\documentclass[article,nojss]{jss} %% NOTA BENE: More definitions --> further down %%%%%%%%%%%% % \author{Martin M\"achler \\ ETH Zurich% \\ June 2014}% {\tiny (\LaTeX'ed \today)}}%---- for now \title{Spearman's Rho for the AMH Copula: \\ a Beautiful Formula} % % %% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set: \Plainauthor{Martin M\"achler} %% comma-separated \Shorttitle{Spearman's Rho for AMH -- Beautiful} % % The "Name"/Title on CRAN web page: %\VignetteIndexEntry{Beautiful Spearman's Rho for AMH Copula} % %\VignetteDepends{MASS} %\VignetteDepends{copula} %\VignetteDepends{sfsmisc} \SweaveOpts{engine=R,strip.white=true,keep.source=TRUE} %FF Quite a bit faster with*OUT* pdfCrop ing: %FF \SweaveOpts{eps=FALSE,pdf=TRUE, width=7,height=5} \SweaveOpts{eps=FALSE,pdf=FALSE, grdevice=pdfCrop, width=7,height=5} % use pdfcrop to crop .pdf %% an abstract and keywords \Abstract{ We derive a beautiful series expansion for Spearman's rho, $\rho(\theta)$ of the Ali-Mikhail-Haq (AMH) copula with paramater $\theta$ which is also called $\alpha$ or $\theta$. Further, via experiments we determine the cutoffs to be used for practically fast and accurate computation of $\rho(\theta)$ for all $\theta \in [-1,1]$. } \Keywords{Archimedean copulas, Spearman's rho} %% at least one keyword must be supplied %% publication information %% NOTE: Typically, this can be left commented and will be filled out by the technical editor %% \Volume{13} %% \Issue{9} %% \Month{September} %% \Year{2004} %% \Submitdate{2004-09-29} %% \Acceptdate{2004-09-29} %% The address of (at least) one author should be given %% in the following format: \Address{ Martin M\"achler\\ Seminar f\"ur Statistik, HG G~16\\ ETH Zurich\\ 8092 Zurich, Switzerland\\ E-mail: \email{maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch}\\ URL: \url{http://stat.ethz.ch/people/maechler} } %% It is also possible to add a telephone and fax number %% before the e-mail in the following format: %% Telephone: +43/1/31336-5053 %% Fax: +43/1/31336-734 %% for those who use Sweave please include the following line (with % symbols): %% MM: this is "substituted" by jss.cls: %% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty} %% Marius' packages \usepackage[american]{babel}%for American English \usepackage{microtype}%for character protrusion and font expansion (only with pdflatex) \usepackage{amsmath}%sophisticated mathematical formulas with amstex (includes \text{}) \usepackage{mathtools}%fix amsmath deficiencies \usepackage{amssymb}%sophisticated mathematical symbols with amstex (includes \mathbb{}) \usepackage{bm}%for bold math symbols: \bm (= bold math) %NON-STANDARD:\RequirePackage{bbm}%only for indicator functions \usepackage{enumitem}%for automatic numbering of new enumerate environments \usepackage[ format=hang, % NOT for JSS: labelsep=space, justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false%, % NOT for JSS: labelfont=bf ]{caption}%for captions % This is already in jss above -- but withOUT the fontsize=\small part !! 