Introduction to fluxfinder

The fluxfinder package provides functions to parse static-chamber greenhouse gas measurement files generated by a variety of instruments; compute flux rates using multi-observation metadata; and generate diagnostic metrics and plots. It’s designed to be easy to integrate into scientific workflows.

Load sample data


# Data from a LI-7810
f <- system.file("extdata/", package = "fluxfinder")
dat <- ffi_read_LI7810(f)
#> read 507 rows of TG10-01087 data, 2022-10-27 10:35:42 to 2022-10-27 10:44:08 EST

# Note that the fluxfinder read functions print some info after reading
# Set "options(fluxfinder.quiet = TRUE)" to suppress such messages

# Look at a subset of the data; the full data frame has 500+ rows and 25 columns
dat[1:6, 1:9]
#> 1  DATA 1666884942   313442945 4509    0     NA 12500.35 458.8612 2068.000
#> 2  DATA 1666884943   313442945 4513    0     NA 12449.87 458.1066 2069.830
#> 3  DATA 1666884944   313442945 4517    0     NA 12418.81 458.7320 2071.540
#> 4  DATA 1666884945   313442945 4521    0     NA 12429.65 458.8037 2071.960
#> 5  DATA 1666884946   313442945 4525    0     NA 12439.89 458.2824 2069.660
#> 6  DATA 1666884947   313442945 4529    0     NA 12429.37 456.9340 2066.544

The data frame returned by ffi_read_LI7810 is all data from the raw LI-7810 file, except that TIMESTAMP, TZ (time zone of the timestamps), SN (serial number), and MODEL columns have been added.

The analyzer data is basically a stream of measured greenhouse gas concentrations:

ggplot(dat, aes(TIMESTAMP, CO2)) + geom_point()

Match with metadata

For these data to be useful, we need to associate them with metadata about the measurements: when they were started, how long they lasted, plot/treatment/collar information, etc.

# Accompanying metadata
md <- system.file("extdata/TG10-01087-metadata.csv", package = "fluxfinder")
metadat <- read.csv(md)

#>         Date Start_time Plot Obs_length
#> 1 2022-10-27   10:35:30    A         60
#> 2 2022-10-27   10:37:15    B         60
#> 3 2022-10-27   10:39:00    C         60
#> 4 2022-10-27   10:40:30    D         60
#> 5 2022-10-27   10:42:00    E         60
#> 6 2022-10-27   10:43:30    F         60
#> 7 2022-10-27   11:00:00    G         60

Important note: in this sample metadata, our measurement identified is labeled Plot, but this could be named, and refer to, anything: bottle, sample, collar, etc. It’s simply an identifier for this measurement, i.e. this row.

The ffi_metadata_match function matches up the data with metadata, using the TIMESTAMP column that ffi_read_LI7810 helpfully created when it read the data file.

dat$metadat_row <- ffi_metadata_match(
  data_timestamps = dat$TIMESTAMP,
  start_dates = metadat$Date,
  start_times = metadat$Start_time,
  obs_lengths = metadat$Obs_length + 10) # 10 is expected dead band length
#> 1 entry had no timestamp matches!

# Note that ffi_metadata_match() warns us that one metadata row didn't match any data

# Based on the row match information, add a "Plot" column to the data
dat$Plot <- metadat$Plot[dat$metadat_row]
metadat$metadat_row <- seq_len(nrow(metadat))

# ...and plot
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(TIMESTAMP, CO2, color = Plot)) + geom_point()

Some of these are clearly not correct–the measurement time seems to be shorter then 60 seconds for the C, D, and E plots:

In real life we’d want to correct the faulty metadata at its source. Here, we’ll just change the values programmatically and re-match:

metadat$Obs_length[3:5] <- c(30, 45, 45)
dat$metadat_row <- ffi_metadata_match(
  data_timestamps = dat$TIMESTAMP,
  start_dates = metadat$Date,
  start_times = metadat$Start_time,
  obs_lengths = metadat$Obs_length + 10)
#> 1 entry had no timestamp matches!
dat$Plot <- metadat$Plot[dat$metadat_row]

p %+% dat

That looks better!

