Version 4.2.5 * Fix no remap issue Version 4.2.4 * Change from sp::identicalCRS to to prepare for future raster release Version 4.2.2 * Resolve check errors on macos (skip suncalc for timezone bug) Version 4.2.0 * getDataRepositoryData is Defunct as movebank changed setup * Import of rgdal droped * In preparation for rgdal being retired spTransform now uses sf this might have consequencs for the consistency of attributes of for example bbox * Proper forwarding of arguments in coridor function when called on stack (#77) * Remove dependency on `maptools` by adopting some functions and working with `suncalc` in vignette Version 4.1.12 * Rebuild example data to work with new raster package Version 4.1.10 * Fix cran errors in example * Integrate download suggestions * Style package * Fix stacking timestamps in unused records * Fix getMovebankLocationData for multiple sensors Version 4.1.8 * Check namespace requirements in examples and tests * Clarify examples for emd and angles * Change class inheritance checks Version 4.1.6 * Fix distance error * use licence_terms in download * Update vignette * Improved error reporting long url * Fixed bug in brownian.bridge.dyn where window.size was not used Version 4.0.4 * Changes to movestack test as R changes behaviour Version 4.0.2 * fix small issues with cran checks Version 4.0.0 * updates to account for changes in rgdal and sp Version 3.3.0 * Updated and completed both vignettes * move function now accepts movement objects from the libraries ctmm, bcpa, EMbC and a data.frame object * Added getMovebankLocationData function to download location data as a data.frame from Movebank Version 3.2.0 * Use updated movebank api for downloading data, now depend on visible column. This might lead to small changes in the downloaded dataset if specific outlier combinations are used. * Added getMovebankReferenceTable function to download reference data from movebank study. * Added namesIndiv to get names of individuals in a move/moveStack object. * Now getMovebankData includes user defined tag number information. Version 3.1.0 * Add track thining * Maintenance release with bug fixes to solve some issues Version 3.0.2 * Maintenance release to solve some issues with testing Version 3.0.0 * Remove constraint to have no unused timestamps at observed timestamps * Add download function for movebank data repository * Now getMovebankData gets records per individual and not deployment (make sure code is adjusted where needed) * Now the move function does not create or remove extra columns * moveStack can stack multiple animals directly and can force a timestamp * getMovebankData now includes license terms, study name and citation (reported by Scott LaPoint) * Implemented variance methods for MoveStacks * Various small updates in error reporting * Implemented download of acc and other extra movebank data Version 2.1.0 * Added earth movers distance functions * Added replacement methods for burstIds * Added functionality to change burstStacks to Udstacks Version 2.0.0 * Increases speed of the Brownian bridge calculation by not calculation for the whole grid any more (no need any more to minimize raster size) * Use httr for downloads 2015-10-22 bart * Test ltraj move function a bit 2015-10-20 bart * dont require package in test * Documentation update 2015-10-16 bart * typo * Switch download to httr away from rcurl 2015-10-15 bart * Make sure ltraj is recoginized as a class * Fix test so they are neatly implemented but need new testthat so currently skipped * Fix documentation * Allow non verbose brownian bridge 2015-10-14 bart * Make move function work for ltraj objects and fix split for ud stacks 2015-09-16 bart * Seg length was accidentally calculating a square matrix, further small fixes and updates to examples and tests * Seglength calculated a square matrix for stacks which was not intended * Moved all example data to data folder and adjusted examples and tests accordingly, also update plotBurst for multispatial points 2015-09-15 bart * adding data in the data folder * Make idData deal with sp MultiPoints * update checks and the spatial lines function which was broken * Added turnAngleGc for stacks and some checks for turnAngleGc 2015-09-03 bart * Update make procedures * reformat and generalized test 2015-07-29 bart * Update checking of unused records stack and subsetting function 2015-07-15 bart * Fix reading of envdata files (related to R version 3.1.0 that