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Standard references for an introduction are \citet{joe1997} or \citet{nelsen2007}. \citet{sklar1959} shows that for any multivariate distribution function $H$ with margins $F_j$, $j\in\{1,\ldots,d\}$, there exists a copula $C$ such that \begin{align} H(x_1,\dots,x_d)=C(F_1(x_1),\dots,F_d(x_d)),\ \bm{x}\in\IR^d.\label{sklar} \end{align} Conversely, given a copula $C$ and arbitrary univariate distribution functions $F_j$, $j\in\{1,\ldots,d\}$, $H$ defined by (\ref{sklar}) is a distribution function with marginals $F_j$, $j\in\{1,\ldots,d\}$. \section{Archimedean copulas} An \textit{Archimedean generator}, or simply \textit{generator}, is a continuous, decreasing function $\psi:[0,\infty]\to[0,1]$ which satisfies $\psi(0)=1$, $\psi(\infty):=\lim_{t\to\infty}\psi(t)=0$, and which is strictly decreasing on $[0,\inf\{t:\psi(t)=0\}]$. A $d$-dimensional copula is called \textit{Archimedean} if it is of the form \begin{align} C(\bm{u};\psi)=\psi(\psii(u_1)+\dots+\psii(u_d)),\ \bm{u}\in[0,1]^d,\label{ac} \end{align} for some generator $\psi$ with inverse $\psii:[0,1]\to[0,\infty]$, where $\psii(0)=\inf\{t:\psi(t)=0\}$. A necessary and sufficient condition for an Archimedean generator $\psi$ to generate a proper copula in all dimensions $d$ is that $\psi$ is \textit{completely monotone}, i.e., $(-1)^k\psi^{(k)}(t)\ge 0$ for all $t \in (0,\infty)$ and $k \in \IN_0$. % See \citet{Hofert:Maechler:2010:JSSOBK:v39i09} and its references, for considerably more details. \subsection{The Ali-Mikhail-Haq (AMH) copulas} An Ali-Mikhail-Haq (AMH) copula with parameter $\th$, $\th \in [-1,1)$ (where the right boundary, $\th = 1$ can sometimes be considered valid) % FIXME has generator \begin{align} \psi_{\mathrm{AMH}}(t, \th) = \frac{1 - \th}{\exp(t) - \th}.\label{psi} \end{align} For, $\th=0$, clearly $\psi(t) = \exp(-t)$, corresponds to independence. Both ``rank based'' association measures or correlations, Kendall's $\tau$ and Spearman's $\rho$, are montone in $\th$, and hence have the same sign as $\th$. Kendall's tau is equal to \begin{align} \tau_\th = 1-\frac{2((1-\th)^2\log(1-\th) + \th)}{3\th^2}, \label{tau-AMH} \end{align} for $\th \in [0, 1)$, $\tau$ is in $[0, \frac 1 3)$. The formula (\ref{tau-AMH}) needs care when $\th$ is close to zero, and we provide \code{tauAMH()} in the \pkg{copula} package, using a Taylor series for small $|\th|$, see \code{help(tauAMH)}. \section[Spearman's Rho for AMH]{Spearman's Rho ($\rho$) for AMH} \subsection{The beautiful formula} \citet[ex.