--- title: "Unanchored Binary Analysis" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette bibliography: references.bib csl: biomedicine.csl vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Unanchored Binary Analysis} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ``` # Loading R packages ```{r} # install.packages("maicplus") library(maicplus) ``` Additional R packages for this vignette: ```{r} library(dplyr) ``` # Illustration using example data This example reads in `centered_ipd_sat` data that was created in `calculating_weights` vignette and uses `adrs_sat` dataset to run binary outcome analysis using the `maic_unanchored` function by specifying `endpoint_type = "binary"`. Note that parameters `ipd` and `pseudo_ipd` in the `maic_unanchored` function for binary data analysis needs to have the following columns: USUBJID, ARM, RESPONSE. USUBJID in `ipd` needs to match USUBJID in `weights_object`. `pseudo_ipd` for binary data can be conveniently generated using `get_pseudo_ipd_binary` function. Robust standard error for the adjusted result are calculated by sandwich variance estimator in `sandwich` package with the function `vcovHC`. Default type of variance estimator (specified by parameter `binary_robust_cov_type`) is `HC3`, but other types can be specified. For more information on different types, see `vcovHC`. ```{r} data(centered_ipd_sat) data(adrs_sat) centered_colnames <- c("AGE", "AGE_SQUARED", "SEX_MALE", "ECOG0", "SMOKE", "N_PR_THER_MEDIAN") centered_colnames <- paste0(centered_colnames, "_CENTERED") weighted_data <- estimate_weights( data = centered_ipd_sat, centered_colnames = centered_colnames ) # get dummy binary pseudo IPD pseudo_adrs <- get_pseudo_ipd_binary( binary_agd = data.frame( ARM = "B", RESPONSE = c("YES", "NO"), COUNT = c(280, 120) ), format = "stacked" ) result <- maic_unanchored( weights_object = weighted_data, ipd = adrs_sat, pseudo_ipd = pseudo_adrs, trt_ipd = "A", trt_agd = "B", normalize_weight = FALSE, endpoint_type = "binary", endpoint_name = "Binary Endpoint", eff_measure = "OR", # binary specific args binary_robust_cov_type = "HC3" ) ``` There are two summaries available in the result: descriptive and inferential. In the descriptive section, we have summaries of events. ```{r} result$descriptive ``` In the inferential section, we have the fitted models stored (i.e. logistic regression) and the results from the `glm` models (i.e. odds ratios and CI). If other effect measures are needed besides odds ratios, we have an option to fit risk ratios or risk differences via `eff_measure` parameter. Here is the overall summary. ```{r} result$inferential$summary ``` Here are model and results before adjustment. ```{r} result$inferential$fit$model_before result$inferential$fit$res_AB_unadj ``` Here are model and results after adjustment. ```{r} result$inferential$fit$model_after result$inferential$fit$res_AB ``` ```{r, eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE} # heuristic check # merge in adrs with ipd_matched ipd_matched <- weighted_data$data combined_data_binary <- ipd_matched %>% left_join(adrs_sat, by = c("USUBJID", "ARM")) pseudo_adrs$weights <- 1 combined_data_binary <- rbind( combined_data_binary[, colnames(pseudo_adrs)], pseudo_adrs ) # Change the reference treatment to B combined_data_binary$ARM <- stats::relevel(as.factor(combined_data_binary$ARM), ref = "B") binobj_dat <- glm(RESPONSE ~ ARM, combined_data_binary, family = binomial(link = "logit")) binobj_dat_adj <- suppressWarnings( glm(RESPONSE ~ ARM, combined_data_binary, weights = weights, family = binomial(link = "logit") ) ) bin_robust_cov <- sandwich::vcovHC(binobj_dat_adj, type = "HC3") bin_robust_coef <- lmtest::coeftest(binobj_dat_adj, vcov. = bin_robust_cov) bin_robust_ci <- lmtest::coefci(binobj_dat_adj, vcov. = bin_robust_cov) bin_robust_ci exp(bin_robust_ci) exp(summary(binobj_dat)$coef[2, "Estimate"]) exp(summary(binobj_dat_adj)$coef[2, "Estimate"]) ``` # Using bootstrap to calculate standard errors If bootstrap standard errors are preferred, we need to specify the number of bootstrap iteration (`n_boot_iteration`) in `estimate_weights` function and proceed fitting `maic_unanchored` function. Then, the outputs include bootstrapped CI. Different types of bootstrap CI can be found by using parameter `boot_ci_type`. See `boot.ci` in `boot` package for more details. ```{r} weighted_data2 <- estimate_weights( data = centered_ipd_sat, centered_colnames = centered_colnames, n_boot_iteration = 100, set_seed_boot = 1234 ) result_boot <- maic_unanchored( weights_object = weighted_data2, ipd = adrs_sat, pseudo_ipd = pseudo_adrs, trt_ipd = "A", trt_agd = "B", normalize_weight = FALSE, endpoint_type = "binary", endpoint_name = "Binary Endpoint", eff_measure = "OR", boot_ci_type = "perc", # binary specific args binary_robust_cov_type = "HC3" ) result_boot$inferential$fit$boot_res_AB ``` Note that the bootstrap in unanchored analysis only uses resampling of internal IPD trial population and assumes there is no uncertainty in the comparator trial population (i.e. estimated mean outcomes). [@chandler] Therefore, we recommend the use of sandwich estimators for the variance calculation in the unanchored analysis. # References