## ----setup, include = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.dim = c(7, 4) ) library(statgenMPP) op <- options(width = 90, digits = 3) ## ----simMarkerDat, results='asis', echo=FALSE------------------------------------------- simMrkDat <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxB.txt", package = "statgenMPP")) knitr::kable(simMrkDat[1:4, 1:5]) ## ----simPhenoDat, results='asis', echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- simPhenoDat <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxBxCpheno.txt", package = "statgenMPP")) knitr::kable(head(simPhenoDat)) ## ----simIBD----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Specify files containing markers. # One file for each of the two crosses. markerFiles <- c(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxB.txt", package = "statgenMPP"), system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxC.txt", package = "statgenMPP")) ## Specify file containing map. # Both crosses use the same map file. mapFile <- system.file("extdata/multipop", "mapfile.txt", package = "statgenMPP") ## Read phenotypic data phenoDat <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxBxCpheno.txt", package = "statgenMPP")) # Check contents. head(phenoDat) ## Perform IBD calculations. ABCMPP <- calcIBDMPP(crossNames = c("AxB", "AxC"), markerFiles = markerFiles, pheno = phenoDat, popType = "F4DH", mapFile = mapFile, evalDist = 5) ## ----sumABCMPP-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Print summary summary(ABCMPP) ## ----plotPABCMPP------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Plot structure of the pedigree. plot(ABCMPP, plotType = "pedigree") ## ----plotGABCMPP------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Plot genetic map. # Highlight marker on chromosome 3 at position 40. plot(ABCMPP, plotType = "genMap", highlight = "EXT_3_40") ## ----plotSGABCMPP, fig.height=10-------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot IBD probabilities for genotype AxB0001. plot(ABCMPP, plotType = "singleGeno", genotype = "AxB0001") ## ----ABCSQM----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Perform Single-QTL Mapping. ABCSQM <- selQTLMPP(MPPobj = ABCMPP, trait = "yield", maxCofactors = 0) ## ----QPABCSQM--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for ABC SQM. plot(ABCSQM, plotType = "QTLProfile") ## ----ABCMQM----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Perform Multi-QTL Mapping. ABCMQM <- selQTLMPP(MPPobj = ABCMPP, trait = "yield", threshold = 3) ## ----ABCMQM_kin, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # ## Perform Multi-QTL Mapping. # # Compute kinship matrices. # ABCMQM_kin <- selQTLMPP(MPPobj = ABCMPP, # trait = "yield", # threshold = 3, # computeKin = TRUE) ## ----plotQRABCMQM----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for ABC MQM. plot(ABCMQM, plotType = "QTLRegion") ## ----plotQPABCMQM----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for ABC MQM. plot(ABCMQM, plotType = "QTLProfile") ## ----plotPEABCMQM----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for ABC MQM. plot(ABCMQM, plotType = "parEffs") ## ----plotQPEABCMQM---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for ABC MQM. plot(ABCMQM, plotType = "QTLProfileExt") ## ----plotCIABCMQM----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot confidence intervals for parental effects for ABC MQM. plot(ABCMQM, plotType = "parCIs") ## ----sumABCMQM-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Print summary summary(ABCMQM) ## ----extractABCRes---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Extract results of QTL mapping. ABCMQMres <- ABCMQM$GWAResult$yield head(ABCMQMres[, 1:8]) ## ----extractABCQTL---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Extract QTLs and markers within QTL windows. ABCMQMQTL <- ABCMQM$signSnp$yield head(ABCMQMQTL[, c(2:8, 10)]) ## ----maizeIBD--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define names of crosses. crosses <- paste0("F353x", c("B73", "D06", "D09", "EC169", "F252", "F618", "Mo17", "UH250", "UH304", "W117")) head(crosses) ## Specify files containing crosses. ## Extract them in a temporary directory. tempDir <- tempdir() crossFiles <- unzip(system.file("extdata/maize/maize.zip", package = "statgenMPP"), files = paste0(crosses, ".txt"), exdir = tempDir) ## Specify file containing map. mapFile <- unzip(system.file("extdata/maize/maize.zip", package = "statgenMPP"), files = "map.txt", exdir = tempDir) ## Read phenotypic data. phenoFile <- unzip(system.file("extdata/maize/maize.zip", package = "statgenMPP"), files = "EUmaizePheno.txt", exdir = tempDir) phenoDat <- read.delim(phenoFile) head(phenoDat[, 1:5]) ## Perform IBD calculations. maizeMPP <- calcIBDMPP(crossNames = crosses, markerFiles = crossFiles, pheno = phenoDat, popType = "DH", mapFile = mapFile, evalDist = 5) ## ----sumMaizeIBD------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Print summary summary(maizeMPP) ## ----plotPmaizeIBD---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot structure of the pedigree. plot(maizeMPP, plotType = "pedigree") ## ----maizeSQM, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ## Perform Single-QTL Mapping. # maizeSQM <- selQTLMPP(MPPobj = maizeMPP, # trait = "mean_DtSILK", # maxCofactors = 0) ## ----QPmaizeSQM------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for maize SQM. plot(maizeSQM, plotType = "QTLProfile") ## ----maizeMQM, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ## Perform Multi-QTL Mapping. # maizeMQM <- selQTLMPP(MPPobj = maizeMPP, # trait = "mean_DtSILK", # threshold = 5) ## ----plotQPEmaizeMQM-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for maize MQM. plot(maizeMQM, plotType = "QTLProfileExt") ## ----plotCIamizeMQM--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot confidence intervals for parental effects for maize MQM. plot(maizeMQM, plotType = "parCIs") ## ----barleyIBD-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Specify files containing RABBIT output. ## Extract in a temporary directory. tempDir <- tempdir() inFile <- unzip(system.file("extdata/barley/barley_magicReconstruct.zip", package = "statgenMPP"), exdir = tempDir) ## Specify pedigree file. pedFile <- system.file("extdata/barley/barley_pedInfo.csv", package = "statgenMPP") ## Read phenotypic data. data("barleyPheno") ## read RABBIT output. barleyMPP <- readRABBITMPP(infile = inFile, pedFile = pedFile, pheno = barleyPheno) ## ----sumPbarleyIBD---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Summary. summary(barleyMPP) ## ----barleyMQM, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## Perform Multi-QTL Mapping with threshold 4. # barleyMQM <- selQTLMPP(MPPobj = barleyMPP, # trait = "Awn_length", # threshold = 4) ## ----QPbarleyMQM16---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for barley MQM - chromosome 1-6. plot(barleyMQM, plotType = "QTLProfileExt", chr = 1:6) ## ----QPbarleyMQM7----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot QTL Profile for barley MQM - chromosome 7. plot(barleyMQM, plotType = "QTLProfileExt", chr = 7) ## ----plotCIbarleyMQM-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot confidence intervals for parental effects for maize MQM. plot(barleyMQM, plotType = "parCIs") ## ----sumBarleyMQM----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Summary. summary(barleyMQM) ## ----ABCMQMPar, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # ## Register parallel back-end with 2 cores. # doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 2) # # ## Perform Multi-QTL Mapping. # ABCMQM_Par <- selQTLMPP(MPPobj = ABCMPP, # trait = "yield", # threshold = 3, # parallel = TRUE) ## ----winddown, include = FALSE------------------------------------------------ options(op)