~5.10, p. 172]{nelsen2007} \ % Nelsen (2006, p.172) provides the following formula for Spearman's $\rho$ for the AMH copula, \begin{align} \rho(\th) = \frac{12 (1 + \th)}{\th^2} \cdot \mathrm{dilog}(1-\th) - \frac{24 (1 - \th)}{\th^2} \cdot \log(1-\th) - \frac{3 (\th + 12)}{\th}, \label{rho-Nelsen} \end{align} where his ``dilogarithm'' $\mathrm{dilog}(x) = \Li_2(1-x) = \mathtt{polylog}(1-x, 2)$, and $\Li_2(x)$ is the usual definition of the dilogarithm (also called ``Spence's function''), \begin{align} \Li_2(z) = -\int_0^z \frac{\ln(1-u)}{u}\, \mathrm{d}u = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{z^k}{k^2}, \ \ z \in\mathbb{C} \setminus [1,\infty), \label{Li2} \end{align} %% e.g. in Wikipedia where the infinite sum is only applicable for $|z| < 1$. With the boundaries for $\th \in \{-1,1\}$, this leads to a range of $\rho$ in the interval $\left[33 - 48 \log 2, 4 \pi^2 - 39\right]$ or approximately $[-0.2711, 0.4784]$. It is clear that formula (\ref{rho-Nelsen}) cannot be used for $\th=0$ and further inspection reveals that it also heavily suffers from cancellation for $|\th| \ll 1$. In order to compute $\rho$ accurately for all values of $\th$, we look at the Taylor series of the respective terms in (\ref{rho-Nelsen}) and will find a beautiful infinite series formula for $\rho(\th)$. \begin{align} \rho(\th) &= \frac{12 (1 + \th)}{\th^2} \cdot \Li_2(\th) - \frac{24 (1 - \th)}{\th^2} \cdot \log(1-\th) - \frac{3 (\th + 12)}{\th} \notag\\ &= 3/\th \cdot \bigl(4 (1 + \th)/\th \cdot \Li_2(\th) - 8(1 - \th)/\th \cdot \log(1-\th) - (\th + 12)\bigr) \notag\\ &= \frac{3}{\th} \cdot r(\th), \ \ \text{ where }\label{rhoa-ra}\\ r(\th) &:= 4 (1 + \frac 1 \th) \cdot \Li_2(\th) - 8(\frac 1 \th - 1) \cdot \log(1-\th) - (\th + 12). \label{def-ra} \end{align} Now, we plug in the Taylor series of both $\Li_2(\th)= \sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{\th^k}{k^2}$, hence \begin{align} r_1(\th) := (1 + \frac 1 \th) \cdot \Li_2(\th) &= \Li_2(\th) + \frac 1 \th \cdot \Li_2(\th) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{\th^k}{k^2} + \sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{\th^{k-1}}{k^2} =\notag\\ &= 1 + \sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{k^2 + (k+1)^2}{k^2 (k+1)^2} \th^k, \label{ra-term-1} \end{align} and $\log(1-\th) = \th +\frac{\th^2}2+\frac{\th^3}3+\ldots = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\th^k}{k}$, hence \begin{align} r_2(\th) := (1 - \frac 1 \th)\log(1-\th) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\th^k}{k} - \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\th^{k-1}}{k} = -1 + \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\th^k}{k(k+1)}. \label{ra-term-2} \end{align} Consequently, first from (\ref{def-ra}), then plugging in (\ref{ra-term-1}) and (\ref{ra-term-2}), \begin{align} r(\th) &= 4 r_1(\th) - 8 r_2(\th) - (12 + \th) =\notag\\ &=(4\cdot 1 - 8(-1) - 12) + (4\cdot \frac 5 4 - 8\cdot \frac 1 2 - 1)\th + \sum_{k=2}^\infty \biggl(\frac{4(k^2 + (k+1)^2)}{k^2 (k+1)^2} - \frac{8}{k(k+1)}\biggr) \th^k = \notag\\ &=0+0\cdot \th + \sum_{k=2}^\infty \frac{4(k^2 + (k+1)^2) - 8k(k+1)}{k^2 (k+1)^2}\th^k=\notag\\ &=\phantom{0+0\cdot\th+{}}\sum_{k=2}^\infty \frac{4(2k^2 +2k +1)^2 - 8k(k+1)}{k^2 (k+1)^2}\th^k=\notag\\ &= \sum_{k=2}^\infty \frac{4}{k^2 (k+1)^2}\th^k = \sum_{k=2}^\infty \frac{\th^k}{{\binom{k+1}{2}}^2}, \end{align} a