# Mr Wiggly rule. # Specific to a certain type of spammer that often uses only an image for V-Drug # Also hits an anti-aging drug spam by the same spammer. # Chris Santerre # SARE rule 04/9/04 # www.rulesemporium.com/rules/mr_wiggly.cf rawbody __VDRUG1 /^\\/ rawbody __VDRUG2 /^\\<\!\-\-.{10,25}\-\-\>\\<\/a\>\<\/center\>/ rawbody __VDRUG4 /^\<\/?body\>\<\/html\>/ meta MRWIGGLY (__VDRUG1 && __VDRUG2 && __VDRUG3 && __VDRUG4) describe MRWIGGLY Mr. Wiggly enhance drug spam. score MRWIGGLY 5.0 #score to taste rawbody __VDRUG5 /^\<\/font\>/ rawbody __VDRUG6 /^\<\/html\>\<\/body\>/ rawbody __VDRUG7 /[a-zA-Z]{0,5}\d{0,2}\.(?:jpg|gif)\" border\=0\>\<\/a\>\<\/center\>/ rawbody __VDRUG8 /[a-zA-Z]{0,6}\d{0,3}\.(?:jpg|gif)\" height\=\"\d{1,3}\" width\=\"\d{1,3}\" border\=(?:\"\"|0)\>\<\/a\>\<\/center\>/ meta MRWIGGLY2 (__VDRUG1 && __VDRUG2 && __VDRUG5 && __VDRUG6 && (__VDRUG7 || __VDRUG8)) describe MRWIGGLY2 Mr. Wiggly 2 enhance drug spam. score MRWIGGLY2 4.0 #score to taste