# SARE whitelist # Version: 01.00.05 # Created: 2005-04-23 # Modified: 2005-08-06 # Comprehensive Revision History located below. # # License: Artistic - see http://www.rulesemporium.com/license.txt # Current Maintainer: Bob Menschel - rmsa@menschel.net # Current Home: http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules/70_sare_whitelist.cf -- for SA 3.0.x and 3.1.x versions # Related: http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules/70_sare_whitelist_pre30.cf -- for SA 2.5x and 2.6x versions # # This rule set is designed to whitelist newsletters and mailing lists which otherwise might get mistakenly # flagged by SpamAssassin rules as spam. # # It uses the whitelist_from_rcvd directive, which takes two parameters: a glob-style pattern matching the # From address used, and the domain from which these items are emailed. This domain is compared against the # Received header which documents passage of the email from outside your local network to inside your local network, # in other words the only external Received header that you can trust. If that domain name and the from email # address matches these two items, then the email is whitelisted. # # The list within this file has been contributed by a number of people, and reviewed by a small group. # Any objection to any entry ("I've seen spam from that source") prevents it from appearing in the # whitelist. Remember, however, that the review group is small, and therefore we cannot guarantee that # you will never get spam from some source on this list. If you do get spam from a source on this list, # however, please notify us, and we will remove that entry. # # There are some "grey" entries that some people want whitelisted, and others believe they have received # spam from those sources. These entries are found at the bottom of the file, commented out. Any site that # wishes may uncomment those lines. # # Because this file uses the whitelist_from_rcvd directive, and not regex rules within SpamAssassin, # these directives can be used within an individual's user_prefs file. To do so, simply copy the contents # of this file into your user_prefs file. #@@# Revision History: # 01.00.00: Apr 23 2005 # 01.00.01: May 07 2005 # Added: AAA (California) # Added: AAA (Mid-Atlantic) # Added: BabyCenter Bulletin # Added: Burpee Gardens / Burpee Seeds # Added: Capital One # Added: centurytheatres.com # Added: Citi Bank's Citi Cards # Added: Columbia House customer response # Added: Continental Airlines # Added: Dell Computers # Added: Delta Airlines # Added: Enterprise Rent-A-Car # Added: epson.com # Added: Equifax # Added: First National Bank Omaha # Added: Google Alerts # Added: Household Bank # Added: hp.com # Added: MyWeather.net # Added: National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship # added: Orchard Bank # Added: taxact.com # Added: webmd.com # Added: Wells Fargo # Added: zatz.com # Modified N.Y. Times to be less generic. Postmaster outscatters spam # 01.01.02: May 15 2005 # Created 70_sare_whitelist_pre3.cf, identical except comments are stripped off to avoid --lint problems. # Corrected: Marriott hotel chain # Added: about.com newsletters # Added: Southwest Airlines # Added: PC Magazine # Added: Tiger Direct # Added: Rite Aid Single Check Rebates # Added: HP Learning Center # Added: Bike Bandit # Added: second Albertson's Grocery "from" address # Added: In-Stat # Added: Heart Center online medical newsletter # Added: California Musical Theatre # Added: ACLU Online newsletter # Added: second domain name for Bank One # Added: Improvements # Added: 1-800-Flowers.com # Added: The Safety Zone # Added: Home Focus # Added: Staples (Canada) # Added: Staples (Contract Div) # Added: Disney Direct # Added: Alsto's # Added: Ambrosia Wine # Added: Walter Drake # 01.01.03: May 25 2005 # Added Allstate Insurance # Added Astrocenter.com weekly horoscope # Added second/new email address for Walter Drake # Added The Home Marketplace # Added Miles Kimball # Added Fedex tracking notifications # Added Los Angeles Times # Added Music 123 # Added VMware Community # Added another entry for Wells Fargo # 01.01.04: Jun 06 2005 # Added yet another source email address for bankone.com # Added pARTy/SCIENCE Announcements # Added World Wildlife Fund # Added Travelocity Reservations # Added Williams-Sonoma # Added PhotoWorks # Added miraizon.com # Added Lillian Vernon # Added Libertarian Party of California # Added Sirius newsletter # Added second AccuRadio source # Added Medicare list # Added "#" comment indicators to each line. #@@# 01.01.05: Aug 06 2005 #@@# Added ACLU Action Network #@@# Added APC #@@# Added Ameritrade statements #@@# Added Annies Attic customer service #@@# Added CRTA's Cal STRS Watch #@@# Added Flowers to Go #@@# Added How Stuff Works #@@# Added Humane Society of the United States #@@# Added Jeld-Wen #@@# Added Rochester Big & Tall #@@# Added SexyAdsNews.net #@@# Added Sound-Ideas.com #@@# Added