beautiful formula with reciprocal binomial coefficients, and finally, as $\rho(\th) = \frac{3}{\th} \cdot r(\th)$ (\ref{rhoa-ra}) from the above, \begin{align} \rho(\th) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{3}{{\binom{k+2}{2}}^2} \cdot \th^k = \frac{\th}{3} + \frac{\th^2}{12} +\frac{3\th^3}{100} +\frac{\th^4}{75} + \dots \label{rho-series} \end{align} the ``beautiful formula'' for Spearman's $\rho$ of an AMH copula with parameter $\th$. Compare this compact formula \begin{align*} \boxed{\rho(\th) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{3 \th^k}{{\binom{k+2}{2}}^2}} \end{align*} with the original three term formula (\ref{rho-Nelsen}) which involves $\mathrm{dilog}()$ and $\log()$, to understand why I call it \emph{beautiful}. Note further that the ``beautiful formula'' clearly shows the approximate linearity of $\rho(\th)$ for small $|\th|$. Note that the first few coefficients $a_k$ in $\rho(\th) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty a_k \th^k$ are <>= require(sfsmisc) #--> mat2tex(), mult.fig(), eaxis() k <- 1:9; ak <- MASS::fractions(12/((k+1)*(k+2))^2) <>= rbind(k = k, `$a_k$` = as.character(ak)) @ <>= <> <> @ <>= <> mat2tex( <> , stdout()) @ \subsection[Accurate and efficient R implementation of rho for AMH]{% Accurate and efficient \R{} implementation of $\rho_{\mathrm{AMH}}$} In the following \R{} code, we use \texttt{a} as short form for the copula parameter $\th$ (which is also called $\alpha$ in the literature): <>= ##' Version 1: Direct formula from Nelsen: .rhoAmh.1 <- function(a) { Li2 <- gsl::dilog(a) 12 * (1 + a) / a^2 * Li2 - 24 * (1 - a) / a^2 * log1p(- a) - 3 * (a + 12) / a } .rhoAmh.1b <- function(a) { Li2 <- gsl::dilog(a) ## factored out 3/a from version 1: 3/a * (4 * (1 + a) / a * Li2 - 8 * (1 - a) / a * log1p(- a) - (a + 12)) } ##' Version 2: .rhoAmh.2 <- function(a, e.sml = 1e-11) { stopifnot(length(a) <= 1) if(abs(a) < e.sml) { ## if |a| << 1, do better than the direct formula: a*(1/3 + a*(1/12 + a*(3/100 + a/75))) } else { ## regular a Li2 <- gsl::dilog(a) 3/a * (4 * (1 + 1/a) * Li2 - 8 * (1/a - 1) * log1p(- a) - (a + 12)) } } ##' Series version with N terms: rhoAmh.T <- function(a, N) { stopifnot(length(N) == 1, N == as.integer(N), N >= 1) if(N <= 4) switch(N, a/3, a/3*(1 + a/4), a*(1/3 + a*(1/12 + a* 3/100)), a*(1/3 + a*(1/12 + a*(3/100 + a/75)))) else { ## N >= 5 n <- N:1 #--> sum smallest to largest if(is(a, "mpfr")) ## so all computations work in high precision n <- mpfr(n, precBits=max(.getPrec(a))) cf <- ## 3/choose(n+2, 2)^2 3/((n+1)*(n+2)/2)^2 a2n <- outer(n,a, function(x,y) y^x) ## a2n[i,j] := a[j] ^ n[i] colSums(cf * a2n) } } @ Now, the first graphical exploration, notably of the original Nelsen formula, \code{.rhoAmh.1()} and its variant very slight improvement \code{.rhoAmh.1b()} <>= r1 <- curve( .rhoAmh.1 (x), 1e-20, .1, log="x", n=1025) r1b <- curve( .rhoAmh.1b(x), n=1025, add=TRUE, col=2) r2 <- curve( Vectorize(.rhoAmh.2)(x), n=1025, add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor("blue4",1/4), lwd = 5) tab <- cbind(as.data.frame(r1), y.b = r1b$y, y2 = r2$y) @ \\ expose the big problems (y-values between -400'000 and 200'000 where $|\rho()| < 1$ is known!). Investingating \code{tab} shows that \code{1b} is very slightly better than \code{1}, but looking closer, e.g. also with \code{curve(.rhoAmh.1(x), 1e-20, .1, log="x", n=1025, ylim=c(-1,1)*.1)}, shows that Nelsen's direct formula is really unusable for $|\theta| < 10^{-11}$ approximately. %% then also, that '2' is not ok, either: So, \code{.rhoAmh.2()} using a 4-terms series approximation for $|\theta|<$\code{e.sml} is much better, but it is still not good enough, as is revealed by drawing it once with its default cutoff \code{e.sml}$= 10^{-11}$ and then in red with a higher cutoff $10^{-6}$ (and in log-log and regular y-axis scale): <>= if(require("sfsmisc")) { myAxes <- function(sides) for(s in sides) eaxis(s) } else { myAxes <- function(sides) for(s in sides) axis(s) } rhoAcurve <- function(k, ..., log = "", ylab = substitute({rho^"*"}[2](x,KK), list(KK=k))) curve(Vectorize(.rhoAmh.2)(x, k), n=1025, ylab=ylab, log=log, xaxt = if(grepl("x", log, fixed=TRUE)) "n" else "s", yaxt = if(grepl("y", log, fixed=TRUE)) "n" else "s", ...) e.s <- eval(formals(.rhoAmh.2)$e.sml); t0 <- e.s * .99999 op <- sfsmisc::mult.fig(2, marP = -c(1.4,1,1,1))$old.par rhoAcurve(e.s, 1e-18, 1e-1, log = "xy", ylab=""); myAxes(1:2) lines(t0, .rhoAmh.2(t0), type="h", lty=3, lwd = 3/4) rhoAcurve(1e-6, add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor(2, 1/3), lwd=4) rhoAcurve(1e-6, 1e-18, 1, log="x", col="tomato"); myAxes(1) par(op) @ So the default cutoff ($10^{-11}$) is too small, as the explicit (Nelsen) formula breaks down between the cutoff and $~\approx 10^{-7}$. Hence we are aiming for a cutoff $> 10^{-7}$, momentarily $= 10^{-6}$, and zoom into its neighborhood: <>= rhoAcurve(1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-5, log = "y", col="tomato"); myAxes(2) abline(v=1e-6, lty=3, lwd=1/2) @ Use still a larger cutoff: <>= cc <- 1e-4 ; op <- mult.fig(2, marP= -c(1,0,1,1))$old.par rhoAcurve(cc, 1e-6, 1e-3, log = "xy", col="tomato",ylab=""); myAxes(1:2) abline(v=cc, lty=3, lwd=1/2) ## zoom in extremely: rhoAcurve(cc, cc*(1-1e-4), cc*(1+1e-4), col="tomato") abline(v=cc, lty=3, lwd=1/2); par(op) @ Still larger cutoff: <>= cc <- 1e-3 rhoAcurve(cc, cc*(1-2^-20), cc*(1+2^-20), log="y",yaxt="s", col="tomato") abline(v=cc, lty=3, lwd=1/2) rhoAcurve(cc*10, add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor(1,.25), lwd=3) @ Still larger \dots <>= cc <- 0.01 rhoAcurve(cc, cc*(1-2^-20), cc*(1+2^-20), log="y",yaxt="s", col="tomato") abline(v=cc, lty=3, lwd=1/2) rhoAcurve(cc*10, add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor(1,.25),lwd=5) @ And ``visibly'', it still seems perfect. This would suggest that a 4-terms approximation is to be preferred to the direct formula for $|\theta < 10^{-3}|$, possibly even $|\theta < 10^{-2}|$. We