Runlevels intro

Will Trillich

Revision History
Revision v1Unknown by TomRevised by: wdt
The HTML version
Revision v2.018 February 2001Revised by: teh
The SGML version
Revision v2.15 January 2002Revised by: rl
Fixed update-rc.d example

Table of Contents
1. Assumptions
2. Introduction
2.1. Credits
2.2. This probably needs moving out of the intro
3. Init is the granddaddy of them all
3.1. But how about the feature-sets for a "user runlevel"?
3.2. What makes init start up a login sequence?
3.3. What runlevel am I in?
3.4. Changing to a different runlevel
3.5. How do the runlevels differ?
4. Changing what a runlevel does
4.1. Create a script to start or stop a feature
4.2. Determine where it belongs in the START or STOP sequence
4.3. Install the links that call the script
4.4. Removing a feature from a runlevel
5. Need to know more?