version 1.0-2: * Updated citation information and references in doccumentation * replaced require(evd) with requireNamespace("evd", quietly = TRUE) in file distrstart.r * changed call to function mmedist to fitdistrplus::mmedist in file distrstart.r * added more 'importFrom(...)' to NAMESPACE * some non-ascii characters removed in comments or .R files * title changed to title case version 1.0-1: * fix issue with inconsistent naming of distribution parameters for "norm" in "lmom.start": "sigma" changed to "sd" version 1.0-0: * Final proof reading before release version 0.0-7: * remove test.precip data set and documentation * merge documentation of fitSCI and transfromSCI * remove some of the default parameters of fitSCI to avoid inappropriate usage * transformSCI: set parameter sci.limit=Inf (previous: =3) * include more examples in the documentation * updated /inst/CITATION version 0.0-6: * included "center of mass" estimate for p0 in fitSCI and transform SCI, new parameter: * removed unnecessary element from loop in fitSCI * bug fix in error handling of fitSCI version 0.0-5: * include "pre-scaling" in fitSCI (and transformSCI) to make fitting proceedure more stable in case of very large values * add call to fitSCI output version 0.0-4: * update documentation of pe3 and genlog * spell-check documentation * rename file R/dristrstart.r to R/dristrstart.r * define NAMESPACE * removing code-documentation mismatch for transformSCI.default * incorporate some links in dist.start.Rd version 0.0-3: * transformSCI.default : catch errors if fitSCI produces NA parameters * provereading documentation version 0.0-2: * introducing further guality flag information in fitSCI.default * introducing suppressWarnings when calling mledist in fitSCI.default * wrap call to mledist in capture.output to avoid printing of messages * bugfixes related to error catching in fitSCI.default * catch error in fitSCI.default if "distr" not definded for * bugfix in dist.start related to error handling * bugfix in fitSCI.default, suppress now _all_ warnings on demand * wrap call to 'filter' in as.numeric * in fitSCI.default, add small number before fitting zero-bounded distributions: x <- c(0.01*min(x))