title: "Childfree Data Codebooks"
author: "Zachary Neal & Jennifer Watling Neal, Michigan State University"
toc: true
bibliography: childfree.bib
link-citations: yes
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")
knitr::opts_knit$set(global.par = TRUE)
# Table of Contents {#toc}
1. [Introduction](#introduction)
2. [Codebooks](#data)
a. [Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)](#dhs)
b. [National Survey of Family Growth](#nsfg)
c. [State of the State Survey](#soss)
# Introduction {#introduction}
## Welcome {#welcome}
Thank you for your interest in the childfree package! This vignette contains codebooks for dataframes created by the package's functions from publicly-accessible data. The [Introduction to Childfree](childfree.html) vignette provides a more general introduction.
The `childfree` package can be cited as:
**Neal, Z. P. and Neal, J. W. (2024). childfree: An R package to access and harmonize childfree demographic data. *Comprehensive R Archive Network*. [https://cran.r-project.org/package=childfree](https://cran.r-project.org/package=childfree)**
For additional resources on the childfree package, please see [https://www.zacharyneal.com/childfree](https://www.zacharyneal.com/childfree).
If you have questions about the childfree package or would like a childfree package hex sticker, please contact the maintainer Zachary Neal by email ([zpneal\@msu.edu](mailto:zpneal@msu.edu)). Please report bugs in the backbone package at [https://github.com/zpneal/childfree/issues](https://github.com/zpneal/childfree/issues).
## Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) {#dhs}
This table summarizes the variables that are contained in dataframes generated from [**Demographic and Health Surveys**](https://dhsprogram.com/) data using `dhs()`. Female respondents' variables begin with `v`, while male respondents' variables begin with `mv`.
| Variable | Source | Format | Coding ______________________________ |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | --- |
| `cf_want` | `(m)v201`
`(m)v602` | Binary | 0 = Not childfree
1 = Childfree |
| `cf_ideal` | `(m)v201`
`(m)v613` | Binary | 0 = Not childfree
1 = Childfree |
| `famstat` | `(m)v201`
`(m)v613` | Categorical | 1 = Parent-Unclassified
2 = Parent-Fulfilled
3 = Parent-Unfulfilled
4 = Parent-Relunctant
5 = Parent-Ambivalent
6 = Not yet parent
9 = Childless-Biological
10 = Ambivalent non-parent
11 = Undecided
12 = Childfree |
| `sex` | --- | Categorical | 1 = Female
2 = Male |
| `age` | `(m)v012` | Numeric | In years |
| `education` | `(m)v133` | Numeric | In years |
| `partnered` | `(m)v502` | Categorical | 1 = Single, never partnered
2 = Currently partnered
3 = Formerly partnered |
| `residence` | `(m)v102` | Ordinal | 1 = Rural
4 = Urban |
| `employed` | `(m)v714` | Binary | 0 = Not employed
1 = Employed |
| `religion` | `(m)v130` | Categorical | 1 = None,
2 = Catholic / Orthodox
3 = Muslim
4 = Jewish
5 = Protestant / Christian
6 = Other
7 = Buddhist
8 = Hindu |
| `id` | `(m)caseid` | string |
| `country` | `(m)v000` | string |
| `weight` | `(m)v005` | numeric |
| `cluster` | `(m)v021` | numeric |
| `strata` | `(m)v023` | numeric |
| `file` | user | string |
| `survey` | "DHS" | string |
| `wave` | `(m)v000` | numeric |
| `year` | `(m)v007` | numeric |
| `month` | `(m)v006` | ordinal |
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## National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) {#nsfg}
This table summarizes the variables that are contained in dataframes generated from [**National Survey of Family Growth**](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/index.htm) data using `nsfg()`. Variables noted with (F) or (M) are used for female and male respondents, respectively.