Walgreens prescription reminder #@@# Added another entry for Dell computers. #@@# Added checkfree.com MyCheckFree notification #@@# Added coupons.com #@@# Added demstore.com #@@# Added scholastic.com #@@# Added second entry for Capital One #@@# Added second entry for Chase Bank #@@# Added second entry for Hewlett-Packard (learning center) #@@# Added service@findmyorder.com #@@# Added virtuailpbx.com #@@# Added: American Express (two rules) #@@# Added: Courtyard by Marriott reservations #@@# Added: Sen. Barbara Boxer, CA #@@# Added: two Fidelity Investment newsletters. # ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Arts and Theatre ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd *@ashkenaz.com roving.com # Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center whitelist_from_rcvd calmt@calmt.pmail.biz amsnet.com # California Musical Theatre (Sacramento) whitelist_from_rcvd *@centurytheatres.com centurytheatres.com # Century Theatres ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Associations and Organizations: Business, Social, Membership, Charitable ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd ACLUOnline@aclu.org convio.net # ACLU Online newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd action@dcaclu.org convio.net # ACLU Action Network whitelist_from_rcvd *@afda.org buzzcast.com # Assoc Of Fed Defense Attys (AFDA) whitelist_from_rcvd strs@ctyme.com ctyme.com # Cal STRS Watch, California Retired Teachers Association whitelist_from_rcvd humanelines@hsus.org ga4.org # Humane Society of the United States whitelist_from_rcvd nde-news@nde-news.org m2.net # National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship whitelist_from_rcvd psa@lists.serversmiths.com serversmiths.com # pARTy/SCIENCE Announcements whitelist_from_rcvd ecomments@wwfus.org bluehornet.com # World Wildlife Fund ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Educational Institutions: Schools ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd *@nyu.edu nyu.edu # School/University ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Financial Institutions: Banks, Stock Market, Credit Card, Insurance ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd allstate@allstate.rsc01.com rgc3.net # Allstate Insurance (payment confirmations) whitelist_from_rcvd AmericanExpress@*.americanexpress.com aexp.com # American Express whitelist_from_rcvd AmericanExpress@*.americanexpress.com americanexpress.com # American Express whitelist_from_rcvd Documents@compliance.advancedclearing.com ameritrade.com # Ameritrade statements whitelist_from_rcvd *@CardMemberServices.com bankone.net # Bank One whitelist_from_rcvd *@CardMemberServices.com bankone.com # Bank One whitelist_from_rcvd CardMemberServices@reply.bankone.com bankone.com # Bank One whitelist_from_rcvd *@cardmemberservices.com yodlee.com # Bank One whitelist_from_rcvd *@capitalone.bfi0.com bigfootinteractive.com # Capital One whitelist_from_rcvd capitalone@email.capitalone.com bigfootinteractive.com # Capital One whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.chase.com bigfootinteractive.com # Chase Bank whitelist_from_rcvd signup_confirm@chaseonline.chase.com chase.com # Chase Bank whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.citibank.com citibankcards.com # Citi Bank / Citi Cards whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.discovercard.com bigfootinteractive.com # Discover whitelist_from_rcvd *@discovernetwork.bfi0.com bigfootinteractive.com # Discover whitelist_from_rcvd *@Equifax-mail.com cae3.com # Equifax whitelist_from_rcvd *@fidelity2.m0.net fidelity2.m0.net # Fidelity Investment's newsletters whitelist_from_rcvd fidelityinvestments@fulfillmentconcepts.com listrak.com # Fidelity Investment's newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd fnbo@ProcessRequest.com processrequest.com # First National Bank Omaha whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.householdaccount.com householdaccount.com # Household Bank whitelist_from_rcvd *@ebusiness.orchardbank.com householdaccount.com # Orchard Bank whitelist_from_rcvd *@wellsfargo.m0.net m0.net # Wells Fargo whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.wellsfargo.com m0.net # Wells Fargo ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Governmental Services and Agencies ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd info@govdelivery.com agiliti.net # Service used by government agencies whitelist_from_rcvd *@insurance.ca.gov agiliti.net # Service used by government agencies whitelist_from_rcvd Pay1040@Link2Gov.com pay1040.com # U.S. IRS Pay-by-credit-card service whitelist_from_rcvd *@CMS.HHS.GOV nih.gov # Medicare mailing list by US Govt # Senators listed below here. Will do individually until we can find sure not-spam signs whitelist_from_rcvd bulletinfeedback@boxer.senate.gov senate.gov # Sen. Barbara Boxer, CA ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Internet Services: ISP, Registrar, Hosting service, online advertising ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd no.reply@1and1.com kundenserver.de # 1and1 Hosting & ISP whitelist_from_rcvd *@newsletter.myabout.com myabout.com # About.com newsletters whitelist_from_rcvd *@AccuRadio.com 2gtdtbib.net # AccuRadio newsletter # %%% whitelist_from_rcvd *AccuRadio*@*.smartmailer.net smartmailer.net # AccuRadio newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd mycheckfree@customercenter.net customercenter.net # checkfree.com MyCheckFree notification whitelist_from_rcvd inbound@coupons.com coupons.com # coupons.com printable grocery coupons whitelist_from_rcvd newsletter@codeproject.com codeproject.com # Programming community site whitelist_from_rcvd *@coolsiteoftheday.com aweber.com # private subscription newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd *@dreambook.com dreamhost.com # Dreambook Guestbook services whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.dummies.com wileypub.com # Dummies.com newsletters whitelist_from_rcvd invoice.inquiry@earthlink.net earthlink.net # Earthlink invoice emails whitelist_from_rcvd googlealerts-noreply@google.com google.com # Google Alerts whitelist_from_rcvd HeartCenterOnline@heartcenteronline.com heartcenteronline-mail.com # Heart Center online medical newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd *@newsletter.howstuffworks.com howstuffworks.com # How Stuff Works whitelist_from_rcvd marketing@instat.com instat.com # In-Stat market research newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd *@passport.net passport.net # Microsoft passwport confirmations etc whitelist_from_rcvd *@searchit.com searchit.com # SearchIT Search engine listing service whitelist_from_rcvd *@topsecretrecipes.com topsecretrecipes.com # private subscription newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.yahoo-inc.com yahoo.com # Online service newsletter/mailing whitelist_from_rcvd weekly@astrocenter.com center.com # Astrocenter.com weekly horoscope whitelist_from_rcvd billing@vonage.com vonage.com # Vonage monthly billing whitelist_from_rcvd sirius@sirius.01o.com britecast.com # Sirius (Satellite Radio service) whitelist_from_rcvd *@sexyadsnews.net sexyads.net # SexyAds whitelist_from_rcvd VPBXmail@virtualpbx.com virtualpbx.com # Virtual PBX ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Manufacturers and Wholesalers ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd *@jeld-wen.com jeld-wen.com # Jeld-Wen ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # News Services ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd *@Computerworld.com computerworld.com # ComputerWorld whitelist_from_rcvd *@mail.cnn.com cnn.com # C.N.N. whitelist_from_rcvd los_angeles_times@email.latimes.com dartmail.net # Los Angeles Times subscriber notifications whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.myweather.net myweather.net # myweather.net whitelist_from_rcvd nytdirect@nytimes.com nytimes.com # N.Y. Times whitelist_from_rcvd newsreport@journalist.com powertech.net # private news releases whitelist_from_rcvd *@webmail.bizjournals.com webmail.bizjournals.com # San Francisco Business Times whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.washingtonpost.com bigfootinteractive.com # Washington Post whitelist_from_rcvd desktophelp@talk2.weather.com rm04.net # Weather Channel ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Political Parties and related organizations (like PACs) ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd contact@ca.lp.org roving.com # Libertarian Party of California Contact ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Real Estate industry and related services ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd *@LenRoberts.com webpagesa2z.com # Len Roberts ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Recruiting, Head Hunting, Job Hunting, and related services ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd *@freelancejobreport.com freelance-2.unknowndns.net # Subscriber service newsletter ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Retail and Service Companies and their Online Services ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd Albertsons@smartsource.com bigfootinteractive.com # Albertson's Grocery whitelist_from_rcvd Albertsons@*.smartsource.com bigfootinteractive.com # Albertson's Grocery whitelist_from_rcvd *@e.alsto.com s2u2.com # Alsto's whitelist_from_rcvd *@e.ambrosiawine.com s2u2.com # Ambrosia Wine whitelist_from_rcvd *@yahoo.americangreetings.com americangreetings.com # American Greetings E-greeting card service whitelist_from_rcvd customer_service@AnniesAttic.com drgnetwork.com # Annies Attic customer service whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.bestbuy.com bestbuy.com # Best Buy (computers & appliances) whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.bevmo.com dartmail.net # Beverages and More