.4, 0) rectangle (0.4, 399); \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture} \divide\abovecaptionskip by 2 \caption{The number of \waos/ removed by each method.}\label{fig:modes} \end{figure} When we run \LaTeX{} with its default settings on the file, 179~(47\%) of the \waos/ are removed. When we add \lwc/ with default settings, we remove 392~(98\%). Switching to strict mode, we can only remove 52~(13\%) of the \waos/. In balanced mode, we remove 348~(87\%). See Figure~\ref{fig:modes} for a visual comparison. \subsection{Paragraph costs} \begin{figure} \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[ xlabel={Percentile}, ylabel={Cost}, ymode=log, legend entries={Long, Natural}, legend pos=north west, cycle list={ {black, thick}, {black!35, thick}, }, ] \addplot+ table [x=Percentile, y=Long] {\plotdata}; \addplot+ table [x=Percentile, y=Natural] {\plotdata}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture} \divide\abovecaptionskip by 2 \caption{Paragraph costs by percentile rank for naturally-broken and one-line lengthened paragraphs.}\label{fig:costs} \end{figure} The last section showed us that \lwc/ is quite effective at removing \waos/, so now let's look at the paragraphs that \lwc/ expands. As \TeX{} processes a document, \lwc/ is recording the costs for the naturally-broken and expanded versions of each paragraph in the document. Costs don't mean that much on their own, but a lower cost is always better. As you can see in Figure~\ref{fig:costs}, the lengthened paragraphs tend to have \emph{much} higher costs than the naturally-broken paragraphs. This is not surprising, since (as we've seen) a paragraph's demerits scale with the sixth power of glue stretch, so even a small amount of glue stretch can cause a huge increase in demerits. The empty space on the left of the \q{long} line is from the paragraphs that \lwc/ was unable to lengthen at any cost. Lua\TeX{} assigns these paragraphs zero~demerits, so they disappear on a logarithmic plot. \subsection{Lengthening vs.\ shortening paragraphs} \begin{figure}[t] \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[ xbar stacked, height=0.15\linewidth, width=\dimexpr\linewidth-1em, scale only axis, bar width=1, enlargelimits=false, xmin=0, ymin=-0.5, ymax=1, ymajorticks=false, xtick style={draw=none}, xlabel={Paragraphs (thousands)}, scaled x ticks=base 10:-3, xtick scale label code/.code={}, legend style={at={(0.5,1)}, anchor=north}, legend columns=5, legend cell align=left, legend style={ /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=1em}, draw=none, fill=none, }, legend entries={ {$n=1$}, {$n$}, {$n+1$}, {$n\pm1$}, {$n-1$} }, ] \addplot [fill=black!10 ] coordinates {(4429, 0)}; % One \addplot [fill=white ] coordinates {(4474, 0)}; % None \addplot [pattern=north east lines] coordinates {(5457, 0)}; % Long \addplot [pattern=crosshatch ] coordinates {( 482, 0)}; % Both \addplot [pattern=north west lines] coordinates {( 850, 0)}; % Short \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture} \divide\abovecaptionskip by 2 \caption{The number of paragraphs in the test sample that (respectively) have exactly one line, cannot be stretched or shrunk, can be only stretched by one~line, can be either stretched or shrunk, and can be only shrunk.} \label{fig:stretchshrink} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:stretchshrink} shows the number of paragraphs that \lwc/ could potentially stretch or shrink. The one-line paragraphs are broken out separately since this test sample has an anomalous number of them. Otherwise, we can see that \lwc/ is capable of stretching the majority of paragraphs. We can also see that of non-single-line paragraphs, only about 8\% of paragraphs can only be shrunk (the last segment of Figure~\ref{fig:stretchshrink}), and this is in a document where 13\% of paragraphs have at least eight~lines. Most documents rarely have such long paragraphs, and it is these long paragraphs that are the easiest to shrink. \oldlooseness=-1 Because of this, \lwc/ doesn't even attempt to shrink paragraphs; it only stretches them. \vspace*{-10pt} \section{Known issues} \vspace*{-5pt} \Lwc/ is quite stable these days. At this point, all \emph{known} bugs have been resolved; some bugs certainly still remain, but I'd feel quite confident using \textsf{lua-widow-control} in your everyday documents. There are, however, some fundamental limitations due to how \lwc/ operates: \begin{itemize} \item When a three-line paragraph is at the end of a page forming a widow, \lwc/ will remove the widow; however, it will leave an orphan. This issue is inherent to any process that removes widows through paragraph expansion and is thus unavoidable. Orphans are considered to be better than widows~\cite{elements}, so this is still an improvement. \item Sometimes a \woo/ cannot be eliminated because no paragraph has enough stretch. Sometimes this can be remediated by increasing \lwc/'s \estretch/; however, some pages just don't have any suitable paragraph. Long paragraphs with short words tend to be stretchier than short paragraphs with long words since these long paragraphs have more interword glue. Narrow columns also stretch more easily than wide columns since you need to expand a paragraph by less to make a new line. \item \Lwc/ only attempts to expand paragraphs on a page with a \woo/. A global system like in~\titlecite{global} would solve this; however, this is both \acro{NP}-complete~\cite{plass} and impossible to solve in a single pass. Very rarely would such a system remove \woos/ that \lwc/ cannot. \item \textsf{lua-widow-control} won't properly move footnotes if there are multiple different ``classes'' of inserts on the same line. To the best of my knowledge, this shouldn't happen in any real-world documents. If this happens to be an issue for you, please let me know; this problem is relatively easy to fix, although it will add considerable complexity for what I think isn't a real issue. \oldlooseness=-1 \end{itemize} \section{Conclusion} All this probably makes \lwc/ look quite complicated, and this is true to some extent. However, this complexity is hidden from the end~user: as stated at the outset, most users merely need to place \latexuse/ in their \LaTeX{} document preamble, and \lwc/ will remove all the troublesome \waos/, without needing any manual intervention. Should you have any issues, questions, or suggestions for \lwc/, please visit the project's GitHub page: \href{https://github.com/gucci-on-fleek/lua-widow-control} {\ttfamily https://github.com/gucci-on-fleek\discretionary{-}{-}{-}lua-widow-control}. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! \let\macro=\cs \AtNextBibliography{\small} \printbibliography \section*{Automatické odstraňování vdov a sirotků pomocí balíčku \textsf{lua-widow-control}} \begin{otherlanguage}{czech} Balíček \textsf{lua-widow-control} pro Lua\TeX\slash{}Lua\LaTeX\slash{}\ConTeXt\slash{}\OpTeX{} odstraňuje vdovy a sirotky bez dalšího zásahu uživatele. Využívá přitom sílu Lua\TeX u a přitom nenatahuje žádné vertikální mezery a ani nezkracuje stránky nebo sloupce. Namísto toho balíček automaticky prodlužuje některý z odstavců na té stránce nebo sloupci, kde by se vdova nebo sirotek vyskytli. Pro použití balíčku postačí většině uživatelů \LaTeX u uvést v~preambuli dokumentu \verb|\usepackage{lua-widow-control}|. Žádné další změny v~dokumentu nejsou zapotřebí. \end{otherlanguage} \klicovaslova: Lua\TeX, vdova, sirotek \end{document}