| Variable | Source | Format | Coding ______________________________ |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | --- |
| `cf_want` | `hasbabes` (F)
`everadpt` (F)
`seekadpt` (F)
`anykids` (M)
`rwant` | Binary | 0 = Not childfree
1 = Childfree |
| `famstat` | `hasbabes` (F)
`everadpt` (F)
`seekadpt` (F)
`anykids` (M)
`jintend` | Categorical | 1 = Parent-Unclassified
3 = Parent-Unfulfilled
5 = Parent-Ambivalent
6 = Not yet parent
8 = Childless - Social
9 = Childless - Biological
10 = Ambivalent non-parent
11 = Undecided
12 = Childfree |
| `sex` | --- | Categorical | 1 = Female
2 = Male |
| `lgbt` | `orient` | Binary | 1 = Straight
2 = Gay/Lesbian
3 = Bisexual
4 = Something else |
| `hispanic` | `rscrhisp` | Binary | 0 = Not hispanic
1 = Hispanic |
| `race` | `rscrrace` | Categorical | 1 = White
2 = Black
3 = Hawaiian
4 = Asian
5 = American Indian
6 = Other |
| `age` | `age_r` | Numeric | In years |
| `education` | `higrade`
`degrees` | Ordinal | 2 = Did not graduate high school
3 = High School graduate
4 = Some college
5 = College graduate
7 = Graduate degree |
| `partnered` | `marstat` | Categorical | 1 = Single, never partnered
2 = Currently partnered
3 = Formerly partnered |
| `residence` | `metro` | Ordinal | 1 = Rural
3 = Suburb
4 = Urban |
| `employed` | `rwrkst` | Binary | 0 = Not employed
1 = Employed |
| `inschool` | `goschol` | Binary | 0 = Not in school
1 = In school |
| `religion` | `relcurr` | Categorical | 1 = None
2 = Catholic / Orthodox
5 = Protestant / Christian
6 = Other |
| `bother` | `chbother` | Ordinal | 1 = Not at all
2 = A little
3 = Some
4 = A great deal |
| `id` | `caseid` | string |
| `country` | "United States" | string |
| `weight` | `wgt2017_2019`
`finalwgt` | numeric |
| `cluster` | `secu` | numeric |
| `stratum` | `sest` | numeric |
| `file` | user | string |
| `survey` | "NSFG" | string |
| `wave` | user | string |
| `year` | `cmintvw` | numeric |
| `month` | `cmintvw` | ordinal |
[back to Table of Contents](#toc)
## State of the State Survey (SOSS) {#soss}
This table summarizes the variables that are contained in dataframes generated from [**State of the State Survey**](http://ippsr.msu.edu/survey-research/state-state-survey-soss) data using `soss()`.
| Variable | Source | Format | Coding ______________________________ |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | --- |
| `cf_want` | `neal1`
`neal3` | Binary | 0 = Not childfree
1 = Childfree |
| `famstat` | `neal1`
`neal3` | Categorical | 1 = Parent-Unclassified
6 = Not yet parent
7 = Childless - Unclassified
10 = Ambivalent non-parent
11 = Undecided
12 = Childfree |
| `sex` | `cd1` | Categorical | 1 = Female
2 = Male
3 = Other |
| `lgbt` | `neal11`
(wave 84 only) | Binary | 0 = Not LGBT
1 = LGBT |
| `hispanic` | `cd5a` | Binary | 0 = Not hispanic
1 = Hispanic |
| `race` | `cd4_1`
`cd4_6` | Categorical | 1 = White
2 = Black
3 = Hawaiian
4 = Asian
5 = American Indian
6 = Other
7 = Multiracial |
| `age` | `cd2` | Numeric | In years |
| `education` | `cd3` | Ordinal | 1 = No education
2 = Did not graduate high school
3 = High School graduate
4 = Some college
5 = College graduate
6 = Some post-graduate
7 = Graduate degree |
| `partnered` | `cd8` | Categorical | 1 = Single, never partnered
2 = Currently partnered
3 = Formerly partnered |
| `residence` | `x1` | Ordinal | 1 = Rural
2 = Town
3 = Suburb
4 = Urban |
| `employed` | `cd15` | Binary | 0 = Not employed
1 = Employed |
| `inschool` | `cd15` | Binary | 0 = Not in school
1 = In school |
| `ideology` | `ideology` | Ordinal | 1 = Very conservative
2 = Somewhat conservative
3 = Closer to the conservative side
4 = In the middle
5 = Closer to the liberal side
6 = Somewhat liberal
7 = Very liberal |
| `religion` | `cd6` | Categorical | 1 = None
2 = Catholic / Orthodox
3 = Muslim
4 = Jewish
5 = Protestant / Christian
6 = Other |
| `id` | `caseid` | string |
| `country` | "United States" | string |
| `weight` | `weight` | numeric |
| `file` | user | string |
| `survey` | "SOSS" | string |
| `wave` | user | string |
| `year` | documentation | numeric |
| `month` | documentation | ordinal |
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