whitelist_from_rcvd store17@bevmo.com visionone.ws # Beverages and More whitelist_from_rcvd service@bikebandit.com bikebandit.com # Bike Bandit whitelist_from_rcvd *@burpee.com burpee.com # Burpee Gardens whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.cingular.com cingular.com # Cingular (cell phones) whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.columbiahouse.com bigfootinteractive.com # Columbia House CDs, DVDs, Tapes whitelist_from_rcvd customer_service@columbiahouse.com columbiahouse.com # Columbia House customer response whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.compusa.com compusa.com # Comp-USA (computers) whitelist_from_rcvd *@crateandbarrel.com verio.net # Crate and Barrel whitelist_from_rcvd *@dell.m0.net m0.net # Dell Computers whitelist_from_rcvd US_DFS_BSD_AUTODOC@dell.com dell.com # Dell Computers whitelist_from_rcvd *@disney-direct.com s2u2.com # Disney Direct whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.drugstore.com drugstore.com # Drugstore.com whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.epson.com epson.com # Epson online store whitelist_from_rcvd donotreply@fedex.com fedex.com # Fedex tracking notifications whitelist_from_rcvd *@email.800-flowers.net s2u2.com # 1-800-Flowers.com whitelist_from_rcvd service@growerflowers.com growerflowers.com # Flowers to go = growerflowers.com whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.hallmark.com hallmark.com # Hallmark whitelist_from_rcvd *@hallmark.com hallmark.com # Hallmark whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.hp.com postdirect.com # Hewlett-Packard whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.hp.com m0.net # Hewlett-Packard (learning center) whitelist_from_rcvd *@hplearningcenter.com powered.com # Hewlett-Packard (learning center) whitelist_from_rcvd *@e.homefocuscatalog.com s2u2.com # Home Focus whitelist_from_rcvd *@thehomemarketplace.emsg.net s2u2.com # The Home Marketplace whitelist_from_rcvd *@e.improvementscatalog.com s2u2.com # Improvements whitelist_from_rcvd lillianvernon@lillianvernon.i.delivery.net m0.net # Lillian Vernon whitelist_from_rcvd *@marymaxim.com marymaxim.com # Mary Maxim (crafts) whitelist_from_rcvd *@mileskimball.emsg.net s2u2.com # Miles Kimball whitelist_from_rcvd sales@miraizon.com yourhost.com # miraizon.com whitelist_from_rcvd Music123@email.music123.com dartmail.net # Music 123 whitelist_from_rcvd *@nokia.bfi0.com bigfootinteractive.com # Nokia (cell phones) whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.nordstrom.com nordstrom.com # Nordstrom whitelist_from_rcvd *@nordstrom.com nordstrom.com # Nordstrom whitelist_from_rcvd *@officedepot.rsc01.com om-officedepot.rgc3.net # Office Depot whitelist_from_rcvd *@OfficeDepot.com officedepot.com # Office Depot whitelist_from_rcvd *@pageaday.com workman.com # Page-A-Day Calendar email service whitelist_from_rcvd marketing@photoworks.com photoworks.com # PhotoWorks whitelist_from_rcvd rebates@rebates.riteaid.com rebateplus.com # Rite Aid Single Check Rebates whitelist_from_rcvd Orders@RochesterClothing.com cmale.com # Rochester Big & Tall order confirmation whitelist_from_rcvd *@e.safetyzone.com s2u2.com # The Safety Zone whitelist_from_rcvd educationts@message.scholastic.com postdirect.com # Scholastic Teacher Store whitelist_from_rcvd enews@sound-ideas.com terago.ca # sound-ideas.com whitelist_from_rcvd *@e.staples-deals.com s2u2.com # Staples whitelist_from_rcvd *@e.staples-deals.ca s2u2.com # Staples (Canada) whitelist_from_rcvd *@staples.links-info.com s2u2.com # Staples (Contract Div) whitelist_from_rcvd *@target.bfi0.com bigfootinteractive.com # Target whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.tigeronline.com tigeronline.com # Tiger Direct (tigeronline.com) whitelist_from_rcvd *@news.tivo.com postdirect.com # TIVO (digital TV recorders) whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.tommy.com bigfootinteractive.com # Tommy (clothing) whitelist_from_rcvd *@walmart.com linksynergy.com # Wal-Mart whitelist_from_rcvd reminder@mail.walgreens.com walgreens.com # Walgreens prescription reminders whitelist_from_rcvd walterdrake@s2u2.com s2u2.com # Walter Drake whitelist_from_rcvd *@wdrake.emsg.net s2u2.com # Walter Drake whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.webmd.com webmd.com # webmd.com medical newsletters whitelist_from_rcvd Williams-Sonoma@service.williams-sonoma.com wshome.com # Williams-Sonoma ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Social and Political Activism and Support Groups ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd information@wiesenthal.net kintera.com # Political newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.babycenter.com mailsender.com # BabyCenter Bulletin whitelist_from_rcvd TDSM@demstoremonthly.com webxess.net # DemStore.com ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Technical (computer-related) Newsletters and Vendors and their