had an other type convert) 2015-07-08 bart * Update help of download functions * clarified removeduplicatedtimestamps option for getmovebankdata 2015-07-07 bart * the time.lag function is removed 2015-07-06 bart * Updated the test to present the new distance calculations which are on an ellipsoid 2015-06-29 bart * import inorder to meet devel checks * lines for burst also allow to color segments * fix test for citation and lineMidpoints, the last now returns numberd names in the coordinates * Removed warnings due to duplicated names in hrBootstrap sampling due to tracking of coordinates names in spatial opject * Added function burstId to retrieve burst Ids 2015-06-23 bart * change hrBootstrap from print to message 2015-05-27 bart * Some updates to corridor function when no corridor points are found 2015-04-15 bart * Update tests 2015-04-14 bart * Additional tests * fix bug on windows * Also allow missing projection in move function * Updated move function to accomodate character and numeric input * Removing most warning messages from tests * Move doesnt assume the utm column in movebank output any more * Move all test to testthat and add some 2015-03-23 bart * Specify ellipsoid everywhere to accomodate new proj library (4.9) 2015-03-19 bart * Deprecated time.lag function please use timeLag now 2015-03-13 bart * Some small updates to Description file * Addressing some issues with notes for new R versions, to prepare for new release. Improved error reporting for brownian bridge function. Prepare for new movebank download. Preparing tests for SP keeping rownames. 2015-01-22 bart * moved seglength test 2015-01-16 bart * Adhere to new namespace checks * Made character string or vector of location errors worki on stacks thanks to reporting of JW. Beeman 2015-01-07 bart 2014-11-17 bart * Add function to find number of individuals 2014-10-06 bart * More clear error message BGBvar fun 2014-08-18 bart * improved error reporting for dbbmm 2014-08-04 bart * Update documentation * Add functions for extracting sensor data and trackId from unUsedStack * Updates the removeDuplicatedTimestamps to also remove records that are in the real records from the unUsedRecords 2014-07-22 bart * compressed move.RData 2014-07-02 bart * Make sure locations are read as numeric even if it has many decimals, this accomodates a change in R 3.1.0 2014-06-11 bart 2014-06-10 bart * define a split method for a UDStack and make the number of contour plots square * improve error reporting when object is smaller than the window size 2014-05-21 bart 2014-04-25 bart * Changes for new release, the release adds the bivariate gaussian bridges, brownian bridges per burst and many small changes 2014-04-24 bart * fix getMotion variance * fix to minimal margins brownian bridge dyn stack 2014-04-23 bart * start adding getMotionVariance * match ud calculation between dbgb and dbbmm 2014-04-16 bart * update email adres 2014-04-15 bart * make test more relyable * fix documentation * speed up dynBGB example * Check for error with projections for bridge calculations * move tests brownian bridge to testthat 2014-04-14 bart 2014-04-10 bart * small cleanup 2014-04-08 bart * Fix bug in identifying unique columns in idData when stacking move objects, reported by Stef Sijben 2014-04-04 bart * remove unused variables for window calculation 2014-04-03 bart * Make it work with new sp where there is stronger checking in the CRS function 2014-03-04 bart * Updating test improving speed of examples 2014-02-26 bart * introducing testthat 2014-02-25 bart * Update to documentation and testing of dBGB 2014-02-21 bart * Start with including BGB functions in move * use n.locs in brownianbridgedyn 2014-01-29 bart * bug in line mid points causing wrong plot in plotBursts 2014-01-24 bart * Fix error to movestack introduced in last change. Make dependency to new geosphere for right distRhumb function 2014-01-20 bart * Switch to usage of validNames in raster (adds dependency on recent raster version) * added bursted dbbmm tests and speeded up some examples * adding initial documentation for interpolation and bursted dbbmm * Fixes to bursted dBBMM * functions for dealing with dBMvarianceBurst objects * Added linear time interpolation function * added bursted brownian bridges 2013-10-21 bart 2013-10-17 bart * shortend some examples and fixed order problem when adding columns in moveStack * Fixes to movestack to ensure orderd unused records, fixes to the