# SARE Spammer URI Rule Set for SpamAssassin -- Archive # Version: 01.01.00 # Created: 2004-09-13 # Modified: 2005-02-19 # Usage instructions and documentation are found in 70_sare_uri0.cf #@@# Revision History: Full Revision History stored in 70_sare_uri.log # License: Artistic - see http://www.rulesemporium.com/license.txt # Current Maintainer: Bob Menschel - uri@rulesemporium.com # Current Home: http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules/70_sare_uri_arc.cf # This file, 70_sare_uri_arc.cf, contains rules which have been archived from the primary # 70_sare_uri*.cf files. ######## ###################### ################################################## # Category: URI links identified by spammer words ######## ###################### ################################################## uri SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ /succezz/i describe SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ link contains common spammer misspelling score SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ 1.111 #stype SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ spamp #hist SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ Created by Bob Menschel May 20 2004 #counts SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ 0s/0h of 175589 corpus (98978s/76611h RM) 02/14/05 #max SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ 17s/0h of 61459 corpus (36652s/24807h RM) 08/24/04 #counts SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ 0s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #max SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ 4s/0h of 19448 corpus (16863s/2585h MY) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ 0s/0h of 44759 corpus (16528s/28231h JH-SA3.0rc1) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_SUCCEZZ 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 uri SARE_URI_MRTG /\bmrtg\b/i describe SARE_URI_MRTG body contains link to known spammer score SARE_URI_MRTG 0.083 #hist SARE_URI_MRTG Created by Bob Menschel Apr 26 2004 #counts SARE_URI_MRTG 3s/1h of 175589 corpus (98978s/76611h RM) 02/14/05 #max SARE_URI_MRTG 10s/0h of 96856 corpus (75460s/21396h RM) 05/02/04 #counts SARE_URI_MRTG 1s/1h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #max SARE_URI_MRTG 2s/1h of 44759 corpus (16528s/28231h JH-SA3.0rc1) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_MRTG 1s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_MRTG 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 ######## ###################### ################################################## # Category: URI links identified by technical attributes ######## ###################### ################################################## uri SARE_URI_AFF_DIG /\baff(?:.?id)?\d+\./i describe SARE_URI_AFF_DIG URI seems to refer to affiliate id score SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 0.389 #ham SARE_URI_AFF_DIG newage@newageinfo.com (MMI/New Age Web Works) #hist SARE_URI_AFF_DIG Created by Bob Menschel May 2 2004 #counts SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 0s/3h of 175589 corpus (98978s/76611h RM) 02/14/05 #max SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 86s/0h of 96854 corpus (75458s/21396h RM) 05/02/04 #counts SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 0s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #max SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 17s/0h of 19448 corpus (16863s/2585h MY) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 0s/0h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #max SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 4s/0h of 44759 corpus (16528s/28231h JH-SA3.0rc1) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_AFF_DIG 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 uri SARE_URI_HOUSE /\?d=3Dhouse\&a=3D|\?d=house\&a=/i # 'house' and something else, varies describe SARE_URI_HOUSE Spammer signature in URL score SARE_URI_HOUSE 0.733 #hist SARE_URI_HOUSE LW_URI_HOUSE #counts SARE_URI_HOUSE 0s/0h of 66071 corpus (40111s/25960h RM) 09/11/04 #max SARE_URI_HOUSE 9s/0h of 66947 corpus (41732s/25215h RM) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_HOUSE 0s/0h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_HOUSE 0s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #max SARE_URI_HOUSE 23s/0h of 19447 corpus (16862s/2585h MY) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_HOUSE 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 uri SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 m'http://\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:3333' describe SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 text URL points to spammer IP addr with port 3333 score SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 3.333 #stype SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 spamgg #hist SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 Created by Bob Menschel May 31 2004 #counts SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 0s/0h of 95130 corpus (59680s/35450h RM) 01/31/05 #max SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 10s/0h of 61442 corpus (36633s/24809h RM) 08/21/04 #counts SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 0s/0h of 19448 corpus (16863s/2585h MY) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 0s/0h of 44759 corpus (16528s/28231h JH-SA3.0rc1) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_IPPORT3333 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 uri SARE_URI_PORTD4 m'http://\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:(\d){4}' describe SARE_URI_PORTD4 text URL points to spammer IP addr with port d4 score SARE_URI_PORTD4 0.473 #hist SARE_URI_PORTD4 Created by Bob Menschel Aug 28 2004 #ham SARE_URI_PORTD4 Directions on logging onto web site control panel #counts SARE_URI_PORTD4 253s/14h of 175589 corpus (98978s/76611h RM) 02/14/05 #counts SARE_URI_PORTD4 15s/28h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_PORTD4 68s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_ANUMA 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 uri SARE_URI_REFID2 /\?rid(?:\x10\x30\x30|=1000)/i describe SARE_URI_REFID2 Spammer signature in URL score SARE_URI_REFID2 0.783 #hist SARE_URI_REFID2 LW_URI_RID #counts SARE_URI_REFID2 0s/0h of 70699 corpus (43133s/27566h RM) 10/02/04 #max SARE_URI_REFID2 32s/0h of 66947 corpus (41732s/25215h RM) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_REFID2 0s/0h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_REFID2 0s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #max SARE_URI_REFID2 9s/0h of 19447 corpus (16862s/2585h MY) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_REFID2 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 uri SARE_URI_REFID3 /\?id\x10\x30\x34\x35/i describe SARE_URI_REFID3 Possible spammer sign in URL score SARE_URI_REFID3 0.555 #stype SARE_URI_REFID3 spamp #hist SARE_URI_REFID3 LW_URI_ID #counts SARE_URI_REFID3 0s/0h of 66071 corpus (40111s/25960h RM) 09/11/04 #max SARE_URI_REFID3 6s/0h of 66947 corpus (41732s/25215h RM) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_REFID3 0s/0h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_REFID3 0s/0h of 19447 corpus (16862s/2585h MY) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_REFID3 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 rawbody __SARE_URI_SQUARE1 m{(?!http://http:)http://[a-z0-9/?&=%_-]{0,10}http:}i uri __SARE_URI_SQUARE2 m{(?!http://http:)http://[a-z0-9/?&=%_-]{0,10}http:}i meta SARE_URI_SQUARE __SARE_URI_SQUARE1 || __SARE_URI_SQUARE2 describe SARE_URI_SQUARE URI Square (http:// . . . http://) score SARE_URI_SQUARE 0.319 #ham SARE_URI_SQUARE See http://bugzilla.spamassassin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3858 #hist SARE_URI_SQUARE Sep 19 2004: combined two rules into one meta; added exclusion #counts SARE_URI_SQUARE 0s/0h of 95130 corpus (59680s/35450h RM) 01/31/05 #max SARE_URI_SQUARE 13s/1h of 70699 corpus (43133s/27566h RM) 10/02/04 #counts SARE_URI_SQUARE 0s/0h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_SQUARE 1s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_SQUARE 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 ######## ###################### ################################################## # Category: URI links identified by web page/file names ######## ###################### ################################################## uri SARE_URI_DIG_LET_PIC /\d\/[a-z]\.(?:gif|jpg)/ describe SARE_URI_DIG_LET_PIC Suspicious file name for graphic score SARE_URI_DIG_LET_PIC 0.264 #counts SARE_URI_DIG_LET_PIC 316s/39h of 175589 corpus (98978s/76611h RM) 02/14/05 #counts SARE_URI_DIG_LET_PIC 4s/1h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_DIG_LET_PIC 520s/3h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_DIG_LET_PIC 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 uri SARE_URI_P8 /\?[Pp]=(?:80[89]\d|810\d|a2|ace|rio)/ describe SARE_URI_P8 Spammer signature in URL score SARE_URI_P8 1.666 #hist SARE_URI_P8 From Loren, generalization of SARE_URI_P8809X #note SARE_URI_P8 p=1 and p=b show up in ham as well as spam #counts SARE_URI_P8 0s/0h of 68469 corpus (41090s/27379h RM) 09/19/04 #max SARE_URI_P8 315s/0h of 66947 corpus (41732s/25215h RM) 09/06/04 #counts SARE_URI_P8 0s/0h of 54103 corpus (16925s/37178h JH-3.01) 02/15/05 #counts SARE_URI_P8 0s/0h of 26190 corpus (22790s/3400h MY) 02/15/05 #max SARE_URI_P8 166s/0h of 19448 corpus (16863s/2585h MY) 09/18/04 #counts SARE_URI_P8 0s/0h of 682 corpus (290s/392h CRF) 02/16/05 # 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