will determine the best $k$-terms series approximation for different cutoffs for $k=1,2,3,4,5$, in the following. Looking at the series approximations (first order up to 6-th order) a first time, <>= a <- 2^seq(-30,-1, by = 1/32)# 0 < a <= 0.5 rhoA.T <- vapply(1:6, rhoAmh.T, a=a, numeric(length(a))) op <- mult.fig(mfcol=c(1,3), mgp=c(2.5,.8,0))$old.par matplot(a, rhoA.T, type="l") matplot(a, rhoA.T, type="l", log="y", yaxt="n") ; myAxes(2) matplot(a, rhoA.T, type="l", log="xy", axes=FALSE); myAxes(1:2);box() par(op) @ Now, rather look at the \emph{relative} approximation error of the different Taylor series approximations: <>= rhoA.true <- rhoAmh.T(a,50) chk.w.mpfr <- FALSE ## Sys.info()[["user"]] == "maechler" if(chk.w.mpfr) { require(Rmpfr)## get the "really" "true" values: print(system.time(rhA.mp <- rhoAmh.T(mpfr(a, prec=256), 50))) ## 3.95 sec (lynne) print(system.time(rhA.mp1 <- rhoAmh.T(mpfr(a, prec=256), 60))) ## 4.54 sec stopifnot(all.equal(rhA.mp, rhoA.true, tol = 1e-15)) print(all.equal(rhA.mp, rhoA.true, tol = 1e-20)) ## 6.99415....e-17 [64bit, lynne] ## see if the 50 terms have converged: print( all.equal(rhA.mp, rhA.mp1, tol = 1e-30) ) ## "Mean relative difference: 2.4958....e-22" ## ==> 50 terms seem way enough for double prec } matplot(a, 1 - rhoA.T / rhoA.true, type="l", log="y") @ We rather provide a function for \emph{visualizing} the {relative} approximation errors of the different Taylor series approximations in a flexible way: <>= pl.relE.rhoAMH <- function(N.max, N.inf = 50, N.min = 1, l2a.lim = c(-30, -1), n.p.u = 2^round(log2(1000 / diff(l2a.lim))), cut.rA2 = 1e-7, colX = adjustcolor("midnightblue", 0.5), ...) { stopifnot(length(l2a.lim) >= 2, l2a.lim < 0, n.p.u >= 1, N.max >= N.min, N.min >= 1, N.inf > N.max + 4, (N3 <- c(N.min, N.max, N.inf)) == as.integer(N3)) a <- 2^seq(l2a.lim[1], l2a.lim[2], by = 1/n.p.u) N.s <- N.min:N.max rhoA.true <- rhoAmh.T(a, N.inf) rhoA.T <- vapply(N.s, rhoAmh.T, a=a, numeric(length(a))) # matrix rhoA.v2 <- Vectorize(.rhoAmh.2)(a, cut.rA2) # "Li2()+direct" below ## matplot() compatible colors and lty's cols <- palette()[1 + (N.s-1) %% 6] ltys <- (1:5) [1 + (N.s-1) %% 5] matplot(a, 1 - rhoA.T / rhoA.true, type="l", log="xy", col=cols, lty=ltys, axes=FALSE, frame=TRUE, ...) myAxes(1:2) lines(a, 1 - rhoA.v2 / rhoA.true, col= colX, lwd=3) legend("topleft", c(paste0("N=",N.s), "Li2()+direct"), col=c(cols, colX), lty=c(ltys, 1), lwd=c(rep(1,length(N.s)), 3), cex=.75, bty="n") invisible(list(a=a, rhoA.T=rhoA.T, rhoA.v2 = rhoA.v2)) } @ Note that the ``\textsf{Li2()+direct}'' comparison is only for $a=\theta > 10^{-7}$, as that is used as cutoff per default, \code{cut.rA2 = 1e-7}. And now look at the ``very nice'' pictures, using \code{l2a}$= \log_2(a)$ to choose the range of $a = \theta$: <>= op <- mult.fig(2, marP=-c(1.5,1.5,2,1))$old.par pl.relE.rhoAMH(4, l2a=c(-53,-1), ylab="") pl.relE.rhoAMH(6, ylab="") @ Successively zooming in ``to the right'', to larger $a$, first, with range $2^{-12} - 