import of unused records in the web import 2013-10-07 bart * some fixes for stacking unused records 2013-09-17 bart * make equal proj return true if none is set 2013-09-03 bart * Removed extra imports that were not needed 2013-09-02 bart * Added function trackId for returning the id of individuals in a stack. Made the [[ subset function return a stack for multiple individuals and made it work for ligics and numbers. Also ensure order of factor levels is same as order of individuals. Use rbind spatial points in moveStack for consistency in column names * Made examples match equal projection changes 2013-08-26 bart * Change the equal projection function, it did not work on objects with long projection strings it is now based on identicalCRS from the SP package 2013-08-19 bart * fixed various bugs noticed durring the animove course, speed summary (Runit added), double usage of spTransform 2013-08-01 bart * require newer version of R due to presence of paste0 2013-07-23 bart * Decreased size corridor example * small typo * Limit some move checks, to occasions were only sed and zcat work 2013-07-22 bart * Cleaning up the svn & making subset work for extracting individuals from a stack where none used sensors are present in the factor levels * Resolve two notes in Rdevel about line length in manuals and inst/doc vs vignette directory * Make vignettes indepenent of stamen servers and prepare for release 2013-07-09 bart * added checks for the move function and updated the documentation accordingly 2013-07-08 bart * There have been updates to the import function that allow to remove duplicated timestamps. The move function now accepts text connections and zip files from the annotation tool. There was also a bug fix to getMovebankData fixed by ordering the idData dataframe * fix to documentation of corridor 2013-07-02 bart * update citation in coridor documentation * made searchMovebankStudies return a character vector and specified it in the manual. Also clarified an error message in brownian bridge dyn 2013-06-26 bart * Update to some documentation. Some extra tests. Fix when multiple sensors are imported through the web interface (reported by B Carlson) 2013-06-24 bart 2013-06-21 bart * new optimization for unique per id given that the previous would fail with repeated values in different individuals * speed up in test for idData in .move 2013-06-11 bart * Bug fixed when no variance estimate is present for segment of interest reported by: Alexandra Bell 2013-06-04 bart * Updated documentation \n change printing of computational size to message \n reduced the number of installed datasets to also speed up things 2013-06-03 bart * added documentation for idData\n added some test for attached data and idData\n modified split functions for code reuse\n update documentation for download functions 2013-05-29 bart * further simplification of web import so getMovebank does not convert characters anymore. Also fix for making data frame with difftime object in the idData * More improvements to web import making things more straight forward. 2013-05-28 bart * make burst return the burst if no factor is supplied 2013-05-27 bart * subset for columns with character 2013-05-24 bart * Fixes to the web import when haveing not a 1:1 relation between sensors, individuals & when there are indiv without data also drop sensor levels in unUsed 2013-05-22 bart * Make sure that subseting a movestack doesnt screw up order * ensure order in idData is the same as order in trackId also ensure this is represented in color usage in the plot 2013-05-21 bart * let move function work if a movebank file only has unused records for individuals * restricted line ploting to individuals with 2 or more datapoints 2013-05-20 bart * added export of id data when converting to dataframe function do access and modify the iddata + some small tests documents asp arugment for plot 2013-05-16 bart * ensure aspect ratio for plots 2013-05-08 bart 2013-04-29 bart * Improved error reporting when movebank is down for maintainance 2013-04-23 bart * Suggest solution in error for UDs not summing to one 2013-04-22 bart * fix to accomodate new rgdal 2013-04-19 bart * movebank files now read with strings as factors 2013-04-12 bart 2013-04-11 bart * add spatialLines 2013-04-10 bart * speed up corridor example * updated checks for R 3.1.0 2013-04-08 bart 2013-04-05 bart * fix for web import in case of numeric indiviual names 2013-04-04 bart