Online Services ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd mailserver@amicron.com amicron.com # 599CD Computer Training whitelist_from_rcvd *@about.com about.com # about.com directory newsletters whitelist_from_rcvd *@apcc.com apcc.com # APC: American Power Conversion whitelist_from_rcvd *@bravenet.com bravenet.com # Bravenet Webmaster Resources whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.bravenet.com bravenet.com # Bravenet Webmaster Resources whitelist_from_rcvd info@cds.nl cds.nl # CDS advanced technology bv whitelist_from_rcvd *@digitalriver.com digitalriver.com # Digital River marketing emails whitelist_from_rcvd *@reply.digitalriver.com digitalriver.com # Digital River marketing emails whitelist_from_rcvd service@findmyorder.com digitalriver.com # e-com credit card confirmation whitelist_from_rcvd reply-*@nl.internet.com internet.com # Internet.com: JavaScript.com, HTML Goodies to Go, and similar newsletters whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.microsoft.com microsoft.com # Microsoft whitelist_from_rcvd *@napster.com econnextions.com # Napster whitelist_from_rcvd *@visicommedia.info visicommedia.info # Visicom Media (Internet S/W Vendor) whitelist_from_rcvd Wayport*@postsnet.com postsnet.com # Wayport (hotel broadband services) whitelist_from_rcvd *@taxact.com taxact.com # taxact.com online tax service whitelist_from_rcvd listmanager@lists.ZATZ.com zatz.com # zatz.com lists, like Computing Unplugged whitelist_from_rcvd *@enews.pcmag.com pcmag.com # PC Magazine whitelist_from_rcvd VMware@vmware.rsc02.com rsc02.com # VMware Community ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Travel and related industries: Airlines, Cars, Hotels, ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd csaa@csaamail.com processrequest.com # AAA (California) whitelist_from_rcvd AAA*@ProcessRequest.com processrequest.com # AAA (Mid-Atlantic) whitelist_from_rcvd *@alaskaair.com aif1.com # Alaska Airlines whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.aa.com aa.com # American Airlines whitelist_from_rcvd *@2flyawa.com 2flyawa.com # American West Airlines whitelist_from_rcvd *@coair.rsc01.com rgc3.net # Continental Airlines whitelist_from_rcvd reservations@courtyard.com marriott.com # Courtyard By Marriott Reservations whitelist_from_rcvd *@delta.com delta.com # Delta Airlines whitelist_from_rcvd *@elderhostel.org elderhostel.org # Elder Hostel whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.enterprise.com processrequest.com # Enterprise Rent-A-Car whitelist_from_rcvd *@fairfieldinn.com marriott.com # Fairfield Inns (Marriott) whitelist_from_rcvd *@marriott.m0.net m0.net # Marriott hotel chain whitelist_from_rcvd *@mail.southwest.com southwest.com # Southwest Airlines whitelist_from_rcvd tcy@travelocity.com sabre.com # Travelocity Reservations whitelist_from_rcvd *@usairways.com usairways.com # U.S. Airways whitelist_from_rcvd *@*.united.com united.com # United Airlines ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Not yet classified ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd idigest@rachenterprises.com roving.com # Service Industry Newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd listmanager@lists.ZATZ.com zatz.com # subscription newsletter whitelist_from_rcvd lsj@ziogiorgio.it ziogiorgio.it # LightSoundJournal.com newsletter ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Pending validation ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # ( none at this time) ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Mailing lists, where "from" is an individual, "reply to" is the list ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ whitelist_from_rcvd *@lists.osr.com osr.com # technical/programming mailing lists whitelist_from_rcvd *@lists.steinberg.net steinberg.net # technical/programming mailing lists ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Not Whitelisted ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # # The following entries are commented out, because while some systems/users consider these to be not-spam, # others consider them to be spam. # To activate these whitelists, copy them to a separate CF file or user_prefs files, and then delete the leading "#" # ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ #whitelist_from_rcvd *@mail.internetseer.com internetseer.com Website monitoring service #whitelist_from_rcvd *@pbmmenewsletters.com bellevuellc.com Primedia Business Magazines #whitelist_from_rcvd newsletter@reply.myfamilyinc.com myfamily.com Roots Web, MyFamily.com ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # Removed from the Whitelist ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # # The following entries were at one time whitelisted, but for reasons documented below, that whitelist # entry has been removed. # ################### ############################ ############################ ############################ # (none) # EOF