2^{-3}$, and up to 12 terms, then zooming into range $2^{-8}- 2^{-.5}$, and using 20, <>= mult.fig(2, marP=-c(1.5,1.5,2,1)) pl.relE.rhoAMH(12, l2a=c(-12, -3), ylab="") pl.relE.rhoAMH(20, l2a=c(-8, -.5), N.min = 4, ylab="") @ The next one is ``just for fun'', to see if there is consistency when $N \to N_\infty$, i.e., our \texttt{N.inf = 50}, and not shown here: <>= par(op); pl.relE.rhoAMH(40, l2a=c(-5, -.5), N.min = 10) @ The following plots are now used to read off the final cutoff used for the (hidden) \code{.rhoAmhCopula()} function in package \pkg{copula} which underlies \code{rho(amhCopula(.))}: <>= pl.relE.rhoAMH(6) abline(v=1e-4, col="gray", lty=2)#-> N=2 cutoff abline(v=2e-3, col="gray", lty=2)#-> N=3 cutoff <>= pl.relE.rhoAMH(12, l2a=c(-12, -3)) abline(v= 2e-3, col="gray", lty=2)#-> N=3 cutoff abline(v= 7e-3, col="gray", lty=2)#-> N=4 cutoff abline(v=16e-3, col="gray", lty=2)#-> N=5 cutoff @ Consequently, the implementation in \pkg{copula} is <>= copula ::: .rhoAmhCopula @ <>= rhoA <- copula ::: .rhoAmhCopula; environment(rhoA) <- environment() rhoA @ visualized on its full range $[-1,1]$, <>= rhoAMH <- Vectorize(copula:::.rhoAmhCopula) curve(rhoAMH, n=1025, -1, 1, ylim= c(-1,1), xlab = quote(theta), ylab="", col="tomato", lwd=2, las=1) abline(0, 1/3, lty=2, col=(adjustcolor(c2 <- "orange2", 2/3))) curve(x/3*(1+x/4), lty=2, col=(adjustcolor(c3 <- "blue", 1/2)), -1.1,1.1, add=TRUE); x. <- .65 text(.4 , .3 , quote(rho[plain(AMH)](theta)),col="tomato") text(.88, .23, quote(y == theta/3), col=c2) text(.7, .05, quote(y == theta/3*(1+theta/4)), col=adjustcolor(c3, 1/2)) segments(.55, .10, x., x./3*(1+x./4), lty="82", col=adjustcolor(c3, 1/2)) abline(h=0,v=0, lty=3); rect(-1,-1,1,1, lty=3) @ Finally, we may add some simple tests, that the \pkg{copula} package's \texttt{rho(, *)} did not fulfill because of the notorious cancellations, previously. Note that in fact, we are only looking at very small (positive) $\th$, and checking that already the \emph{first} two order series approximations, \begin{align} \rho_{\mathrm{AMH}}(\th) \approx \frac{\th}{3}(1 + \frac{\th}{4}) \approx \th/3 \end{align} are all already good approximations or very accurate, depending on $|\theta|$: <>= t0 <- seq(-1,1, by=2^-8)[1:512] t1 <- seq(-1/2, 1/2, by = 2^-8) th <- 10^-(6:99); i <- -(1:9) rth <- rhoAMH(th) stopifnot(all.equal(rhoAMH(1), 4*pi^2 - 39, tol = 8e-15),# <- gave NaN all.equal(rhoAMH(t0), t0/3 * (1 + t0/4), tol = 0.06), all.equal(rhoAMH(t1), t1/3 * (1 + t1/4), tol = 1/85), all.equal(rth, th / 3 * (1 + th/4), tol = 1e-15), all.equal(rth, th / 3, tol = 1e-6), all.equal(rth[i], th[i]/ 3, tol = 6e-16)) th <- 10^-(16:307) stopifnot(all.equal(th/3, rhoAMH(th), tol=4e-16), rho(amhCopula(0, use.indepC="FALSE")) == 0) @ %\medskip %\section{Conclusion} \subsection*{Session Information} <>= toLatex(sessionInfo(), locale=FALSE) @ <>= unlist(packageDescription("copula")[c("Package", "Version", "Date")]) <>= options(op.orig) @ \bibliography{nacopula} \end{document}