Unit conversion

We’d like our final units to be in µmol/m2/s, and so need to do some unit conversion. (This can happen either before or after flux computation, below.) The package provides ffi_ppm_to_umol() and ffi_ppb_to_nmol() functions that perform this conversion using the Ideal Gas Law.

dat$CO2_umol <- ffi_ppm_to_umol(dat$CO2, 
                                volume = 0.1, # m3
                                temp = 24)    # degrees C
#> Assuming atm = 101325 Pa
#> Using R = 8.31446261815324 m3 Pa K-1 mol-1

# See the message: because we didn't provide the 'atm' parameter, 
# ffi_ppm_to_umol assumed standard pressure.

# Also normalize by ground area (0.16 m2 in this example)
dat$CO2_umol_m2 <- dat$CO2_umol / 0.16

Note that in the example above we’re using a constant system volume and measurement ground area. If that’s not the case, there should be a column in the metadata providing the changing values (e.g. giving volume in m3) for each measurement. Then after calling ffi_metadata_match(), merge the data and metadata and pass the appropriate column to ffi_ppm_to_umol(). Here’s an example:

# Let's say volume varies by measurement; this can happen if the chamber
# height changes depending on the ground vegetation in each plot
metadat$Volume <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1)

# Merge the data and metadata
dat_changing_vol <- merge(dat, metadat[c("Plot", "Volume")], by = "Plot", all.x = TRUE)

# Unit conversion as above, but using the changing volume information:
dat_changing_vol$CO2_umol <- ffi_ppm_to_umol(dat_changing_vol$CO2, 
                                             volume = dat_changing_vol$Volume,
                                             temp = 24)
#> Assuming atm = 101325 Pa
#> Using R = 8.31446261815324 m3 Pa K-1 mol-1
# We still have constant ground area in this example
dat_changing_vol$CO2_umol_m2 <- dat_changing_vol$CO2_umol / 0.16

# Relative to the previous constant-volume example, our area-normalized
# amounts (µmol) have now increased for plots B and E because
# of their larger volumes:
aggregate(CO2_umol_m2 ~ Plot, data = dat, FUN = mean)
#>   Plot CO2_umol_m2
#> 1    A    11855.81
#> 2    B    11908.15
#> 3    C    11787.88
#> 4    D    11776.09
#> 5    E    11974.30
#> 6    F    11976.25
aggregate(CO2_umol_m2 ~ Plot, data = dat_changing_vol, FUN = mean)
#>   Plot CO2_umol_m2
#> 1    A    11855.81
#> 2    B    23816.30
#> 3    C    11787.88
#> 4    D    11776.09
#> 5    E    35922.89
#> 6    F    11976.25

Compute fluxes

The ffi_compute_fluxes function provides a general-purpose tool for computing fluxes from concentration time series, as well as associated QA/QC information. It returns statistics for four types of models: linear, robust linear, polynomial, and HM81, an exponential model derived from diffusion theory, following Hutchinson and Mosier (1981).

Model statistics include Akaike information criterion (AIC), R squared (r.squared), standard error of the residuals (sigma), and model p-value (p.value). For the robust linear regression only, a logical value converged is included; see the documentation for MASS::rlm().

Flux (slope) statistics estimate and std.error;

For the robust linear regression model only, a logical value converged.

fluxes <- ffi_compute_fluxes(dat,
                             group_column = "Plot", 
                             time_column = "TIMESTAMP", 
                             gas_column = "CO2_umol_m2",
                             dead_band = 10)
#> NOTE: HM81_flux.estimate is not NA, implying nonlinear data
#> NOTE: HM81_flux.estimate is not NA, implying nonlinear data
#> NOTE: HM81_flux.estimate is not NA, implying nonlinear data

# By default, ffi_compute_fluxes returns a data.frame with one row per
# grouping variable value (i.e., per measurement). The first column is the
# group label; the second is the average value of the `time_column`;
# and the rest of the columns are fit statistics for a linear fit of
# concentration as a function of time, along with information about polynomial
# and robust-linear fits. See ?ffi_compute_fluxes for more details.
#>  [1] "Plot"               "TIMESTAMP"          "HM81_AIC"          
#>  [4] "HM81_RMSE"          "HM81_flux.estimate" "HM81_p.value"      
#>  [7] "HM81_r.squared"     "lin_AIC"            "lin_RMSE"          
#> [10] "lin_flux.estimate"  "lin_flux.std.error" "lin_int.estimate"  
#> [13] "lin_int.std.error"  "lin_p.value"        "lin_r.squared"     
#> [16] "poly_AIC"           "poly_RMSE"          "poly_r.squared"    
#> [19] "rob_AIC"            "rob_RMSE"           "rob_converged"     
#> [22] "rob_flux.estimate"  "rob_flux.std.error" "TIMESTAMP_min"     
#> [25] "TIMESTAMP_max"

