# osrm version 4.2.0 ## Fix * change the pkg level documentation for alias (#125) ## Feat * add suport for tibbles (#128 thanks to @Moohan) # osrm version 4.1.1 ## Fix * use bibentry() instead of citEntry() # osrm version 4.1.0 ## Fix * fix and refactor osrmTrip() for better handling of points close to each others * use raw coordinates for table queries instead of googlepolylines when using the demo server (see #119) ## Feat * add a citation file * add osrmNearest() to get the closest point on the street network, interface to the nearest service # osrm version 4.0.0 ## Major changes * drop sp support (deprecate returnclass, to be removed in the next minor version), osrm no longer accepts sp objects, nor sp results * refactor to better display server error and warnings messages * use RcppSimdJson instead of jsonlite * use mapiso instead of isoband code for isopolygon creation * osrmTable(): - change in args order (loc, src, dst, ... => src,dst, loc, ...) - loc, src, dst accept data.frame, matrix, sfc and sf objects - identifiers are not needed, osrm uses row.names or indexes - better input type checking * osrmRoute(): - loc, src, dst accept data.frame, matrix, sfc and sf objects - identifiers are not needed, osrm uses row.names or indexes - better input type checking * osrmTrip(): - loc accepts vector of coordinates, data.frame, matrix, sfc and sf objects - identifiers are not needed, osrm uses row.names or indexes - better input type checking * osrmIsochrone() & osrmIsometric(): - loc, src, dst accept data.frame, matrix, sfc and sf objects - identifiers are not needed, osrm uses row.names or indexes - better input type checking - the sf output has now three fields (id, isomin and isomax) - osrmIsometric() has been renamed to osrmIsodistance() # osrm version 3.5.1 (Release date 2022-01) ## Minor changes * Fix is() usage # osrm version 3.5.0 (Release date 2021-09) ## Major change * remove sp argument from osrmRoute() * returnClass default is now "sf" where it was previously "sp" * The next major version of osrm will drop support for sp objects ## Minor changes * Better handling of request with curl_fetch_memory() * Better (lower) default value for demo server * Update demo in README with complete maptiles + mapsf + osrm example * Update sf dataset (update crs) * Replace old RData sample dataset by new dataset in raw files * # osrm version 3.4.1 (Release date 2020-03) ## Minor changes * switch from gepaf to googlePolylines, great speed improvement (thank to John Sheffield @sheffe) * use .onLoad instead of .onAttach to set the demo server by default * replace examples that use cartography by mapsf examples. * curl instead of RCurl # osrm version 3.4.0 (Release date: 2020-12) ## Minor changes * change demo server from http://router.project-osrm.org/ to https://routing.openstreetmap.de/ * add osrm.server and osrm.profile in function to change the server directly in functions. * # osrm version 3.3.3 (Release date: 2020-04-14) ## Minor changes * Changes to accomodate sf >= 0.9 and st_make_valid no longer in lwgeom * iso isometric zones in osrmIsochrone() * increase dmax in osrmIsochrone() # osrm version 3.3.2 (Release date: 2019-09-24) ## Minor changes * allow via points in osrmRoute with the "loc"" argument. (see #41) * allow lon/lat vectors as src and dst arguments without identifier ("src"" and "dst"" as default names). (see #51) * suppression of old and unused datasets # osrm version 3.3.1 (Release date: 2019-07-12) ## Minor changes * correct edge cases of coordinates precision (suppress scientific notation) (#44) * fix isochrone computation (#49 and #45) * add message for too large breaks or too lower resolution (#48) # osrm version 3.3.0 (Release date: 2019-04-29) This version should not break previous code. ## Major changes * sf support in all functions for input (src, dst, loc) and output (returnclass="sf") * The algorithm for isochrone has been changed to a more robust one that use isoband package, results may differ... * add apotheke.sf sf POINT in the package dataset "berlin". * examples have been simplified and mainly cover sf use. # osrm version 3.2.0 (Release date: 2018-12-12) ## Minor changes * Add the exclude option to exclude some road types. Thanks to PR #32 by @mbask * Better info message when the public server receive too many requests. * Add a "measure" arg to osrmTable to obtain distance table (meters). fix #33. * Berlin example in README # osrm version 3.1.1 (Release date: 2018-03-12) ## Minor changes * Put sp in Import rather than in Depends * bug fix in osrmTrip. * Better error messages. # osrm version 3.1.0 (Release date: 2017-06-08) ## Minor changes * Use last version of cartography in examples * Adaptation to the current osrm demo server (ex. gepaf arg in osrmTable). * Examples in Berlin instead of north of France, easier with OSRM example docker image # osrm version 3.0.2 (Release date: 2017-06-08) ## Minor changes * set the grid size for computing isochrones in osrmIsochrone (more precise isopleth maps) * fix osrmTrip # osrm version 3.0.1 (Release date: 2017-03-31) ## Minor changes * Enable changing the profile via options(osrm.profile = "name.of.the.profile")(driving is set by default). * Small fixes and adaptations to the API (in osrmTrip mainly) # osrm version 3.0.0 (Release date: 2016-05-10) This is a major release. Changes have been made to reflect the evolution of the OSRM routing service/engine. The backward compatibility is not ensured. The osrm package works with the version 5.0.0 of the OSRM API. ## Major changes: * osrmViaroute is suppressed, use osrmRoute with `overview = FALSE` instead. * osrmViarouteGeom is replaced by osrmRoute. osrmRoute offers simplified or detailed (full) route geometry via `overview` parameter. * Functions now accept sp objects and data.frames. * Add osrmIsochrone. This function computes a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of isochrones. * Add osrmTrip. This function gets the travel geometry between multiple unordered points. * Under the hood: some function now use google encoded polylines via gepaf package. # osrm version 2.0.0 (Release date: 2016-01-20) This is a major release. Changes have been made to reflect the evolution of the OSRM routing service/engine. The backward compatibility is not ensured. The osrm package works with the version 4.9.0 of the OSRM API. ## Major changes: * Supression of osrmTableOD and osrmTableErrors * Different parameters names and output in each functions * XML and reshape2 packages are no longer imported # osrm version 1.1 (Release date: 2015-11-06) ## Changes: * Install instruction in README * Add a SpatialLinesDataFrame export to the osrmViaRouteGeom * Add the \dontrun{} instruction to all examples due to potential public API downtime and to prevent excessive use of the public API via regular checks.