--- title: "Robust Geographical Detector & Robust Interaction Detector(RGD & RID)" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{rgdrid} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ### Set up python dependence 1. Install **miniconda3** 2. Open the conda terminal and perform steps `3` to `6` 3. Create a new conda env `gdverse` > `conda create -n gdverse python=3.10 -y` 4. Activate this env > `conda activate gdverse` 5. Install `mamba` > `conda install -c conda-forge mamba -y` 6. Set up python packages > `mamba install -c conda-forge numpy joblib pandas ruptures -y` 7. Configure `GDVERSE_PYTHON` environment variable - Temporarily setting up `gdverse` python dependence environment using `Sys.setenv()` in the R console or R code like `Sys.setenv(GDVERSE_PYTHON = "path/to/python/environment")`. - Or using `usethis::edit_r_profile()` and `Sys.setenv(GDVERSE_PYTHON = "path/to/python/environment")` to set long-available `gdverse` python dependencies environment path. ### Load data and package ``` r library(gdverse) ## gdverse 1.3.2 ## See itmsa package for entropy-based spatial association measures. data("ndvi") ``` ``` r names(ndvi) ## [1] "NDVIchange" "Climatezone" "Mining" "Tempchange" "Precipitation" ## [6] "GDP" "Popdensity" ``` ### Run RGD ``` r ndvi_rgd = rgd(NDVIchange ~ ., data = ndvi, discvar = names(dplyr::select(ndvi,-c(NDVIchange,Climatezone,Mining))), discnum = 3:8, cores = 12) ndvi_rgd ## *** Robust Geographical Detector ## ## | variable | Q-statistic | P-value | ## |:-------------:|:-----------:|:--------:| ## | Precipitation | 0.8883955 | 4.77e-10 | ## | Climatezone | 0.8218335 | 7.34e-10 | ## | Tempchange | 0.3722571 | 3.22e-10 | ## | Popdensity | 0.2205321 | 9.65e-10 | ## | Mining | 0.1411154 | 6.73e-10 | ## | GDP | 0.1164814 | 1.08e-10 | plot(ndvi_rgd) ``` ![](../man/figures/rgdrid/rgd_id-1.png) ### Run RID `RID` allows you to obtain the interactions of all possible combinations of variables. By default, `Spatial Intersection` are used to generate a new spatial partition of the interaction variables. ``` r ndvi_rid = rid(NDVIchange ~ ., data = ndvi, discvar = names(dplyr::select(ndvi,-c(NDVIchange,Climatezone,Mining))), discnum = 8, cores = 12) ndvi_rid ## *** Robust Interaction Detector ## ## | variable1 | variable2 | Interaction | ## |:-------------:|:-------------:|:------------:| ## | Tempchange | Precipitation | Enhance, bi- | ## | Tempchange | GDP | Enhance, bi- | ## | Tempchange | Popdensity | Enhance, bi- | ## | Tempchange | Climatezone | Enhance, bi- | ## | Tempchange | Mining | Enhance, bi- | ## | Precipitation | GDP | Enhance, bi- | ## | Precipitation | Popdensity | Enhance, bi- | ## | Precipitation | Climatezone | Enhance, bi- | ## | Precipitation | Mining | Enhance, bi- | ## | GDP | Popdensity | Enhance, bi- | ## | GDP | Climatezone | Enhance, bi- | ## | GDP | Mining | Enhance, bi- | ## | Popdensity | Climatezone | Enhance, bi- | ## | Popdensity | Mining | Enhance, bi- | ## | Climatezone | Mining | Enhance, bi- | plot(ndvi_rid) ``` ![](../man/figures/rgdrid/rid_plot-1.png)