# For clarity, print out only a subset of the columns 
fluxes[c("Plot", "TIMESTAMP", "lin_r.squared", "lin_flux.estimate", "HM81_flux.estimate")]
#>   Plot           TIMESTAMP lin_r.squared lin_flux.estimate HM81_flux.estimate
#> 1    A 2022-10-27 10:36:15     0.9486012          4.862042           4.794940
#> 2    B 2022-10-27 10:37:54     0.9467074          4.024164                 NA
#> 3    C 2022-10-27 10:39:24     0.6002940          3.967315           4.483758
#> 4    D 2022-10-27 10:41:02     0.9560099          6.463719                 NA
#> 5    E 2022-10-27 10:42:32     0.9825172          6.680752                 NA
#> 6    F 2022-10-27 10:43:54     0.9512708          7.231148           6.261085

Note that the fluxes extract printed above has one row per Plot, the grouping variable; the mean TIMESTAMP of the group; model statistics such as lin_r.squared; and the flux estimate. The final column, HM81_flux.estimate is only numeric (i.e., not NA) when the data show evidence of a saturating curvature. So in this case we might want to examine more carefully the data from plots A, C, and F.

Plotting our computed fluxes:

ggplot(fluxes, aes(Plot, lin_flux.estimate, color = lin_r.squared)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lin_flux.estimate - lin_flux.std.error,
                     ymax = lin_flux.estimate + lin_flux.std.error)) +
  ylab("CO2 flux (µmol/m2/s)")

We might want to check whether the robust-linear slope diverges from the linear fit slope, suggesting influential outliers, or whether the polynomial R2 is much larger, potentially indicating curvature of the observations due to e.g. diffusion limitations.

ggplot(fluxes, aes(lin_flux.estimate, rob_flux.estimate, color = Plot)) +
  geom_point() + geom_abline() + theme(legend.position = "none")
ggplot(fluxes, aes(lin_r.squared, poly_r.squared, color = Plot)) +
  geom_point() + geom_abline() + theme(legend.position="none")

The plot C (green) data have more scatter, and thus lower R2 values and higher uncertainty on the computed flux, but there’s no strong evidence of nonlinearity or outlier problems (although see note above about the HM81_estimate field).

A clearly nonlinear case

In our experience, static-chamber fluxes are frequently linear (Forbrich et al. 2010) even though molecular diffusion means that chamber feedbacks will inevitably lead to curvilinear (saturating) behavior over time (Pedersen et al. 2010).

Still, how does one use fluxfinder to diagnose and work with nonlinear data?

Let’s use R’s built-in Puromycin dataset (simply because it exhibits saturating behavior; it’s unrelated to greenhouse gases) as an example:

ggplot(Puromycin, aes(conc, rate)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm")
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Visually, we can see that a linear model will not be appropriate in this case.

                   group_column = NULL,
                   time_column = "conc",
                   gas_column = "rate")
#> NOTE: HM81_flux.estimate is not NA, implying nonlinear data
#>        conc HM81_AIC HM81_RMSE HM81_flux.estimate HM81_p.value HM81_r.squared
#> 1 0.3121739 200.9997  17.56084           246.1399 9.406055e-11      0.8696062
#>    lin_AIC lin_RMSE lin_flux.estimate lin_flux.std.error lin_int.estimate
#> 1 223.7834 28.81711           105.398            16.9191         96.03154
#>   lin_int.std.error  lin_p.value lin_r.squared poly_AIC poly_RMSE
#> 1          7.780867 3.525876e-06     0.6488706  205.746  18.76394
#>   poly_r.squared  rob_AIC rob_RMSE rob_converged rob_flux.estimate
#> 1      0.8653059 223.8119 24.79301          TRUE          106.2137
#>   rob_flux.std.error conc_min conc_max
#> 1           20.65072     0.02      1.1

From the diagnostics returned by ffi_compute_fluxes:

All of these metrics point to a common conclusion: a linear model is not appropriate for these data. If these were real data, we should use the HM81_flux.estimate value as our flux estimate.


This vignette covered fluxfinder basics: loading data and metadata, matching the two, performing unit conversion, computing fluxes, and some basic QA/QC. The test data we worked above could be fit well by linear model, but for many reasons this might not always be true; see the vignette on integrating with the gasfluxes package for guidance on using more sophisticated model-fitting routines.