## ----message=FALSE, include=FALSE, results="hide", setup, echo=FALSE---------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, collapse = TRUE, tidy = FALSE, cache = FALSE, dev = "png", comment = "#>" ) library(rbioapi) rba_options(timeout = 30, skip_error = TRUE) ## ----enrich_available_annotations--------------------------------------------- annots <- rba_panther_info(what = "datasets") ## ----enrich_available_annotations_results, echo=FALSE------------------------- if (is.data.frame(annots)) { DT::datatable( data = annots, options = list( scrollX = TRUE, paging = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE, keys = TRUE ) ) } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_panther_overrep, message=TRUE---------------------------------------- # Create a variable to store the genes vector my_genes_vec <- c( "p53", "BRCA1", "cdk2", "Q99835", "CDC42", "CDK1","KIF23","PLK1", "RAC2","RACGAP1","RHOA", "RHOB", "PHF14", "RBM3", "MSL1" ) # Submit the analysis request. enriched <- rba_panther_enrich( genes = my_genes_vec, organism = 9606, annot_dataset = "GO:0008150", cutoff = 0.05 ) # Note that we didn't supply the `test_type` parameter. # In this case, the function will default to using Fisher's exact test # (i.e. `test_type = "FISHER"`). # You may also use binomial test for the over-representation analysis # (i.e. `test_type = "BINOMIAL"`). ## ----rba_panther_overrep_results, echo=FALSE---------------------------------- if (utils::hasName(enriched, "result") && is.data.frame(enriched$result)) { DT::datatable( data = enriched$result, options = list( scrollX = TRUE, paging = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE, keys = TRUE, pageLength = 10 ) ) } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_panther_enrich, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------- # # Create a variable to store the data frame # my_genes_df <- data.frame( # genes = c( # "p53", "BRCA1", "cdk2", "Q99835", "CDC42", "CDK1","KIF23","PLK1", # "RAC2","RACGAP1","RHOA", "RHOB", "PHF14", "RBM3", "MSL1" # ), # ## generate random expression values # expression = runif(15, 0, 10) # ) # # # Submit the analysis request. # enriched <- rba_panther_enrich( # genes = my_genes_df, # organism = 9606, # annot_dataset = "GO:0008150", # cutoff = 0.05 # ) # # # Note that we didn't supply the `test_type` parameter. # # In this case, the function will default to Mann-Whitney U Test # # (i.e. `test_type = "Mann-Whitney"`). # # This is the only valid value for the statistical enrichment analysis test, # # thus ommiting or supplying it will not make a difference. ## ----sessionInfo, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()