--- title: "Unanchored Survival Analysis" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette bibliography: references.bib csl: biomedicine.csl vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Unanchored Survival Analysis} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ``` # Loading R packages ```{r} # install.packages("maicplus") library(maicplus) ``` Additional R packages for this vignette: ```{r} library(dplyr) ``` # Illustration using example data This example reads in `centered_ipd_sat` data that was created in `calculating_weights` vignette and uses `adtte_sat` and `pseudo_ipd_sat` outcome datasets to run survival analysis using the `maic_unanchored` function by specifying `endpoint_type = "tte"`. Note that parameters `ipd` and `pseudo_ipd` in the `maic_unanchored` function for survival data analysis needs to have the following columns: USUBJID, ARM, EVENT, and TIME. USUBJID in `ipd` needs to match USUBJID in `weights_object`. USUBJID in `pseudo_ipd` is not strictly required, as if left unspecified, subject numbers are assigned using the row indexes. Furthermore, TIME in both these datasets have to be in days. For instance, when we digitize a KM plot where time is recorded in months, we need to multiply the months by the appropriate factor (i.e. 30.4375) to get the time in days. If you would like to run an analysis using scaled weights, set `normalize_weight` to TRUE. One clear benefit of using scaled weights is that the risk table at time = 0 in the Kaplan-Meier curve will match the IPD sample size. ```{r} data(centered_ipd_sat) data(adtte_sat) data(pseudo_ipd_sat) centered_colnames <- c("AGE", "AGE_SQUARED", "SEX_MALE", "ECOG0", "SMOKE", "N_PR_THER_MEDIAN") centered_colnames <- paste0(centered_colnames, "_CENTERED") weighted_data <- estimate_weights( data = centered_ipd_sat, centered_colnames = centered_colnames ) result <- maic_unanchored( weights_object = weighted_data, ipd = adtte_sat, pseudo_ipd = pseudo_ipd_sat, trt_ipd = "A", trt_agd = "B", normalize_weight = FALSE, endpoint_name = "Overall Survival", endpoint_type = "tte", eff_measure = "HR", time_scale = "month", km_conf_type = "log-log" ) ``` There are two summaries available in the result: descriptive and inferential. In the descriptive section, we have summaries from fitting `survfit` function. Note that restricted mean (rmean), median, and 95% CI are summarized in the `time_scale` specified. ```{r} result$descriptive$summary # Not shown due to long output # result$descriptive$survfit_before # result$descriptive$survfit_after ``` In the inferential section, we have the fitted models stored (i.e. `survfit` and `coxph`) and the results from the `coxph` models (i.e. hazard ratios and CI). Note that the p-values summarized are from `coxph` model Wald test and not from a log-rank test. Here is the overall summary. ```{r} result$inferential$summary ``` Here are models and results before adjustment. ```{r} result$inferential$fit$km_before result$inferential$fit$model_before result$inferential$fit$res_AB_unadj ``` Here are models and results after adjustment. ```{r} result$inferential$fit$km_after result$inferential$fit$model_after result$inferential$fit$res_AB ``` ```{r, eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE} # heuristic check # merge in adtte with ipd_matched ipd_matched <- weighted_data$data combined_data_tte <- ipd_matched %>% left_join(adtte_sat, by = c("USUBJID", "ARM")) pseudo_ipd <- pseudo_ipd_sat pseudo_ipd$weights <- 1 combined_data_tte <- rbind( combined_data_tte[, colnames(pseudo_ipd)], pseudo_ipd ) # Change the reference treatment to B combined_data_tte$ARM <- stats::relevel(as.factor(combined_data_tte$ARM), ref = "B") # Fit a Cox model with/without weights to estimate the HR unweighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(TIME, EVENT == 1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data_tte) weighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(TIME, EVENT == 1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data_tte, weights = combined_data_tte$weights, robust = TRUE ) unweighted_cox weighted_cox kmobj <- survfit(Surv(TIME, EVENT) ~ ARM, combined_data_tte, conf.type = "log-log") kmobj_adj <- survfit(Surv(TIME, EVENT) ~ ARM, combined_data_tte, weights = combined_data_tte$weights, conf.type = "log-log" ) # Derive median survival time medSurv <- medSurv_makeup(kmobj, legend = "before matching", time_scale = "day") medSurv_adj <- medSurv_makeup(kmobj_adj, legend = "after matching", time_scale = "day") medSurv_out <- rbind(medSurv, medSurv_adj) medSurv_out ``` # Using bootstrap to calculate standard errors If bootstrap standard errors are preferred, we need to specify the number of bootstrap iteration (`n_boot_iteration`) in `estimate_weights` function and proceed fitting `maic_unanchored` function. Then, the outputs include bootstrapped CI. Different types of bootstrap CI can be found by specifying the parameter `boot_ci_type`. See `boot.ci` in `boot` package for more details. ```{r} weighted_data2 <- estimate_weights( data = centered_ipd_sat, centered_colnames = centered_colnames, n_boot_iteration = 100, set_seed_boot = 1234 ) result_boot <- maic_unanchored( weights_object = weighted_data2, ipd = adtte_sat, pseudo_ipd = pseudo_ipd_sat, trt_ipd = "A", trt_agd = "B", normalize_weight = FALSE, endpoint_name = "Overall Survival", endpoint_type = "tte", eff_measure = "HR", boot_ci_type = "perc", time_scale = "month", km_conf_type = "log-log" ) result_boot$inferential$fit$boot_res_AB ``` Note that the bootstrap in unanchored analysis only uses resampling of internal IPD trial population and assumes there is no uncertainty in the comparator trial population (i.e. estimated mean outcomes). [@chandler] Therefore, we recommend the use of sandwich estimators for the variance calculation in the unanchored analysis. # References